Last Name | First Name | Year of Birth (Approx.) |
Maag | Alois | 1878 |
Maag | Andrew L. | |
Maags | Charles | |
Maahs | Henry | |
Maarckfild | Edmond | |
Maas | Eugene | |
Maas | Gerhardt | |
Maas | Paul | |
Maas aka Roberts | Robert | 1929 |
Maass | Albert | |
Maass | Louis | |
Mabeline? | Theodore | |
Mabelly | Julius | |
Mabelly | Louis | |
Mabie | Charles | 1860 |
Mabie | Charles | |
Mabie | George | 1837 |
Mabie | Harold | 1891 |
Mabie | Harry | |
Mabie | Livingston | |
Mabie | Louis | |
Mabie | Pierre | |
Mabie | Robert | 1862 |
Mabry aka “Buddy” | William | |
Maby | Vanderhoff | 1867 |
MacAdam | Audrey L. | 1912 |
MacAdam | Constance B. | 1913 |
Macagnone | Michael | 1913 |
Macaluso | Antonio | |
Macaluso | Biaggio | |
Macaluso | Sarah | |
Macarthur | John | |
Macartney | Warwick | 1901 |
Macasait | Ernest | 1934 |
MacBride | David | |
MacBride | John | |
Maccabe | Edward | |
Maccagnano | Anthony | 1911 |
Maccaroni alias Sal Rizzo | Rosario | 1912 |
Macchi | Julius | |
Macchi? | Julius | |
Macchino | Samuel aka Frank | 1897 |
Macchio | Joseph | 1891 |
Maccio | Louis | 1916 |
MacDermant | Ernest | |
MacDermant | Frederick | |
MacDonald | Arthur C. | 2022 |
MacDonald | Arvilla Knox | 1902 |
MacDonald | Bunn? | |
MacDonald | Dorothy E. | 2022 |
MacDonald | Florence H. | 2022 |
MacDonald | George | |
MacDonald | Gilbert E. | 1931 |
MacDonald | Helen | |
MacDonald | Helen Louise | 1909 |
MacDonald | Howard S. | 1930 |
Macdonald | James | |
MacDowell | Peter | 1939 |
MacDowell | Richard | 1935 |
Mace | Ada | |
Mace | Charles | 1857 |
Mace | Daniel | 1854 |
Mace | Emma A. | |
Mace | Eugene | |
Mace | George | |
Mace | Ida | |
Mace | Ida or Ada | |
Macera | Charles | 1913 |
MacFarlane | Louise | 1931 |
Macfield | William | |
Machauer | Frank, Jr. | |
Macheda | Benjamin | 1912 |
Machefsky | Charles | |
Machen | Ella | |
Machen | Everett | |
Machin | Thomas | |
Machlin | William | 1851 |
Machlin | William | |
Macholz alias West | Henry | 1900 |
MacInnes | Olive Wilson | 1890 |
Macinrow alias Mackinrow | Robert | |
MacIntoe? | George H. | |
MacIntyre | George | |
Mack | Albert | 1853 |
Mack | Albert C. | 1901 |
Mack | Annie | |
Mack | Bridget | 1854 |
Mack | Daniel | 1852 |
Mack | Daniel | 1862 |
Mack | David | |
Mack | Eliza | 1815 |
Mack | Elsworth | 1888 |
Mack | Ernest | 1868 |
Mack | Francis | 1868 |
Mack | Frederick | 1889 |
Mack | Frederick | |
Mack | George W. | 1837 |
Mack | John | 1859 |
Mack | John | 1881 |
Mack | Louis | |
Mack | Margaret Jane | |
Mack | Mary Ellen | |
Mack | Michael | 1828 |
Mack | Michael | |
Mack | Patrick | 1838 |
Mack | Patrick | 1858 |
Mack | Patrick | 1861 |
Mack | Paul | |
Mack | Teresa | 1845 |
Mack | Thomas | 1860 |
Mack | Thomas | |
Mack | William | |
Mack | William J. | |
Mack | James | 1833 |
Mack | Patrick | 1856 |
Mack aka “Shorty” | Raymond | 1919 |
Mack alias McDonnell | Thomas | |
Mack alias Morris | Thomas | |
Mack alias William Fay | John | 1862 |
Mack or McNamara | Margaret Jane | 1856 |
Mack or McNamara | Mary Ellen | 1858 |
Mackay | Donald | |
Mackay | Edward | |
Mackay | John J. | Late 1860s-mid 1870s |
Mackay | John R. B. | |
Mackay | John R. B. or R. R. | |
Mackay | Margaret | 1926 |
Mackay | Margaret | 1926 |
Mackay | Martin | |
Mackay | Robert | 1928 |
Mackay | Edward | 1857 |
Mackay | Martin | 1853 |
Macken | Michael | 1840 |
Mackenna | John | 1849 |
MacKenzie | John | |
MacKenzie | Neil, Jr. | |
MacKenzie or McKenzie | John | |
MacKenzie or McKenzie | Neil, Jr. | |
Mackey | Albertina | |
Mackey | Andrew | 1864 |
Mackey | Clarke | 1875 |
Mackey | Cyrus P. | 1887 |
Mackey | Eliza | 1827 |
Mackey | Ellen | |
Mackey | Frank | 1870 |
Mackey | Frank, Jr. | |
Mackey | George | 1824 |
Mackey | Howard Elmer | 1918 |
Mackey | Isaac | |
Mackey | Jacob | |
Mackey | James | 1833 |
Mackey | John | 1865 |
Mackey | Joseph | 1891 |
Mackey | Mary | |
Mackey | Osborn | 1865 |
Mackey | Samuel, Jr. | |
Mackey | Thomas F. | 1844 |
Mackey | Warner | 1850 |
Mackey | Warner | |
Mackey | Warner | 1850 |
Mackey | Warner | |
Mackey | William | 1872 |
Mackey (surname of foster parents) | June | 1929 |
Mackey alias McCabe | Matthew | 1894 |
Mackie | Herbert | |
Mackie | Sarah | 1822 |
Mackiewicz | Frank | 1912 |
Mackin | James | 1872 |
Mackin | John | 1820s-30s |
Mackin | John | 1855 |
Mackin | Joseph F. | 1873 |
Mackin | Mary | |
Mackin | Michael | 1841 |
Mackin | Thomas | 1869 |
Mackin | Thomas | |
Mackin | William | 1861 |
Mackin | William H. | 1878 |
Mackin | Thomas | 1852 |
Mackin alias Mackey | Simon | 1868 |
Mackinrow | Robert | |
Macklin | Ada | |
Macklin | Daniel | 1874 |
Macklin | Philip | 1890 |
Macklin | Philip | |
Macklin | William | 1854 |
Mackoff | David | |
Mackoff or Mackeff? | David | |
Mackowiak | Edward | 1900 |
MacKrell | Richard | |
Mackua | Dominick | 1893 |
MacLellan aka Geddis | Norman | 1910 |
MacLeod | Malcolm | 1885 |
Macomber | Frank | |
Macon | Robert G. L. | |
Macon | Theodora | |
Macon | William | 1883 |
Maconn | Samuel | |
Macosky | Benjamin | |
Macosky | Eli | |
Macri | Alfred | |
Macri | Carmela | |
Macri | Pasquale | 1913 |
Macrini | Orthello | |
Macy | Albert | 1857 |
Macy | Alvah | 1855 |
Macy | Alvah | |
Madalena | Antonio | |
Madalena | Domenico | |
Madalena | Dominic | |
Madan | Charles | 1855 |
Madaus | Alice | |
Madaus | Evelyn | |
Maddalone | Frank | |
Maddeaux | Charles L., Jr. | |
Maddeaux | James | |
Maddeaux | James H. | |
Madden | Ann | 1827 |
Madden | Caroline | 1855 |
Madden | Caroline | |
Madden | Cornelius | 1879 |
Madden | Daniel | 1843 |
Madden | Daniel | 1867 |
Madden | Daniel | |
Madden | Daniel D. | |
Madden | Edward | 1873 |
Madden | Elizabeth | 1820s-30s |
Madden | Frank | |
Madden | George | 1850s |
Madden | George | 1862 |
Madden | Hugh | 1854 |
Madden | James | 1848 |
Madden | James | 1847 |
Madden | James | 1858 |
Madden | James | 1861 |
Madden | James | 1865 |
Madden | James | 1870 |
Madden | James | |
Madden | James H. | 1863 |
Madden | John | 1854 |
Madden | John | 1860 |
Madden | John | 1863 |
Madden | John | 1860 |
Madden | John | 1863 |
Madden | Joseph | 1851 |
Madden | Joseph | 1883 |
Madden | Lawrence | 1881 |
Madden | Maria | |
Madden | Mary A. | 1853 |
Madden | Mary A. | 1850 |
Madden | Mary A. | |
Madden | Michael | |
Madden | Oscar | |
Madden | Patrick | 1837 |
Madden | Patrick | 1858 |
Madden | Patrick | 1885 |
Madden | Peter | 1862 |
Madden | Richard | 1900 |
Madden | Robert | |
Madden | Roscoe | |
Madden | Sarah | 1848 |
Madden | Sarah | |
Madden | Thomas | 1866 |
Madden | Thomas | 1860s |
Madden | Thomas | 1876 |
Madden | William | 1849 |
Madden | William | 1860 |
Madden | William | 1860s-early 1870s |
Madden | William J. | 1849 |
Madden alias Charles Sweeney | David | 1885 |
Madden alias James Kelly | Michael | 1867 |
Madden alias Patrick Taggart | William | 1852 |
Maddeux | Alice K. | |
Maddeux | Charles L. | |
Maddeux | James H. | |
Maddigan | John | 1865 |
Maddigan | Mary | |
Maddock | Ethel | |
Maddock | John | 1856 |
Maddock | Robert | |
Maddock | Thomas | 1857 |
Maddocks | Samuel | |
Maddocks | William | |
Madegam or Madigan? | Mary | |
Madeo | Antonio | |
Mader | Charles | |
Mader | Peter, Jr. | |
Madgwick | Arthur | |
Madigan | Dennis | 1869 |
Madigan | Ellen | |
Madigan | James | 1860s |
Madigan | James | 1866 |
Madigan | James | 1868 |
Madigan | James | 1888 |
Madigan | James | 1896 |
Madigan | Mary | |
Madigan | Michael | 1862 |
Madigan | Michael | 1863 |
Madigan | Michael | |
Madigan | Morgan | 1876 |
Madigan | Thomas | 1864 |
Madigan | Thomas | 1871 |
Madigan | Timothy | 1860 |
Madigan | William | 1883 |
Madison | Charles | |
Madison | Edward | 1863 |
Madison | Edward | 1899 |
Madison | James | |
Madison | Lawrence | 1905 |
Madison | Louis | |
Madison | Peter W. | |
Madison | William | 1880 |
Madison | Willis | 1827 |
Madison alias Mattison | Earl | 1902 |
Madonna alias Maria | Michael | 1899 |
Madriex | James H. | |
Madrix alias Charles White | James | 1898 |
Madro | Antonio | |
Madru | Albert | |
Madru | Louis | |
Madsen | Carl | |
Madsen | Carl A. | |
Madsen | Harry | 1911 |
Maechi or Macchi? | Julius | |
Maehauer | Frank, Jr. | |
Maehrlein | Catherine | |
Maehrlein | Henry | |
Maehrlein | John | |
Maerling | Benjamin | |
Maese | John | |
Maffa | Frank | 1902 |
Maffei alias Maffio | Philip | 1900 |
Maffia | Nicola | |
Maffo | Raffaele | 1888 |
Maffuscei | Michele | |
Magaldi | Emilio | |
Magalios | William | 1908 |
Magan alias McGrath | Jane | |
Magan alias McGuire | Jane | 1850 |
Magariner | Harold | |
Magean | Charles | 1857 |
Magee | Andrew | |
Magee | Clara Capitola | 1912 |
Magee | Edward | |
Magee | Frances Alice | 1918 |
Magee | George G. F. | |
Magee | George. G. F. | |
Magee | Harry | |
Magee | Isabella Betty | 1916 |
Magee | James | |
Magee | John | 1891 |
Magee | John Ernest | 1911 |
Magee | Joseph | 1823 |
Magee | Olive | 1882 |
Magee | Ruth Helen | 1917 |
Magee | Thomas | |
Magee | Valmore | 1839 |
Magee | William | 1854 |
Magee | William | |
Magenheimer | Katie | 1874 |
Mager | Charles | |
Mager | Edward | |
Mager | William | |
Mager | William, Jr. | |
Maggi | John D. | 1939 |
Maggio | Antonio | |
Maggio | Gustave | 1891 |
Maggio | Morris | 1893 |
Maggio | Thomas | |
Maggio | Thomas, Jr. | |
Maggs | Amelia | |
Maghan aka [Meays?] aka Williams | James | 1829 |
Magher | Katie | 1851 |
Magidson | Isidore | 1895 |
Magilbaran alias McLaughlin | Mike | 1864 |
Magill | Jane Eliza | 1867 |
Magill | Milton | |
Maginnis | Mary | 1853 |
Maginnis | Patrick | 1841 |
Maginsky | Isadore | 1900 |
Maginuess or Maginness? | Paul | |
Maglio | Joseph | 1917 |
Magliola | Mamie | 1913 |
Magna | Philip | 1914 |
Magner | Edward | 1881 |
Magner | Florence | |
Magner alias Wilson | Florence | |
Magnes | Edward | |
Magness | Isaac | |
Magnessen | Gustave | 1871 |
Magnet aias McKnight | Michael | 1836 |
Magnetti | Frank | |
Magnetti | Rechella | |
Magnus | Arthur | |
Magnus | Isaac | |
Magnusson | Frank W. | |
Magnusson | Gustave A. | |
Magoven | Francis | |
Magovern | Francis | |
Magrath | James | |
Magraw | Joseph J. | 1867 |
Magrese | Nicola | |
Magrino | Antony | |
Magrino | Dona | |
Magrino | Dona? | |
Magrino | Rafael | |
Magross | Raphael | 1890 |
Mags | Amelia | 1859 |
Mags | Amelia | |
Mags | Louis | 1858 |
Mags | Louis | |
Magu | Andrew | |
Maguer | Florence | |
Maguire | George | |
Maguire | John | 1874 |
Maguire | Joseph | 1882 |
Maguse | Nicola | |
Magy or Mackie alias Smith | Joseph | 1864 |
Mahady | James | 1853 |
Mahady | John | 1850 |
Mahalko alias Noholko | John | 1885 |
Mahan | Augustus | |
Mahan | James | 1827 |
Mahan | James | 1851 |
Mahan | James | 1900 |
Mahan | Michael | |
Mahan | Owen | |
Mahan | Thomas | 1850 |
Mahan | Thomas | 1852 |
Mahan | Thomas | 1901 |
Mahan | Thomas | |
Mahan | William | |
Mahan alias Mahony | Hugh | 1875 |
Mahan or Mahon | Hugh | 1850 |
Mahaney | Dennis | 1847 |
Mahaney | Dennis | |
Mahaney | Elmer | 1903 |
Mahaney | Henry | 1837 |
Mahaney | Richard E. | |
Mahanny | Bridget | 1849 |
Mahany | John | 1842 |
Mahany | Mary | 1825 |
Mahany alias Edward Mehan | John | 1835 |
Mahar | Augustus | |
Mahar | James P. | 1879 |
Mahar | John | 1851 |
Mahar | Joseph | 1867 |
Mahar | Kate | 1853 |
Mahar | Michael | 1868 |
Mahar | Robert | 1871 |
Mahar | Thomas | 1849 |
Mahar | Thomas F. | 1871 |
Mahar | William | |
Mahar | Anna | 1848 |
Mahar | John | 1853 |
Mahar or Maher | Martin | 1867 |
Mahelsky | George | |
Maher | Al. | |
Maher | Benjamin | |
Maher | Dennis | |
Maher | Edward | 1892 |
Maher | Ellen | 1848 |
Maher | Ernest | |
Maher | Frank | 1867 |
Maher | Gerald | 1881 |
Maher | James | 1836 |
Maher | James | 1860 |
Maher | John | 1856 |
Maher | John | 1853 |
Maher | John | 1858 |
Maher | John | |
Maher | Joseph | 1846 |
Maher | Joseph | |
Maher | Katie | 1888 |
Maher | Margaret | 1817 |
Maher | Margaret | 1884 |
Maher | Mary Ellen | 1839 |
Maher | Michael | 1870 |
Maher | Thomas | 1861 |
Maher | William | 1820s-30s |
Maher | William | 1820s-30s |
Maher | William | 1854 |
Maher | William | 1859 |
Maher | William | 1886 |
Maher | William H. | |
Maher alias Donnelly | John | 1857 |
Maher alias James Anderson | John | 1858 |
Maher alias Keese | Benjamin | |
Mahland | Henry | 1867 |
Mahle | Catharine | 1862 |
Mahlein | George | |
Mahler | Edward | 1871 |
Mahler | George | |
Mahler | Gustave | |
Mahler | Harry | 1881 |
Mahler | Henry | |
Mahler | John | |
Mahler | Julius | |
Mahler | Solomon | |
Mahler | William | |
Mahn | Edward L. | |
Mahn | Martha | |
Mahn | William M. | |
Mahon | Edward | 1835 |
Mahon | Hugh | 1878 |
Mahon | James | 1871 |
Mahon | Mark | 1879 |
Mahon | Martin | 1883 |
Mahon | Michael | 1872 |
Mahon | Michael | |
Mahon | Thomas | |
Mahon | Thomas | 1851 |
Mahon | Thomas | |
Mahon | William | 1867 |
Mahon | William | |
Mahon | Michael | 1853 |
Mahon | William | 1846 |
Mahon alias Murray | Mary | 1844 |
Mahon or Mehan | Francis | 1848 |
Mahone | James | |
Mahone | Samuel | 1832 |
Mahoney | Annie | 1860s |
Mahoney | Charles | 1897 |
Mahoney | Cornelius | 1866 |
Mahoney | Daniel | 1835 |
Mahoney | Daniel | 1861 |
Mahoney | Daniel | |
Mahoney | James | 1843 |
Mahoney | James | 1868 |
Mahoney | John | 1827 |
Mahoney | John | 1875 |
Mahoney | John | 1872 |
Mahoney | John | 1884 |
Mahoney | John | 1889 |
Mahoney | John | |
Mahoney | John E. | 1867 |
Mahoney | Joseph | 1915 |
Mahoney | Maggie | 1880 |
Mahoney | Margaret | 1820s-30s |
Mahoney | Mary H. | |
Mahoney | Michael | 1831 |
Mahoney | Michael | 1851 |
Mahoney | Michael | 1864 |
Mahoney | Patrick | 1873 |
Mahoney | Richard | |
Mahoney | Richard | 1849 |
Mahoney | Richard E. | 1849 |
Mahoney | Richard E. | 1848 |
Mahoney | Richard E. | |
Mahoney | Richard Edward | 1848 |
Mahoney | Richard Edward | |
Mahoney | Thomas | 1864 |
Mahoney | William | 1855 |
Mahoney | William | 1856 |
Mahoney | William | 1862 |
Mahoney | William | 1867 |
Mahoney | William | 1875 |
Mahoney alias John Fitzgerald | Michael | 1852 |
Mahoney alias McArdle | John | 1858 |
Mahony | John | |
Mahony | Mary Ann | 1820s-30s |
Mahony alias Hasbrook | John | 1849 |
Mahr | Charles | |
Mahr | George | |
Mahr | Thomas | |
Mahrlein | Catherine | |
Mahrlein | Henry | |
Mahrlein | John | |
Mahu | Edward L. | |
Mahu | William M. | |
Maier | Alfred | |
Maier | Charles | |
Maier | Herbert | 1922 |
Maier | Margaret | |
Maier | Roger | 1921 |
Maier | William | 1873 |
Maiers | Louis | |
Maiesto | Frank | 1887 |
Maikel | Heyman | |
Mailander | Julius | 1852 |
Mailander | Julius | 1852 |
Mailander | Julius | |
Maile | Adolph | 1857 |
Maimes | Thomas | 1842 |
Main | Alice Caroline | 1905 |
Main | Charles Jay | 1911 |
Main | Emma Louise | 1908 |
Maine | Cletus | 1898 |
Maines | Fanny | 1847 |
Maines | Fanny | |
Maines | Richard | 1851 |
Mains | John | 1833 |
Mair | George Sidney | |
Mairu | Salvatore | |
Maisenbacher | Donald | 1917 |
Maisto aka Maestro | Michael | 1905 |
Maithold | John | 1854 |
Maithold | John | |
Maitland | Francis A. | |
Maitland | Frank A. | |
Maitland | Frank H. | |
Majeski | Leon | 1886 |
Majir? | Jesse | |
Majka | Stanley | 1914 |
Major | Charles | 1849 |
Major | Charles | 1849 |
Major | Charles | 1849 |
Major | Charles | |
Major | Daniel, Jr. | |
Major | George Thomas | 1816 |
Major | Martin | 1860s |
Majower | Annie | 1882 |
Makafsky alias Abram Shepsey | Shepsey | |
Makafsky alias Abram Shepsy | Shepsy | |
Makarins | Antonia | |
Makarus | Anton | |
Makin | John | 1835 |
Makin | John | |
Maklary | Bertha Margaret | 1943 |
Makowski | Joseph | 1917 |
Makowski aka “Mack” | Joseph | 1912 |
Makrausky | Harry | |
Maksyniciw | Michael | 1908 |
Makuchowski | Broneslaw | 1898 |
Makychek | Walter | |
Malakofsky | Tony | |
Malalie | Philomene | |
Malalie | Rose | |
Malamadson | Abraham | 1885 |
Malaney | James | |
Malaney or Malaine or Malanie | James H. | |
Malango | William | 1890 |
Malany | James | |
Malany | Michael | 1864 |
Malchrisky | Theodore | |
Malcke | Frank | |
Malcke | Frank F. | |
Malcomb | John | 1863 |
Maleb | Ralph | 1898 |
Malenchek | Charles | 1899 |
Malet | Frederick William | 1892 |
Maletta | James | 1902 |
Malette | Mary | 1855 |
Maley | Charles | 1853 |
Maley | Charles | |
Maley | Josiah | 1813 |
Maley | Margaret | 1832 |
Malherbe | Eugene | 1853 |
Malherbe (Stepfather’s surname) | Edward | 1879 |
Mali | Antonio | |
Mali | Chechina | |
Malik | John | 1914 |
Malin | Charles, Jr. | 1882 |
Malinger | Mortimer | |
Malinowski alias Whitey | Stephen | 1914 |
Malis | Louis | 1905 |
Malitzos | James | 1917 |
Malkaen | Theresa | |
Malkin | Archibald | |
Malkin | Daniel | 1891 |
Malkin | Daniel | |
Malkin | Elias | 1886 |
Malkin alias Silverman alias Charles Goodman alias Samuel Harrisohn | Harry | 1886 |
Malkowitz | Joseph | 1885 |
Mall | Charles | |
Mall | John H. | |
Mall | John H. | |
Malla | Frank | 1889 |
Mallady | Henry | 1848 |
Mallam | James | |
Mallaney | John | |
Mallany alias Malary | Bernard | 1851 |
Mallary | Wellington | 1896 |
Mallay | Catharine | 1862 |
Mallefred | Arthur | 1883 |
Mallen | Alexander | |
Mallen | Charles | 1858 |
Mallen | Charles | |
Mallen | John H. | 1836 |
Malleo | James | |
Maller | Frank | 1887 |
Mallery | Eugene | 1860s |
Mallery | George | 1867 |
Malley | Antonio | |
Malley | James O. | 1863 |
Malley alias Thomas Mullen | James | 1859 |
Malley or Mallry | Thomas | 1853 |
Mallibard | Howard | 1886 |
Mallison | William | 1880 |
Mallon | Edward | |
Mallon | James | 1861 |
Mallon | James | |
Mallon | John | 1886 |
Mallon | Margaret | 1851 |
Mallon | Margaret | |
Mallon | Sarah | 1870 |
Mallory | George H. | 1854 |
Mallory | George H. | |
Mallory | George M. | |
Mallory | Lewis | |
Mallory | Robert | |
Mallory | Roscoe | |
Mallory | Sherman | 1850 |
Mallory | Sherman | |
Malloy | Charles | 1855 |
Malloy | Charles | |
Malloy | Edward | 1881 |
Malloy | Frederick | 1854 |
Malloy | Frederick W. | |
Malloy | George | 1875 |
Malloy | James | 1853 |
Malloy | James | 1856 |
Malloy | James | 1870 |
Malloy | James | 1865 |
Malloy | James | |
Malloy | Jane | 1814 |
Malloy | John | 1849 |
Malloy | John | 1860 |
Malloy | John | 1864 |
Malloy | John | 1872 |
Malloy | John | |
Malloy | Margaret | 1831 |
Malloy | Nicholas | 1851 |
Malloy | Nicholas | |
Malloy | Peter | 1852 |
Malloy | Robert | 1915 |
Malloy | Robert | |
Malloy | Roger | 1866 |
Malloy | Thomas | 1867 |
Malloy | William | 1856 |
Malloy | William H. | |
Malloy alias William Hennesey | Daniel J. | 1863 |
Malloy or Mallon | John | 1810 |
Malloy or Mallory | Charles J. | |
Mally | William | 1846 |
Malmros | Ernest | |
Malmros? | Ernest | |
Malnati or Malanty (stepfather’s surname) | Louis | 1895 |
Malokofsky | Tony | 1886 |
Malone | Bridget | |
Malone | Catharine | |
Malone | Christopher | 1903 |
Malone | Daniel W. | |
Malone | Dennis | 1862 |
Malone | Edward | 1930 |
Malone | Edward | 1860 |
Malone | Edward | 1862 |
Malone | Francis | 1883 |
Malone | Henry | |
Malone | James | 1837 |
Malone | James | 1820s-30s |
Malone | James | |
Malone | John | Abt. 1805-1816 |
Malone | John | 1866 |
Malone | Joseph | 1852 |
Malone | Martin | 1851 |
Malone | Martin | 1870 |
Malone | Martin | |
Malone | Mary | 1846 |
Malone | Partick | |
Malone | Patrick | 1846 |
Malone | Patrick | |
Malone | Patrick A. | 1879 |
Malone | Patrick H. | 1850 |
Malone | Peter | 1863 |
Malone | Sylvester | 1884 |
Malone | Thomas | 1886 |
Malone | William | |
Malone | Michael | 1844 |
Malone aka James Kimball | James | 1853 |
Malone alias Loyd | James M. | 1853 |
Maloney | Anna | 1852 |
Maloney | Charles | |
Maloney | Daniel | 1870 |
Maloney | Daniel W. | 1853 |
Maloney | Daniel W. | |
Maloney | Dennis | 1841 |
Maloney | Elizabeth M. | |
Maloney | Frank | 1867 |
Maloney | James | 1817 |
Maloney | James | 1856 |
Maloney | James | 1866 |
Maloney | James | 1901 |
Maloney | John | 1875 |
Maloney | John | 1883 |
Maloney | John | 1890 |
Maloney | John | |
Maloney | John W. | |
Maloney | John Wesley | 1883 |
Maloney | Katherine | 1886 |
Maloney | Margaret J. | 1860 |
Maloney | Michael | Late 1840s-mid 50s |
Maloney | Michael | 1865 |
Maloney | Michael | 1867 |
Maloney | Patrick | 1846 |
Maloney | Patrick | 1849 |
Maloney | Patrick | 1861 |
Maloney | Patrick | |
Maloney | Patrick G. | 1854 |
Maloney | Rebecca | 1882 |
Maloney | Richard | |
Maloney | Richard J. | |
Maloney | Robert | 1853 |
Maloney | Stephen | 1842 |
Maloney | William | 1884 |
Maloney | William | 1861 |
Maloney | William | 1878 |
Maloney | William | 1884 |
Maloney | William James | 1842 |
Maloney alias Mahoney | William | 1822 |
Maloney alias Malone | Albert | 1901 |
Malonio | Carmelo | 1885 |
Malony | Daniel | 1849 |
Malony | Daniel | |
Malony | Edward | 1853 |
Malony | John | |
Malony | John | |
Malony | Margaret | 1827 |
Malony | Mary Ann | 1852 |
Malony | Patrick George | 1847 |
Malony | Patrick George | |
Malony | Thomas | 1848 |
Maloof | Iskander | |
Maloof | Mary | |
Maloof | Najeeb | |
Malory | Patrick | 1857 |
Maloy | Bernard | |
Maloy | Charles | 1847 |
Maloy | Christopher | 1868 |
Maloy | David | 1837 |
Maloy | Ellen | |
Maloy | Ellen J. | |
Maloy | George W. | |
Maloy | James | |
Maloy | James H. | |
Maloy | John | 1851 |
Maloy | John | |
Maloy | Luke | |
Maloy | Margaret | 1838 |
Maloy | Matthew | |
Maloy | Michael | 1865 |
Maloy | Nicholas | 1849 |
Maloy | Thomas | 1861 |
Maloy | William | 1820s-30s |
Maloy | William | 1852 |
Maloy | William H. | 1854 |
Maloy | William H. | |
Maloy alias [Jelico?] | Thomas | 1839 |
Maloy alias James O’Hearn | John | 1828 |
Maloy or Macoy? | James H. | |
Maloy or Molloy | Edmund H. | |
Malpass | James | |
Malpedi | Antoni | |
Malpedi | Joseph | |
Malsch | Frank | |
Malsch | Otto | 1877 |
Malsky | William | |
Malt alias John Maguire | Joseph | 1897 |
Maltaredo | Frank | |
Maltby | Mary | 1820s-30s |
Malter | Jacob | |
Malthopp | Charles H. | |
Malthopp | William R. | |
Malthorp | Charles H. | |
Malthorp | William R. | |
Maltman | William | 1824 |
Maltopp | Charles H. | 1856 |
Maltopp | William R. | 1853 |
Malvaney | Bernard | 1850 |
Malverti | Eugene | 1903 |
Malvin | Harriet | 1848 |
Malvin | Harriet | |
Mamala | Angelina | |
Mamala | Nicolo | |
Mambreda | Isabella | |
Mamot | Solomon | 1906 |
Mamsinella | Annie | |
Manafro | Thomas | 1899 |
Managgia | Joseph | 1892 |
Manahan | Eliza | |
Manahan | Eliza | 1849 |
Manar or Manas? | Martin | |
Manarino | William | 1910 |
Manasian | Josefah | |
Manassowitz | Louis | 1891 |
Mancell | John | |
Manchel | Abraham | |
Manchel | Max | |
Manchester | Albert | 1881 |
Manchester | Arthur | |
Manchester | Howard | 1893 |
Manchini | Charles | |
Manchini [or Manchmi?] | John | 1859 |
Manchisa | Petro alias Patsy | 1900 |
Mancinelli | Raymond | 1915 |
Mancini | Albert | 1902 |
Mancini | Alfred | |
Mancini | Gennaro | |
Mancini | Louis | |
Mancusi | Leonard | 1905 |
Mancuso | Salvatore | 1895 |
Mandarino | Albert | 1909 |
Mandel | Abraham | 1887 |
Mandel | Abraham | |
Mandel | Gustave | |
Mandel | Henry | |
Mandel | Hyman | |
Mandel | Lippman | 1872 |
Mandel | Martin | |
Mandelbaum | Charles | 1897 |
Mandelbaum | Moses | |
Mandelberg | Gussie | 1891 |
Mandelblatt | Philip | |
Mandelblot | Louis | |
Mandelkem | George | 1890 |
Mandell | Abraham | |
Mandell | Edward | |
Mandell | George | |
Mandelson | Julius | 1887 |
Mandelstein | Sam | 1896 |
Mandenlle [?] alias Emanuel | Charles H. | 1831 |
Mander | Elizabeth | 1837 |
Mander | Jane | 1839 |
Mander | Mary Hannah aka Hannah | 1846 |
Mandera | Gaetano | 1893 |
Manders | Harry | 1872 |
Manderville | Lemuel N. W. | 1821 |
Mandery | John | 1879 |
Mandeville | William | 1830 |
Mandi | James | 1880 |
Mandlebaun | Hyman | |
Mandley | John | 1865 |
Mando | Howard | 1857 |
Mando | Vincent | 1916 |
Manella | Teresa | |
Maner | Henry | |
Manes | Arthur | 1855 |
Manes or Mankeo? | William | |
Manescalco | Joseph | 1893 |
Maney | John | 1862 |
Maney alias Jimmy McCarthy | Edward | 1918 |
Manfro | John | |
Mang or Mong? | Peter | |
Mangan | Bridget | 1842 |
Mangan | Daniel | 1837 |
Mangan | Eliza | 1851 |
Mangan | Frank | 1860s |
Mangan | Jeremiah | 1852 |
Mangan | John | 1837 |
Mangan | John | 1853 |
Mangan | Patrick | 1860 |
Mangan aka Manglen | James | 1857 |
Mangano | Domenico | |
Mangano | Giuseppe | |
Mangano | Josepa | |
Mangeiro | Alphonso | 1904 |
Mangel | Charles | 1871 |
Mangel | Frederick | 1871 |
Mangello | Louis | 1890 |
Mangells | Albert | |
Mangels | Henry | |
Mangeni | John | 1874 |
Mangernson | Andrew | |
Mangin | John | 1870 |
Mangin | John Francis | 1871 |
Mangine | Rosie | 1883 |
Mangini | Pietro | 1881 |
Mangione | John | |
Mangione | Mary | |
Mangione | Philip | |
Mangione aka “Needle Nose” | Salvatore | 1916 |
Mangle | Henry | |
Mangle or Maugle | Henry | 1852 |
Mangle or Maugle | Henry | |
Mangles | Henry | 1852 |
Mangles alias August Horn | Edgar | |
Mangogna | Marie | |
Mangogna | Pietro | |
Mangogna | Vincent | 1915 |
Mangold | Herman | |
Mangold | Herman, Jr. | |
Mangone | Carmela | |
Mangone | Rosa | |
Mangone | Vito | 1899 |
Mangravite | Michael | 1898 |
Mangun | Catherine | |
Mangunson | Andrew | |
Mangusson | Nicholas | |
Manhattan | Margaret | 1848 |
Manheimer | Dora | |
Manheimer | Harry | 1882 |
Manheimer | Josephine | |
Manheimer | Moses | |
Manhein | Frank | |
Manhein | Henry | |
Manhein | Walter | |
Manieri | Louis | 1894 |
Manikow alias Litzky | Harry | 1895 |
Maniloff | Benjamin | 1886 |
Manion | James | 1882 |
Manion | John | 1842 |
Manion aka Skelly | Patrick | 1860 |
Manion alias William Denair | Joseph | |
Manipole | James | |
Maniscalco | Tony | 1906 |
Mankel | Henry | |
Manle or Maule? | Matilda | |
Manle or Maule? | William | |
Manley | Andrew | 1844 |
Manley | Arthur | 1898 |
Manley | Henry | 1845 |
Manley | Jacob | 1851 |
Manley | Jacob | |
Manley | John F. | |
Manley | John F. | |
Manley | John T. | |
Manley | Joseph | 1883 |
Manley | Joseph | 1902 |
Manley | Joseph | |
Manlin | Valentine | 1846 |
Manlin | Valentine | |
Manlon or Manton | James | 1860s |
Manly | Arthur | |
Manly | John | 1852 |
Manly | John | |
Mann | Albert | 1860 |
Mann | Alma aka Alice | 1923 |
Mann | Andrew | 1888 |
Mann | Charles | 1852 |
Mann | Chester A. | |
Mann | Edward | 1866 |
Mann | Frank | 1869 |
Mann | George | 1861 |
Mann | John | 1875 |
Mann | Joseph | 1907 |
Mann | Louisa | 1840 |
Mann | Maud | 1880 |
Mann | Nicholas C. | 1886 |
Mann | Oscar | 1891 |
Mann | Patrick | 1850 |
Mann | Patrick | |
Mann | Stephen | 1855 |
Mann | Christopher | 1843 |
Mann | Eugene | 1891 |
Mann | Patrick | 1850 |
Mann alias Connors | John | 1855 |
Mann alias George Housmeyer | Paul | 1884 |
Manneback | Charles | 1896 |
Mannenritter alias Ritter | James | 1901 |
Manners | George | 1916 |
Manney | James | 1849 |
Mannigan | John | 1833 |
Mannina | Fortunata | |
Mannina | Salvatore | |
Manning | Adalaia A. | 1855 |
Manning | Adalaia A. | |
Manning | Adalaid A. | 1855 |
Manning | Adalaid A. | |
Manning | Adaline A. | |
Manning | Adelaide | |
Manning | Arnold | |
Manning | Benjamin | |
Manning | Bernice | 1921 |
Manning | Catharine | 1829 |
Manning | Eliza | 1850 |
Manning | Ellis | 1903 |
Manning | Francis | 1837 |
Manning | Frank | 1908 |
Manning | Frederick | 1872 |
Manning | Frederick B. | |
Manning | Harold | 1903 |
Manning | Harriet | 1825 |
Manning | Harry | 1928 |
Manning | James | 1833 |
Manning | James | 1860s-early 1870s |
Manning | James F. | 1853 |
Manning | James F. | |
Manning | John | 1835 |
Manning | John | 1843 |
Manning | John | 1854 |
Manning | John | 1868 |
Manning | John | 1916 |
Manning | John | |
Manning | Mary E. | 1851 |
Manning | Michael | 1840 |
Manning | Michael | 1850 |
Manning | Patrick | 1841 |
Manning | Richard F. | 1923 |
Manning | Shirley | 1925 |
Manning | Walter | |
Manning | Walter M. | 1848 |
Manning | Walter M. | |
Manning | William | 1825 |
Manning | William | 1840 |
Manning | William | 1852 |
Manning | William | 1858 |
Manning | William | 1874 |
Manning | William | |
Manning alias Nancy Moinahan | Ann | 1835 |
Mannion | Edward | 1890 |
Mannion | John | 1867 |
Mannion | Michael | 1885 |
Mannis | Isaac | |
Mannis | Jacob | |
Mannix | James | 1870 |
Manny | Owen | 1841 |
Manolio alias Manilo | Albert | 1910 |
Manrelln | Frederick | |
Mansbridge | Stephen | 1865 |
Manse | Joseph | 1853 |
Mansell | Albert | |
Mansell | Walter | |
Mansevitch | Max | 1878 |
Mansfield | Edward | |
Mansfield | Ella | 1856 |
Mansfield | Henry | |
Mansfield | Isaac T. | |
Mansfield | James | 1810 |
Mansfield | Michael | 1848 |
Mansfield | Michael | 1849 |
Mansfield | Michael | |
Mansfield | William | |
Manshine | John | 1860 |
Mansion | Jeremie | 1823 |
Manson | Wellington “Bud” | 1916 |
Manson alias Jack Ballister alias Albert James alias John Carver alias John Clancy | John | 1916 |
Mantel | Joseph | |
Mantell | Richard Rodney | 1919 |
Mantell | Robin Bruce | 1918 |
Mantell | Virginia Fisher | 1913 |
Mantline | William J. | 1837 |
Manton | Herbert | |
Manton | William | |
Mantrimone | Peter | |
Mantz | Henry | |
Mantz | Jacob | |
Manuel | Adolph | |
Manuel | William | 1838 |
Manuel alias Charles Brown | Hercules | 1885 |
Manuel or Mannel | Annie | 1844 |
Manulo | Louis | |
Manus | Joseph | |
Manus | Joseph | 1851 |
Manus alias John Willis | Philip | 1888 |
Manwaring | John Augustus | 1810 |
Manwell | James | 1840 |
Many | John | 1856 |
Manz | James | 1903 |
Manzanello | Anthony | 1916 |
Manzer | Harland B. | 1912 |
Maoney | Richard | |
Mapes | Raymond Edward | 1905 |
Maphet alias McCarthy | George | 1899 |
Maquire or McGuire | Robert | 1903 |
Mara | Margaret | 1851 |
Marabetto or Marabetti | Gondolfo | 1907 |
Maralese | Vito | 1915 |
Marangiola | Oreste | |
Maraniolo | Oreste | |
Marast | Henry | |
Marastino | Martin | 1900 |
Marbach | Carl, Jr. | |
Marbach alias Jack Cohen | Louis | 1917 |
Marcantonio | Frank | 1903 |
Marcdau | Emily | |
Marcear | Emily | |
Marceau | Emily | |
Marcella | Frank | 1905 |
Marcella | Grace | 1919 |
Marcella | Theresa | 1921 |
Marcelles | Peter | 1860 |
Marcelles or Marcellus | Peter | 1860 |
Marcellus | Edward F. | |
Marcellus | John | 1866 |
Marcellus | John S. | |
Marcellus | John S. | |
March | James | 1854 |
March | James | |
March | Lawrence | 1849 |
Marchesano | Tony | 2591 |
Marchese | Paul | |
Marchese | Peter G. | |
Marchese | Peter Gasper | |
Marchesi | Charles | 1917 |
Marchesi | Frank | 1898 |
Marchetta | Antonio | |
Marchetta | Nicolino | |
Marchiana | Amolio | |
Marchiana | Oscar | |
Marchiano | Triano | |
Marchin | Joseph | 1898 |
Marchio | Frank | 1913 |
Marchisana | Rachela | |
Marchise | Francisco | |
Marchment | Caroline | 1840 |
Marcian? | Emily | |
Marciana | Antonietta | |
Marciani | Antoinetta | |
Marciani | Antoinietta | |
Marciani | Antonietta | |
Marciani or Marciana | Antonietta | |
Marcigliano | Giochino aka Jack | 1901 |
Marcinkowski | Adolph | 1915 |
Marcinkowski | Edward | 1899 |
Marckfield | Edmund | |
Marco | Edmund | |
Marco alias Moskowitz | Alexander | 1896 |
Marcoccio | Anthony | 1916 |
Marcott | William H. | |
Marcott or Marcolt | William H. | |
Marcoux | Roamy | 1878 |
Marcus | Abraham | |
Marcus | Abraham | |
Marcus | Benjamin | 1903 |
Marcus | Bernard | |
Marcus | Custer | |
Marcus | Eugene | 1914 |
Marcus | Henry | 1861 |
Marcus | John | 1908 |
Marcus | Matilda | |
Marcus | Michael | 1885 |
Marcus | Nathan | 1893 |
Marcus | Nathan | 1894 |
Marcus | Philip | 1886 |
Marcusek | Albert | 1870 |
Marcy | Caroline | |
Marcy alias Edward Davis | Lothrop | |
Marder | Harry | 1901 |
Marder | Nathan | 1908 |
Mardi | Chicio | |
Mardi | Peppino | |
Marella | Prospera | 1900 |
Marello | John | 1914 |
Maren | James | 1867 |
Marena | Mary Julia | |
Marenda | John | |
Marenda | Joseph | |
Maresca | Angelina | |
Maresca | Edward | |
Maresca | Lillie | |
Maresch | Frederick | 1903 |
Margagliano | Congetta | |
Margagliano | Francesco | |
Marganella | Irene A. | 1937 |
Marganella | Richard | 1938 |
Margary | Frank | |
Margolf | Emil | 1899 |
Margolf | Frederick | 1900 |
Margolf | Marie | 1895 |
Margolies | Alexander | 1887 |
Margolies | Alexander | |
Margolis | Hyman | 1903 |
Margolis | Louis | |
Margolis | William | |
Margot | Tony | |
Marguet | Louis | |
Marguet | Martha | |
Marhinake | Kate | |
Marhinake | Katie | |
Marhinake | Louis | |
Marhold | Augustus | 1858 |
Marian | Andrew | 1852 |
Marianaccio | Rocco | |
Mariano | Amelia | |
Mariano | Giuseppe | |
Mariano | Josephine | |
Mariano | Louis | 1900 |
Mariano | Mary | |
Mariano | Michele | |
Mariano | Philomena | |
Marienthal | Donald Carle | 1936 |
Marienthal | Richard W. | 1933 |
Marietta | Philip | 1899 |
Marin | Amaury | 1933 |
Marin | Ralph | 1887 |
Marina | Jennie | |
Marina | Peppina | |
Marinaro | Daniel | 1908 |
Marinaro | Joseph | 1898 |
Marinaro | Joseph | 1898 |
Marinco | Joseph | 1883 |
Marine? | John | |
Marinelli | Salvatore | 1916 |
Maring | Paul | |
Marino | Amelia | |
Marino | August | |
Marino | Congetta | |
Marino | Dominick | |
Marino | Elio | |
Marino | Frank | 1886 |
Marino | Frank | |
Marino | Giuseppe | |
Marino | John | |
Marino | Miguel | |
Marino | Nicolo | 1887 |
Marino | Orlando | 1907 |
Marino | Peter | 1896 |
Marino | Rosie | |
Marino | Stephen | |
Marino | Tony | |
Marino | Vincenzo | |
Marino alias Manzino | Frank | 1916 |
Marino alias Marone | Frank | 1897 |
Marion | Giuseppe | |
Marion | Jasper | |
Marion | Jeremiah | 1857 |
Marion | Lafayette | |
Marion | Mary | |
Marion | Mary F. | |
Marion | William | 1894 |
Marion | William | |
Marion alias Martin | Charles | 1870 |
Marionette | Frank | |
Mariotti | Eunice | |
Mariotti | Julia | |
Marious aka Preston | Fred | 1910 |
Marisca | Benjamin | |
Marisca | Louis | |
Marisca | Nicholas | |
Maritas | Theodore | 1935 |
Marizzone alias Mariani | Louis | 1896 |
Mark | Charles | 1877 |
Mark | Frederick | 1882 |
Mark | Henry | 1877 |
Mark | Samuel | 1888 |
Mark | William | 1881 |
Markcherwan? | Lizzie | |
Markcherwan? | Rosa | |
Markchewan | Lizzie | |
Markchewan | Rosa | |
Markel | Heyman | |
Markel | William | 1902 |
Markell | Randall G. | 1915 |
Markell | Roland A. | 1914 |
Marken | Benjamin | 1915 |
Markers | Bernard | |
Markewich | Benjamin | 1898 |
Markewitz | Michael | 1909 |
Markey | Barnard | 1818 |
Markey | Bernard | 1845 |
Markey | James | 1849 |
Markey | Jane | |
Markey | John | 1851 |
Markey | John | 1859 |
Markey | John | |
Markey | Joseph | |
Markey | Margaret | |
Markey | William | 1852 |
Markey | William | |
Markey | William F. | 1853 |
Markey | William F. | |
Markey, Markay, or Mackie | William F. | |
Markfield | Edward | 1852 |
Markham | Francis | 1844 |
Markheim | William | |
Markie | Christopher | 1849 |
Markiewicz | Joseph | 1909 |
Markins | Henry | |
Markle | Albert A. | 1883 |
Markle | Joseph | 1875 |
Markle | Lawrence | 1890 |
Markmers | Harry | |
Markmman | Morris | |
Markow | Herman | 1895 |
Markow | John | 1916 |
Markowicz | Frank | 1906 |
Markowitz | Lizzie | |
Markowitz | Louis | 1898 |
Markowitz | Mary | |
Markowitz | Meyer | 1883 |
Markowitz | Philip | |
Markowitz | William | |
Markowski | George | |
Marks | Abraham | 1892 |
Marks | Adam | |
Marks | Adoran? | |
Marks | Andrew | |
Marks | Arthur | |
Marks | Benjamin | 1849 |
Marks | Charles H. | 1860s |
Marks | David | 1872 |
Marks | David | |
Marks | Ephraim | |
Marks | Florence | |
Marks | Frank | 1873 |
Marks | George | |
Marks | George W. | 1852 |
Marks | George W. | |
Marks | George W. | 1851 |
Marks | Harris | |
Marks | Harry | |
Marks | Henry | 1853 |
Marks | Henry | |
Marks | Heyman | |
Marks | Isaac | 1878 |
Marks | Isaac | |
Marks | Jacob | 1847 |
Marks | Jacob | 1846 |
Marks | Jacob | 1862 |
Marks | Jacob | 1869 |
Marks | Jacob | 1873 |
Marks | Jacob | |
Marks | John | |
Marks | Joseph | 1854 |
Marks | Joseph | 1849 |
Marks | Joseph | |
Marks | Joseph H. | |
Marks | Levi | 1853 |
Marks | Lewis | 1860 |
Marks | Lewis | |
Marks | Louis | |
Marks | Michael | |
Marks | Myer | 1862 |
Marks | Nathan | 1867 |
Marks | Samuel | 1887 |
Marks | Samuel | |
Marks | Theodore | 1890 |
Marks | William | 1910 |
Marks | Joseph | 1882 |
Marks alias Martin | Harry | 1874 |
Marks or Marks Joseph | Joseph | 1839 |
Markson | Moses | 1862 |
Marksville | Samuel | 1855 |
Markuls | Jacob, Jr. | |
Markuls | Lillie | |
Markuls | Louis | |
Markus | Bernard | |
Markus | Henry | |
Marlan | Leonard | 1874 |
Marley | Bridget | 1857 |
Marley | Charles | 1852 |
Marley | Michael | 1858 |
Marley | Mary | 1847 |
Marlon | Albert | |
Marlor | Albert | |
Marlow | Anne | 1845 |
Marlow | Thomas | 1898 |
Marnnicke | Laurie | |
Marno aka Marmo | John | 1884 |
Marofsky | Harry | 1890 |
Marofsky | Harry | |
Marom | Franklin | |
Maroney | Adelia | 1852 |
Maroney | Daniel | 1912 |
Maroney | Edward | |
Maroney | Frank | |
Maroney | James | |
Maroney | John | 1851 |
Maroney | John | 1860s |
Maroney | John | |
Maroney | William | |
Marooney | James | 1852 |
Marorello | John | 1899 |
Maross aka Morris | Harry | 1883 |
Marotto | Joseph | 1900 |
Marowitch | Constantine | 1866 |
Marquard | Charles | |
Marquard | Engelbert | |
Marquard | Englebert | |
Marquard | Fred | |
Marquard | Frederick | |
Marquard | Gotilet | |
Marquard | Gottileb | |
Marquard or Marquardt? | Charles | |
Marquard or Marquardt? | Emil | |
Marquard or Marquardt? | William | |
Marquardt | Charles | |
Marquardt | Emil | |
Marquardt | Frederick | 1881 |
Marquardt | John | |
Marquardt | Margaret | |
Marquardt | William | |
Marquarte | John | |
Marquez | Reinaldo | 1934 |
Marr | Anna | 1884 |
Marr | Ellen | 1841 |
Marr | Francis Joseph | 1886 |
Marr | Jeremiah | 1820s-30s |
Marr | John C. | |
Marr | John Charles | |
Marr | Margaret Jane | 1883 |
Marr | Michael | 1850 |
Marr | Michael | 1847 |
Marr | Michael | |
Marr | Peter | |
Marr | Walter | 1822 |
Marr alias Maher | Peter | 1857 |
Marra | Anthony Ralph | 1937 |
Marra | Ruth | 1930 |
Marran | John | 1848 |
Marrato | Ralph | |
Marren | John E. | 1837 |
Marren | Julia Ann | 1846 |
Marren | Margaret | 1837 |
Marrenner | Albert | |
Marrenner | Walter | |
Marrin | Arthur | 1850 |
Marrin | Arthur | |
Marrin | John | 1820s-30s |
Marriner | James | 1842 |
Marriner or Massiner | Robert | 1843 |
Marriner or Massiner | William | 1842 |
Marrion | James | 1860 |
Marriott | Kenneth | |
Marrishow | Alfred | |
Marrneg? | Frank | |
Marro | Nicholas | 1914 |
Marron | Edward | |
Marrone | Antonio | 1896 |
Marrone | Joseph | 1898 |
Marrow | John | |
Marrow | Michael | 1838 |
Marrow alias Maher | William | 1861 |
Mars | William | 1866 |
Marsa | John | |
Marsac aka “Bummie” | Raymond | 1917 |
Marsacano | Joseph | 1890 |
Marsala | Philip | |
Marsand | August | |
Marsand | Emile | |
Marsand | Paul | |
Marsand or Marsaud? | August | |
Marsand or Marsaud? | Paul | |
Marsaud | Emile | |
Marsch | Henry | |
Marsden | James | 1882 |
Marsden | John | 1865 |
Marselino | Louis | 1914 |
Marsett | William | |
Marsey alias Edward Davis | Lothrop | |
Marsh | Abigail | 1818 |
Marsh | Albert | 1825 |
Marsh | Albert Ernest, Jr. | 1933 |
Marsh | Albert F. | 1867 |
Marsh | Albert F. | |
Marsh | Albert T. | |
Marsh | Charles | 1880 |
Marsh | Daniel | 1817 |
Marsh | Edward | |
Marsh | George E. | |
Marsh | Gordon | 1916 |
Marsh | James P. | |
Marsh | Rafael | |
Marsh | Robert, Jr. | |
Marsh | Charles | 1911 |
Marsh (alias surname) | Kate | 1858 |
Marshal | Nicholas | 1851 |
Marshal alias Marehand | Eugene | 1860 |
Marshall | Alexander | 1852 |
Marshall | Alexander | |
Marshall | Alonzo | 1842 |
Marshall | Annie Emma | 1858 |
Marshall | Anthony | |
Marshall | Anthony | |
Marshall | Augustus | |
Marshall | Catharine | |
Marshall | Catherine | |
Marshall | Clarence | |
Marshall | Easton | |
Marshall | Edward | 1860 |
Marshall | Edward A. | |
Marshall | Emily | |
Marshall | Emma J. | 1863 |
Marshall | Floyd | |
Marshall | Frank | 1852 |
Marshall | Frank | 1867 |
Marshall | Frank | |
Marshall | Gabrielle | |
Marshall | George | 1898 |
Marshall | George | |
Marshall | Gordon | |
Marshall | Henry | 1853 |
Marshall | James | 1831 |
Marshall | James | Abt. 1825-1831 |
Marshall | James | 1852 |
Marshall | Jeanette | |
Marshall | Jesse | |
Marshall | John | 1819 |
Marshall | John | 1827 |
Marshall | John | |
Marshall | John R. | |
Marshall | Joseph | |
Marshall | Lionel | 1919 |
Marshall | Luke | |
Marshall | Margaret | |
Marshall | Robert | 1868 |
Marshall | Samuel | 1824 |
Marshall | Wenzel | 1867 |
Marshall | William | 1839 |
Marshall | William | 1859 |
Marshall | William | 1880 |
Marshall | William | 1914 |
Marshall | William | |
Marshall | William A. | 1882 |
Marshall aka “Cheezie” aka “Tiny” aka “Rat” | Charles | 1917 |
Marshall alias James Sanford | Augustus | 1852 |
Marshall alias John [Madny?] | William | 1852 |
Marshall alias Marcy | Amos | 1903 |
Marshall alias Slaughter alias Roach | Albert | 1913 |
Marshman | Edward | 1891 |
Marsland alias Henry | Stephen | 1833 |
Marson | Frank | |
Marson | Ralph | |
Marson alias Marcy alias Mercer | Alexander Nelson | 1900 |
Marston | John | |
Marta | John | 1823 |
Martarollo | Louis | 1897 |
Martelet | Mary | |
Martelet alias Boden | Mary | 1853 |
Martella | Louis | 1899 |
Martelli | Frank | |
Martello | Angelo | |
Marten | Charles | |
Marten | Edward, Jr. | |
Marten | Frances | |
Marten | Michael | |
Marten? | Henry | |
Martena | William | 1845 |
Martenet | Joseph | |
Martens | George | |
Martens | Harvey | |
Martens | Henry | |
Martens | Herman | |
Martens | John | |
Martens | John | |
Martens | Martinus | |
Martens | Mary | |
Martens aka Montens | Raymond | 1917 |
Marter | Frederick | 1844 |
Martha | Mary Ann | 1855 |
Marthens | Ida | |
Martheus | Bertha | |
Martheus | Frederick W. | |
Martheus | George | |
Martin | Adolphus | |
Martin | Albert | 1903 |
Martin | Albert | 1905 |
Martin | Albert | |
Martin | Alida | 1847 |
Martin | Anastatia or Anastasia V. | 1853 |
Martin | Andrew | 1849 |
Martin | Andrew | |
Martin | Ann | 1842 |
Martin | Anna | 1860 |
Martin | Anthony | 1844 |
Martin | August | 1869 |
Martin | Bridget | 1851 |
Martin | Carrie Alma | 1901 |
Martin | Charles | 1861 |
Martin | Charles | 1882 |
Martin | Charles | |
Martin | Charles P. | |
Martin | Charles R. | 1849 |
Martin | Charles R. | |
Martin | Clifford | 1909 |
Martin | Clifford | |
Martin | Cornelius | 1867 |
Martin | Cornelius, Jr. | |
Martin | Cosworth | 1811 |
Martin | David | 1836 |
Martin | David | 1869 |
Martin | David | 1878 |
Martin | David | |
Martin | Dennis | 1851 |
Martin | Derrick | 1851 |
Martin | Earl | |
Martin | Edgar | |
Martin | Edward | 1846 |
Martin | Edward | 1856 |
Martin | Edward | 1865 |
Martin | Edward | 1883 |
Martin | Edward | |
Martin | Elizabeth | |
Martin | Ellen | 1827 |
Martin | Ellen | 1846 |
Martin | Ellen | 1849 |
Martin | Ellen | |
Martin | Emanuel | 1917 |
Martin | Ernest | |
Martin | Eugene | |
Martin | Frances A. | 1845 |
Martin | Francis | |
Martin | Francis | 1827 |
Martin | Frank | 1870 |
Martin | Frank | 1879 |
Martin | Frank | 1917 |
Martin | Frank | |
Martin | Fred | 1929 |
Martin | Frederick | |
Martin | George | 1827 |
Martin | George | 1871 |
Martin | George | 1873 |
Martin | George C. B. | |
Martin | Gerard | 1902 |
Martin | Gilbert M. | 1838 |
Martin | Grover | 1913 |
Martin | Hamilton | |
Martin | Harry | |
Martin | Henrietta | 1817 |
Martin | Henry | 1867 |
Martin | Henry | |
Martin | Ida L. | |
Martin | James | 1850 |
Martin | James | 1850 |
Martin | James | 1849 |
Martin | James | 1828 |
Martin | James | 1834 |
Martin | James | 1839 |
Martin | James | 1845 |
Martin | James | 1851 |
Martin | James | 1859 |
Martin | James | 1859 |
Martin | James | 1883 |
Martin | James | |
Martin | Jane | 1812 |
Martin | John | 1850 |
Martin | John | 1823 |
Martin | John | 1832 |
Martin | John | 1864 |
Martin | John | 1863 |
Martin | John | 1888 |
Martin | John | |
Martin | John F. | |
Martin | John H. | 1847 |
Martin | John H. | 1850 |
Martin | Joseph | 1885 |
Martin | Joseph | 1889 |
Martin | Joseph | |
Martin | Larkland | 1917 |
Martin | Leonard | |
Martin | Louisa | 1848 |
Martin | Margaret | 1850 |
Martin | Martinus | |
Martin | Mary | 1867 |
Martin | Mary E. | |
Martin | Mary J. | 1856 |
Martin | Mary S. | 1860 |
Martin | Michael | 1849 |
Martin | Michael | 1851 |
Martin | Michael | 1852 |
Martin | Michael | 1881 |
Martin | Michael | 1897 |
Martin | Michael | |
Martin | Minnie | |
Martin | Nellie | |
Martin | Patrick | 1846 |
Martin | Patrick | |
Martin | Peter | 1849 |
Martin | Peter | |
Martin | Ray | 1897 |
Martin | Richard | 1837 |
Martin | Richard | 1849 |
Martin | Robert | 1847 |
Martin | Robert | 1882 |
Martin | Robert | |
Martin | Teresa | 1888 |
Martin | Terrence | 1876 |
Martin | Theodore | 1835 |
Martin | Thomas | 1833 |
Martin | Thomas | 1854 |
Martin | Thomas | 1852 |
Martin | Thomas | 1861 |
Martin | Thomas | 1867 |
Martin | Thomas | |
Martin | Thomas A. | 1863 |
Martin | Thomas, Jr. | |
Martin | William | 1849 |
Martin | William | 1861 |
Martin | William | 1861 |
Martin | William | 1869 |
Martin | William | 1870 |
Martin | William | 1901 |
Martin | William | 1916 |
Martin | William | |
Martin | William E. | |
Martin | William G. | 1866 |
Martin | William H. L. | 1870 |
Martin | William H., Jr. | |
Martin | William M. | |
Martin | Wilmer | 1910 |
Martin | Patrick | 1853 |
Martin | James | 1850 |
Martin | Maria | 1842 |
Martin | Anthony | 1900 |
Martin | Harold | 1887 |
Martin | William | 1855 |
Martin aka “Scotty” | Patrick | 1915 |
Martin alias Belloma | Albert | 1917 |
Martin alias Cassidy | Edward | 1842 |
Martin alias Culchion | Stephen | |
Martin alias John Brown | George | 1886 |
Martin alias Joseph Shea | John | 1868 |
Martin alias Lester Bush | Joseph | 1898 |
Martin alias Marley | William | 1850 |
Martin alias Marley | William | |
Martina | Louis | 1905 |
Martindale | Marietta | 1866 |
Martindale | Sarah J. | 1847 |
Martine | Eliza | 1820 |
Martine | Majorie | 1885 |
Martinek | Edward | 1911 |
Martinelli aka Arture | Robert | 1935 |
Martinelli aka Arturi | Robert | 1935 |
Martinet | Caroline | 1842 |
Martinet | Charles | 1848 |
Martinet | Charles | 1849 |
Martinet | Charles | |
Martinet | Emile | 1854 |
Martinez | Alfred | 1869 |
Martinez | Alfred | |
Martinez | Emanuel | |
Martinez | Gertrude | |
Martinez | John | |
Martinez | Joseph | |
Martinez | Manuel | 1931 |
Martinez | Robert J. | 1933 |
Martini | John | 1900 |
Martini | Peter | 1868 |
Martinick | Benjamin | |
Martinides alias Firpo alias Checker | John | 1916 |
Martino | Charles | |
Martino | Joseph | 1904 |
Martins | Ferdinand | |
Martins | George | |
Martins | Martinus | |
Martins [or Murlins?] | Charles | 1866 |
Martish | Stephen | 1899 |
Marton | David | 1896 |
Martone | Andrew | 1902 |
Martone | James | 1899 |
Martone | Louis | 1908 |
Martorana | Frank | 1913 |
Martorano | Michael | 1909 |
Marttim | Peter, Jr. | |
Martuscello [?] | William | 1901 |
Martz | John | 1863 |
Marum | John | 1831 |
Maruszewski | Frank | 1902 |
Marvais | Louis | 1911 |
Marvel | William H. | 1881 |
Marville | Conrad | 1916 |
Marvin | Arthur | |
Marvin | Carrie | 1865 |
Marvin | Elizabeth | 1859 |
Marvin | Franklin | |
Marvin | Joseph | 1823 |
Marvin | William | 1867 |
Marvin | William | 1870 |
Marvine | Mary E. | 1820s-30s |
Marx | Charles | 1909 |
Marx | George | |
Marx | Leon | |
Marx | Minnie | |
Maryo alias Gordon | Joseph M. | 1901 |
Marzillier | William | |
Marziotta alias Pucci | Richard | 1914 |
Marzos | Joseph | 1897 |
Marzullo | Louis | |
Mascarello alias Ludy | Frank | |
Mascato | Giusseppe | |
Mascolo | Carmine | |
Mascott | William H. | |
Mascowitz | Max | |
Mase | Benny | 1884 |
Masel | Antonio | |
Masel | Michele | |
Maseline | Theodore | 1851 |
Maseline | Theodore | |
Masella | James | |
Maselli | Congetta | |
Maselli | Conzetta | |
Maselli | Michael | 1904 |
Maselli | Tersura | |
Maseyko | George | 1909 |
Maseyko or Maskeyo | Mike | 1914 |
Mash | George Washington | 1840 |
Mash | Thomas Alonzo | 1842 |
Mashonesi | Nicholas | |
Masi | Antonio | |
Masi | Frank | |
Masker | Anna | |
Masker | Elizabeth | 1851 |
Masker | Frank | |
Masker | Laura | |
Maskin or Maslin? | George | |
Maslien alias Guido Mulin | Zeedo | 1851 |
Maslien alias Mulin or Meelin | Zeedo alias Guido | |
Maslin | George | |
Maslofsky | Harry | |
Mason | Andrew | 1908 |
Mason | Andrew | |
Mason | Angerita | |
Mason | Annie | |
Mason | Annie Maria | |
Mason | Charles | 1915 |
Mason | Charlotte | 1863 |
Mason | Dudley | 1909 |
Mason | Edmond | 1916 |
Mason | Edward | 1865 |
Mason | Edward | |
Mason | Eliza | 1812 |
Mason | Ellen | 1846 |
Mason | Elmira | |
Mason | Emma | |
Mason | Frank | 1870 |
Mason | Frank | 1883 |
Mason | George | 1858 |
Mason | George | |
Mason | George W. | |
Mason | Gertrude | 1888 |
Mason | Harriet | 1825 |
Mason | Henry | 1830 |
Mason | Henry | 1869 |
Mason | Henry | 1875 |
Mason | Henry | 1909 |
Mason | Hiram | 1840 |
Mason | Ida | 1860 |
Mason | James | |
Mason | James A. | 1866 |
Mason | John | |
Mason | Joseph | 1878 |
Mason | Joshua | |
Mason | Julia | |
Mason | Laura | |
Mason | Mary | |
Mason | Melvina | |
Mason | Melvina alias Elvina | |
Mason | Milton | 1904 |
Mason | Otis F., Jr. | |
Mason | Proeper | 1865 |
Mason | Rebecca | 1883 |
Mason | Reuben A. | 1845 |
Mason | Richard F., Jr. | |
Mason | Robert | 1881 |
Mason | Sarah Matilda | 1880 |
Mason | Theresa | |
Mason | Thomas K. | 1847 |
Mason | Thomas K. | |
Mason | Walter | 1859 |
Mason | William | 1874 |
Mason | William | 1860s |
Mason | William | 1898 |
Mason | William | |
Mason | William H. | 1820 |
Mason alias Laws | Charles | |
Masone | James J. | 1901 |
Masoney | James | |
Mass | Abraham | 1879 |
Mass | Emile | 1854 |
Mass | Caroline | 1834 |
Massarde | Francis | |
Massarde or Masardi? | Francis | |
Massaro | Peter | 1907 |
Massella | Peter | 1916 |
Masselli | Teresina | |
Massemino | Antonio | |
Masset | George | 1853 |
Masset | Gustave | 1850 |
Massey | Benjamin | 1888 |
Massey | Frank | 1926 |
Massey | Jesse | 1917 |
Massey | John | 1867 |
Massey | May | |
Massey | Plummer | |
Massey | Samuel | 1871 |
Massey | Samuel | |
Massey | William K. | 1861 |
Massi | Salvatore | |
Massonot | Josephine | 1841 |
Massullo | Angelo | 1903 |
Mast | Alfred | |
Mast | Harry | |
Masten or Masters | George P. | |
Masten or Masters | John L. | |
Masterpol | Alexander | 1917 |
Masters | Charles | |
Masters | George | |
Masters | George P. | |
Masters | John L. | |
Masters | Robert | 1880 |
Masters | Robert | |
Masterson | Francis | 1826 |
Masterson | Francis | 1858 |
Masterson | James | 1865 |
Masterson | James | |
Masterson | James aka Thomas | 1851 |
Masterson | John H. | |
Masterson | John H. | |
Masterson | Lawrence | 1905 |
Masterson | Mary E. | |
Masterson | Mary Ellen | 1852 |
Masterson | Mary Ellen | |
Masterson | Michael | |
Masterson | Patrick | |
Masterson | Phillip | 1850 |
Masterson | Thomas | 1860 |
Masterson | William | |
Mastin | Harry | 1886 |
Maston | Theresa | |
Mastoroberta | Annie | |
Mastrangelo | Joseph | 1900 |
Mastrangelo | William | 1897 |
Mastrani | Genario | 1882 |
Mastrat | John | |
Mastriano | Michael | 1896 |
Mastroccio | Philip | 1912 |
Mastrocola | Carmela | |
Mastrocola | Carmelo | |
Mastrocola | Joseph | |
Mastrodicasa | William | 1912 |
Mastropaolo | Carmela | |
Mastropaolo aka Mastromauro aka Mastrapoli | Frank | |
Mastuzzo | Alfonzo | |
Mastuzzo | Pasquale | |
Matamoros | Theresita H. | 1935 |
Matarazzi or Matrozzi | John | 1914 |
Matera | Daniel | |
Matero | Mortimore | 1876 |
Mathe | Charles | |
Matheau | Arthur | 1845 |
Mather | Calvin S. | 1884 |
Mather | Harlow P. | 1879 |
Mather | Isaac R. | |
Mather | James H. | 1848 |
Mather | Robert | |
Mather | Robert E. | |
Mather | William K. | |
Mathew | Joseph H. | 1849 |
Mathew | Joseph H. | |
Mathews | Alfred | 1890 |
Mathews | Charles E. | |
Mathews | Charlotte | |
Mathews | Curtis | 1815 |
Mathews | Edward | |
Mathews | Eliza J. | |
Mathews | Eugenia | |
Mathews | Ida | |
Mathews | Isaac | 1842 |
Mathews | James | 1853 |
Mathews | James | 1868 |
Mathews | James | |
Mathews | Jeremiah | 1840 |
Mathews | John | 1855 |
Mathews | John | |
Mathews | John E. | |
Mathews | John W. | |
Mathews | Joseph H. | |
Mathews | Kate | |
Mathews | Mary A. | |
Mathews | Mary E. | |
Mathews | Michael | 1857 |
Mathews | Oscar C. | |
Mathews | Oscar C., Jr. | |
Mathews | Otto | |
Mathews | Solomon M. | 1852 |
Mathews | Stephen | |
Mathews | Thomas | 1839 |
Mathews | Thomas | 1839 |
Mathews | Thomas | 1859 |
Mathews | Thomas | |
Mathews | Walter | 1885 |
Mathews | William | 1850 |
Mathews | William | |
Mathews | William A. | 1850 |
Mathews alias Huver alias Motas | Frederick | |
Mathews alias Huver alias Motas | Henry | |
Mathias | Andre | |
Mathias alias Frederick Hess | August | 1888 |
Mathies | Carl | 1907 |
Mathis | Gerard | 1896 |
Mathisen | Christian, Jr. | |
Mathisen alias Masterson | Olaf | 1881 |
Mathison | George | |
Mathus | John | |
Mathusa | John | |
Mathy | Peter | 1836 |
Matikowski | Otto | |
Matileski | William | 1881 |
Matlock | Peter | 1898 |
Mato | Merinda | |
Matone | Giovanni | |
Matone | Rosina | |
Matoni | Antonina | |
Matos | David | 1928 |
Matos | Pauline | 1924 |
Matrangolo | Constantino | 1903 |
Matschke | Bernard | 1865 |
Matson | Frederick | |
Matson | George | |
Matsono | Antonina | |
Mattalia | Dommico | 1872 |
Mattar | Derp | |
Mattar | Lizzie | |
Mattean | Gustave | |
Matten | George | |
Matter | Jacob | |
Matternn | George | |
Matterson | Leonard | |
Mattes | Bertha Rose | 1900 |
Mattes | John George | 1903 |
Mattes | Martin | 1896 |
Mattes | Mary Barbara | 1895 |
Matteson | Barry Leigh | 1942 |
Matteson | Raymond | 1905 |
Matteson | Raymond N. | 1932 |
Matthew | Bertha | 1884 |
Matthew | Fredrick | 1855 |
Matthews | Alonzo | 1891 |
Matthews | Bennie | |
Matthews | Charles | 1864 |
Matthews | Charles R. | 1867 |
Matthews | Charlotte | |
Matthews | Flora aka Florence | 1859 |
Matthews | George | 1887 |
Matthews | Habala Ann | 1860s |
Matthews | James | 1826 |
Matthews | James | |
Matthews | James H. | |
Matthews | John | 1847 |
Matthews | John | 1859 |
Matthews | John | |
Matthews | John W. | |
Matthews | Kate | |
Matthews | Margaret | |
Matthews | Mary Ann | 1855 |
Matthews | Oscar C. | |
Matthews | Patrick | |
Matthews | Peter | 1849 |
Matthews | Pledger | 1890 |
Matthews | Raymond | 1910 |
Matthews | Richard | 1819 |
Matthews | Russell | 1902 |
Matthews | Samuel | 1853 |
Matthews | Stephen | 1857 |
Matthews | Stephen | |
Matthews | Thomas | 1882 |
Matthews | Thomas | |
Matthews | William | 1826 |
Matthews | William | 1847 |
Matthews | William | 1871 |
Matthews | William | |
Matthews | William H. | 1859 |
Matthews aka Mathews | William | 1917 |
Matthews alias Francis Wilson | Franklin M. | 1820s-30s |
Matthews alias Francis Wilson | Hilo | 1820s-30s |
Matthey | Alice | |
Matthias | Fritz | 1899 |
Matthias | Fritz | |
Matthias | Harry | |
Matthies | James | |
Matthies | Paul | |
Mattiace | Otto | 1911 |
Mattie | John | |
Mattila | Otto | |
Mattingly | Fred | |
Mattison | John | 1887 |
Matto | Patsy | 1899 |
Mattox | Joseph | |
Mattson | Emel | |
Mattura | Dominick | 1885 |
Matulevitz aka McLevedge | Frank | 1898 |
Matura | Anthony | |
Matura | Antony | |
Maturo | Carmine | 1895 |
Maturo | James | 1896 |
Matusoff | Samuel | |
Matuszak | John | |
Matyji or Mazzea | Donato | 1896 |
Matzen | Alexander H. | |
Matzen | Charles P. | |
Matzen | John B. | |
Matzer | John, Jr. | |
Matzjasik | Walter | 1913 |
Mauch | Charles | |
Mauch | Henry | |
Mauch or Manch? | Charles | |
Maud | John | 1865 |
Maudelblott | Isaac | 1897 |
Mauer | August | |
Mauer | Carl | |
Mauer | Fred | |
Mauer | Henry | |
Mauer | Milton | 1881 |
Mauer | Sebastian | |
Mauer aka Werner | Harry | 1928 |
Maueri | Frank | |
Maueri | Jerry | |
Maug | Peter | |
Maugerson | Nicholas | 1864 |
Mauley | Rachael | 1859 |
Mault | Edward | |
Maurader alias A. P. Morris | Andrew | 1856 |
Maurek | William | 1866 |
Maurer | Adam | 1854 |
Maurer | Adam | |
Maurer | Bertha | |
Maurer | Charles | 1870 |
Maurer | Charles | |
Maurer | Christian | 1854 |
Maurer | Christian | |
Maurer | Edward | |
Maurer | Frederick | 1899 |
Maurer | Frederick | |
Maurer | George I. | 1876 |
Maurer | Henry | 1897 |
Maurer | John | |
Maurer | Lillian | |
Maurer | Louis | 1896 |
Maurer | Minnie | |
Maurer | Walter | |
Maurer alias Frank Smith | Christopher | 1879 |
Maurice | John | 1887 |
Maurier | Frank | 1884 |
Maus | Henry | 1881 |
Maus alias Joseph Morris | Charles A. | 1880 |
Mautner | Alexander | 1886 |
Mautz | Henry | |
Mautz | Henry J. | |
Mautz | Jacob | |
Mawbey | George | |
Mawbry | George | |
Mawhinney | Samuel | |
Mawra | Salvatore | 1862 |
Max | Jacob | |
Max or May | Charles | 1850s-early 60s |
Max or May | Henry | 1850s-early 60s |
Maxfield | Florymond | 1849 |
Maxfield | Florymond | |
Maxfield | Leveret L. | 1851 |
Maxfield | Leveret L. | |
Maxfield | Oliver | 1834 |
Maxien | John | |
Maxman | Louis | 1862 |
Maxson | Raymond | |
Maxson | Wesley | |
Maxsween | Francis | 1915 |
Maxwell | Arthur | 1874 |
Maxwell | Catharine | 1848 |
Maxwell | Charles | |
Maxwell | Cora V. | 1856 |
Maxwell | Cora V. | |
Maxwell | Frank | 1897 |
Maxwell | Henry | 1854 |
Maxwell | Henry | 1854 |
Maxwell | Henry | 1854 |
Maxwell | Henry | |
Maxwell | Henry C. | |
Maxwell | Herbert | 1878 |
Maxwell | James | 1852 |
Maxwell | James | |
Maxwell | John | 1841 |
Maxwell | John | 1905 |
Maxwell | John H. | |
Maxwell | Mary | 1850 |
Maxwell | Sidney | 1907 |
Maxwell | Sidney | |
Maxwell | Thomas | 1843 |
Maxwell | Thomas | 1900 |
Maxwell | Walter | 1856 |
Maxwell | Walter | 1856 |
Maxwell | Walter | |
Maxwell | William | 1844 |
Maxwell | William | 1847 |
Maxwell | William | |
Maxwell | William H. | 1855 |
Maxwell | William H. | |
May | Alexander | 1825 |
May | Annie | |
May | Clara | |
May | Daniel | |
May | Edward | 1810 |
May | Edward | |
May | Ellen | 1829 |
May | Emma | |
May | Henry | |
May | John | |
May | Lena | 1858 |
May | Mary | 1884 |
May | Milton | |
May | Moses | 1849 |
May | Otto, Jr. | |
May | Samuel | |
May | Sylvester | 1892 |
May | Thomas | 1864 |
May | Thomas | |
May | William | 1809 |
May | Edward aka Richard C. | 1837 |
May alias McKenna | George | 1898 |
May alias Milchen | Jacob | 1870 |
Mayar | James | 1914 |
Mayar | Joseph | 1911 |
Mayary | Arthur | 1897 |
Maycrink | Frank | |
Mayer | Charles | 1869 |
Mayer | Charlie | 2774 |
Mayer | Edward | |
Mayer | Frank | 1886 |
Mayer | Henry | |
Mayer | Ida | 1866 |
Mayer | Max | |
Mayer | Sarah | |
Mayer | Thomas | |
Mayer alias Meyers | Christian | 1901 |
Mayers | Aaron | |
Mayers | Benjamin | |
Mayers | Edward | |
Mayers | Frederick | 1879 |
Mayers | Henry C. | |
Mayers | William | 1899 |
Mayhaver or Mehyffer | Antonia | 1871 |
Mayhaver or Mehyffer | Rosina or Roseana | 1866 |
Mayher | Sarah | 1820s-30s |
Mayhew | Devella B. | |
Mayhew | Edward | 1865 |
Mayhew | Frank | 1868 |
Mayhoff | Minnie | |
Maymott | Margaret | |
Maymott | Margaret | 1850 |
Maynard | Ames | 1874 |
Maynard | Benjamin | |
Maynard | Isaac | |
Maynard | Isaac S. | |
Maynard | Lawson | |
Maynard | William | 1903 |
Mayne | Ann | 1811 |
Mayner | William | 1864 |
Maynes | Thomas | 1883 |
Mayo | Caesar | |
Mayo | Ceasar | |
Mayo | Charles | 1893 |
Mayo | James | |
Mayo | John | 1903 |
Mayo | Lizzie | 1857 |
Mayo | Nicholas | |
Mayo | Richard | |
Mayo | Richard | 1902 |
Mayofsky alias Meyer | Jacob | 1899 |
Mayone | Silistano or Sillistrino | 1880 |
Mayor | Daniel | |
Mayor | Daniel, Jr. | |
Mayor | Edward | |
Mayor | Joseph | 1851 |
Mayor | Joseph | |
Mayrant | Augustus | 1911 |
Mayrer | John | |
Mayro alias Myro | Joseph | 1901 |
Mays | Eugene | |
Mayser | Natalie | 1881 |
Mazareck | Andrew | 1896 |
Maze | John | 1835 |
Mazinsky | Isaac | 1898 |
Mazio | Sylvio | 1904 |
Mazon | Henry | 1898 |
Mazone alias Joseph Russo alias Tony Manzione | Frederick | 1885 |
Mazur | Joseph | 1911 |
Mazur | Louis | 1916 |
Mazurek | Frank | |
Mazurkewitz | Anthony | 1907 |
Mazza | George | 1900 |
Mazza | Giatano | 1845 |
Mazza | Tony | 1903 |
Mazzarella | George | 1904 |
Mazzeit | John | |
Mazzelle | Simon | |
Mazzelle | Vincenzo | |
Mazzello | Giovanni | |
Mazzello | John | 1901 |
Mazzello | Vito | |
Mazzert | John | |
Mazzetti | Orlindo | 1891 |
Mazzi | Rigo | 1865 |
Mazzie | James | 1857 |
Mazzie aka Mazzi alias Boylan | Frank | 1916 |
Mazzillo or Mazilla | Fred | 1915 |
Mazziotte | Agnes | |
Mazziotte | Frank | |
Mazzo | Carlo | 1909 |
Mazzocki | Frank | 1873 |
Mazzold | Antonio | |
Mazzold | Jacomini | |
Mazzoni | Frank | 1887 |
Mazzoni | Pietro | 1892 |
Mazzucca | Fiorino | 1914 |
Mazzucca | Joseph | 1882 |
Mazzucca | Joseph | |
Mazzucca | Lingia | |
Mazzucca | Luigia | |
Mazzucci | Angelo | |
McAbar | Andrew | 1849 |
McAbee | William | |
McAboy or McAvoy? | Edward | |
McAdam | David | |
McAdam | Patrick | 1866 |
McAdams | David | 1854 |
McAdams | Henry | 1870 |
McAdams | Robert | |
McAdams | William | 1870 |
McAdams | William | |
McAdams aka Bradley | Ann | 1817 |
McAdoo | Adelle | |
McAdoo | John | |
McAdoo | John W. | 1853 |
McAdoo | Walter | |
McAdoo | Walter M. | |
McAdoo | Walter W. | 1855 |
McAdoo | Walter W. | |
McAdoo? | Adelle | |
McAdov | John | |
McAdov | John W. | |
McAdov | Walter | |
McAdov | Walter W. | |
McAdov or McAdor | John | |
McAdov or McAdor | Walter | |
McAfee | Joseph | 1883 |
McAfee | Leslie | |
McAfee | William | 1833 |
McAfee | William | |
McAlarkey | Francis | |
McAlarney | Francis | 1853 |
McAlarney | Francis | 1853 |
McAlarney | Francis | 1853 |
McAlarney | Francis | |
McAlear | Andrew | 1850 |
McAlear | Andrew | |
McAlear | Francis | 1857 |
McAlear | James | 1856 |
McAlear | John | |
McAlear | Patrick | 1836 |
McAlear | Patrick | 1837 |
McAlear (alias Miles?) | John | |
McAleer | John | 1891 |
McAleu [or McAlen?] | John | 1862 |
McAlevey | William | |
McAlier | George | 1812 |
McAlier | Peter | 1869 |
McAlister | James | |
McAlister | John | 1867 |
McAlister | Joseph | 1854 |
McAlister | Joseph | |
McAlister or McAllister | Joseph | |
McAllen | John | 1867 |
McAllen | William | |
McAllister | Eliza | 1851 |
McAllister | Eliza | |
McAllister | Ellen | |
McAllister | George | |
McAllister | George H. | |
McAllister | James | |
McAllister | Jarris | |
McAllister | Louis J. | |
McAllister | Patrick | 1834 |
McAllister | Sarah | |
McAllister | Theresa | |
McAllister | William | 1878 |
McAllister | William | |
McAlmco or McAhvco? | James | |
McAlpin | Frederick | 1847 |
McAlpin | Michael | 1858 |
McAlpin alias Calpin | Robert | 1852 |
McAlpin alias Calpin | Robert | |
McAnally | Francis | 1817 |
McAnally | Mary | 1838 |
McAnally alias John Barnard | Robert | 1815 |
McAndrew | Charles | |
McAndrew | Fannie | |
McAndrew | George | |
McAndrews | Charles | |
McAneny | George | 1813 |
McAninny | Patrick | 1854 |
McAnna | James | 1820s-30s |
McAnnally | Charles | |
McAnnally | Charles | 1851 |
McAnnenny | James | |
McAnney | Margaret | 1849 |
McArdle | Adeline | 1853 |
McArdle | Adeline | |
McArdle | Bernard | 1848 |
McArdle | Bernard | |
McArdle | Charles | |
McArdle | Clifford | 1912 |
McArdle | James | 1849 |
McArdle | James | 1853 |
McArdle | James | 1863 |
McArdle | James, Jr. | 1882 |
McArdle | John | 1809 |
McArdle | Mary | 1844 |
McArdle | Mary A. | |
McArdle | Mary Ann | 1845 |
McArdle | Mary Ann | |
McArdoff | John | 1859 |
McArmerweg or McAnnermey? | James | |
McArthur | Alexander | 1837 |
McArthur | Arthur | 1883 |
McArthur | John | |
McArthur | Lulu | |
McArthur | Peter | |
McArthur or McArthin | John | 1821 |
McAulay | Henry | 1851 |
McAuley | Anna | 1846 |
McAuley | Henry | |
McAuley | John | 1844 |
McAuley | Mary Jane | 1820s-30s |
McAuley aka McCauley | James | 1850 |
McAuliff | Cornelius | 1847 |
McAuliff | Daniel | 1849 |
McAuliff | Daniel | |
McAuliffe | Daniel | 1843 |
McAuliffe | John | 1839 |
McAuliffe | John | 1848 |
McAusland | James | |
McAveny aka McWinny | Elizabeth | 1857 |
McAveny aka McWinny | John | 1852 |
McAvey alias McIlwee | James | 1863 |
McAvoy | Catharine | 1851 |
McAvoy | Catharine | 1820s-30s |
McAvoy | Catharine | 1857 |
McAvoy | Catharine | |
McAvoy | Catherine | 1851 |
McAvoy | Christopher | 1858 |
McAvoy | Daniel | |
McAvoy | Daniel | 1851 |
McAvoy | Daniel | 1849 |
McAvoy | Daniel | |
McAvoy | Edward | |
McAvoy | Frank | 1884 |
McAvoy | James | 1851 |
McAvoy | James | 1829 |
McAvoy | James | |
McAvoy | John | 1862 |
McAvoy | John | |
McAvoy | John E. | 1868 |
McAvoy | Joseph | 1863 |
McAvoy | Leander | 1837 |
McAvoy | William | 1852 |
McAvoy | David aka James | 1863 |
McAvoy alias Delaney | Edward | |
McAvoy alias Delaney | Edward | |
McBain | William, Jr. | |
McBeath | John | |
McBeth | James | 1896 |
McBeth | John | |
McBrady | Charles | |
McBriarty | Bernard | 1820s-30s |
McBride | Alexander | 1876 |
McBride | Charles | 1851 |
McBride | Charles | |
McBride | Cornelius | 1850 |
McBride | Cornelius | |
McBride | Daniel | |
McBride | David | |
McBride | Edward | 1878 |
McBride | George | 1873 |
McBride | Hugh | |
McBride | Jacob | 1816 |
McBride | James | 1852 |
McBride | James | 1820s-30s |
McBride | James | 1856 |
McBride | James | |
McBride | Jeremiah | 1843 |
McBride | John | 1813 |
McBride | John | 1848 |
McBride | John | 1857 |
McBride | John | 1868 |
McBride | John | |
McBride | Joseph | 1889 |
McBride | Mabel | 1891 |
McBride | Margaret | 1820s-30s |
McBride | Michael | 1825 |
McBride | Patrick | 1847 |
McBride | Thomas | 1848 |
McBride | Thomas | 1869 |
McBride | Thomas | |
McBride | William | |
McBride alias Feeney | John | 1873 |
McBrien | Robert | 1849 |
McBrien | Robert | |
McBrine | James | |
McBurney | Frederick | 1863 |
McCabe | Alexander | 1866 |
McCabe | Annie | 1850 |
McCabe | Charles | |
McCabe | Christopher | |
McCabe | Dorcas | |
McCabe | Dorcas A. | 1852 |
McCabe | Edward | 1832 |
McCabe | Edward | 1860 |
McCabe | Edward | 1885 |
McCabe | Edward | |
McCabe | Edward H. | |
McCabe | Francis | 1859 |
McCabe | George | |
McCabe | Hugh | 1859 |
McCabe | Hugh | |
McCabe | James | 1853 |
McCabe | James | 1848 |
McCabe | James | 1849 |
McCabe | James | 1820 |
McCabe | James | 1820s-30s |
McCabe | James | 1845 |
McCabe | James | 1852 |
McCabe | James | 1852 |
McCabe | James | 1862 |
McCabe | James | 1862 |
McCabe | James | 1870 |
McCabe | James | 1880 |
McCabe | James | |
McCabe | James H. | |
McCabe | John | 1850 |
McCabe | John | 1840 |
McCabe | John | 1848 |
McCabe | John | 1844 |
McCabe | John | 1846 |
McCabe | John | 1849 |
McCabe | John | 1850 |
McCabe | John | 1856 |
McCabe | John | 1914 |
McCabe | John | |
McCabe | John E. | |
McCabe | Kate | 1854 |
McCabe | Kate | 1872 |
McCabe | Kate | |
McCabe | Mary | |
McCabe | Matthew | 1867 |
McCabe | Matthew | |
McCabe | Michael | 1851 |
McCabe | Michael | 1855 |
McCabe | Michael | |
McCabe | Patrick | 1840 |
McCabe | Patrick | 1820s-30s |
McCabe | Patrick | 1846 |
McCabe | Patrick | 1852 |
McCabe | Patrick | |
McCabe | Peter | 1856 |
McCabe | Philip | 1875 |
McCabe | Philip | |
McCabe | Rosa | 1866 |
McCabe | Stephen | 1857 |
McCabe | Thomas | 1852 |
McCabe | Thomas | 1855 |
McCabe | Thomas | 1856 |
McCabe | Thomas | 1858 |
McCabe | Thomas | 1867 |
McCabe | Thomas | |
McCabe | Walter | 1883 |
McCabe | Walter | |
McCabe | Willard | |
McCabe | Willard alias William | 1900 |
McCabe | William | 1854 |
McCabe | Charles | 1848 |
McCabe alias John Mackin | William | 1864 |
McCabe alias St. Clair | George | |
McCabe alias William Lynch | John | 1847 |
McCaddan | Ann | |
McCafferty | John | 1826 |
McCafferty | Michael | 1846 |
McCafferty alias Powell | Neil | 1918 |
McCaffery | Barney | |
McCaffery | John | |
McCaffery | Joseph | |
McCaffery | Mary Ann | 1851 |
McCaffery | Thomas | |
McCaffery | William | |
McCaffery alias Thomas Ryan | James | |
McCaffrey | Ambrose | 1879 |
McCaffrey | Dennis | 1844 |
McCaffrey | Edward | 1870 |
McCaffrey | Hugh | 1838 |
McCaffrey | James | 1854 |
McCaffrey | James | 1853 |
McCaffrey | James | 1861 |
McCaffrey | James | |
McCaffrey | Jane E. | |
McCaffrey | Jane Elizabeth | 1852 |
McCaffrey | John | 1869 |
McCaffrey | John | 1881 |
McCaffrey | John | |
McCaffrey | Joseph | 1871 |
McCaffrey | Joseph | |
McCaffrey | Margaret A. | 1844 |
McCaffrey | Mary | 1838 |
McCaffrey | Michael | 1874 |
McCaffrey | Michael | |
McCaffrey | Peter | 1842 |
McCaffrey | Rosanna | |
McCaffrey | Thomas | 1823 |
McCaffrey | Thomas | 1824 |
McCaffrey | Thomas | 1842 |
McCaffrey | Thomas | 1865 |
McCaffrey | William | 1853 |
McCaffrey | William | 1862 |
McCahill | Cornelius | 1852 |
McCahill | Cornelius | |
McCahill | Joseph | 1854 |
McCahill | Michael | 1835 |
McCahill | William | 1883 |
McCale | John | 1850 |
McCall | Alfred | 1896 |
McCall | Archibald, Jr. | |
McCall | Eugene | |
McCall | Florence | |
McCall | James | 1846 |
McCall | James | 1844 |
McCall | James | |
McCall | James F. | |
McCall | John | |
McCall | John T. | |
McCall | Mary Jane | 1846 |
McCall | Millie | |
McCall | Thomas | |
McCall | William | 1837 |
McCall? | Florence | |
McCalla | John | |
McCallam alias Williams | Susanna | 1845 |
McCallan or McCallum or McCullum | John | |
McCallum | Charles | 1909 |
McCallum | Charles | |
McCallum | Charles A. | |
McCallum | Felix | 1858 |
McCallum | James | |
McCalpin alias Alpin | Robert | |
McCalvery | George W. | 1838 |
McCalvin | Abigail | 1815 |
McCamman | Martha | |
McCamman | Martha E. | |
McCamman | Mary E. | |
McCanby | William | |
McCance | Maggie | 1870 |
McCandless | Archibald | 1851 |
McCandless | Della | 1873 |
McCandless | Herbert W. | |
McCandless | May | 1871 |
MCCanless | Herbert W. | |
McCanley | William | |
McCanmian? | Martha E. | |
McCann | Andrew | 1841 |
McCann | Annie | 1878 |
McCann | Catharine | 1840 |
McCann | Charles | 1852 |
McCann | Charles J. | |
McCann | Daniel | 1841 |
McCann | Daniel | 1870 |
McCann | Edward | 2687 |
McCann | Edward | 1878 |
McCann | Francis | 1852 |
McCann | Francis | 1879 |
McCann | Frank | |
McCann | Frank alias Robert | 1869 |
McCann | Harold | |
McCann | James | 1851 |
McCann | James | 1850 |
McCann | James | 1853 |
McCann | James | 1837 |
McCann | James | 1840 |
McCann | James | 1846 |
McCann | James | |
McCann | James aka Hugh | 1874 |
McCann | John | 1818 |
McCann | John | 1824 |
McCann | John | 1828 |
McCann | John | 1833 |
McCann | John | 1849 |
McCann | John | 1861 |
McCann | John | 1869 |
McCann | John | |
McCann | John, Jr. | |
McCann | Joseph | 1860 |
McCann | Margaret | 1848 |
McCann | Margaret | 1850 |
McCann | Mary | 1816 |
McCann | Mary Ann | 1856 |
McCann | Mary Ann | 1858 |
McCann | Patrick | 1833 |
McCann | Patrick | 1843 |
McCann | Peter | 1832 |
McCann | Rebecca | 1859 |
McCann | Rosanna | 1854 |
McCann | Thomas | 1845 |
McCann | Thomas | 1852 |
McCann | Thomas | 1865 |
McCann | Thomas | 1881 |
McCann | William | 1860 |
McCann alias Frank Brady | James | 1880 |
McCann alias McCarran | Hugh | 1848 |
McCann alias McMenomy | John | 1833 |
McCann alias Minnie Waters | Bridget | |
McCanna | Hugh | 1840 |
McCanna | James | 1845 |
McCanna | Owen | 1847 |
McCanna | Patrick alias John P. | |
McCannon | Daniel | 1853 |
McCannon | Daniel | |
McCannon | John | 1816 |
McCannon | Patrick | |
McCannon alias Morrison | James | |
McCannon alias Morrison | James | |
McCanty | Marcus | |
McCardle | Mary | |
McCardle | Thomas | 1867 |
McCarle | James | 1847 |
McCarrall | Charles | 1845 |
McCarran | Andrew | 1853 |
McCarran | Andrew, Jr. | 1854 |
McCarran | Andrew, Jr. | |
McCarren | Elizabeth | 1819 |
McCarren | Michael | 1852 |
McCarren | Michael | 1884 |
McCarrick | Frank | 1844 |
McCarrick | Frank | |
McCarrick | James | 1871 |
McCarrick | John | 1847 |
McCarrick | John | 1820s-30s |
McCarrick | John | |
McCarrick alias John Wilson | Andrew | 1834 |
McCarrol | John | 1869 |
McCarroll | Henry | 1853 |
McCarroll | Henry | |
McCarroll | James | 1851 |
McCarroll | James | |
McCarroll | Joseph | 1865 |
McCarroll | Sarah | 1853 |
McCarroll | Sarah | |
McCarron | Andrew, Jr. | |
McCarron | Frank | 1860 |
McCarron | George | |
McCarron | Hugh | 1850 |
McCarron | Hugh | |
McCarron | James | 1851 |
McCarron | James | 1852 |
McCarron | James | |
McCarron | Mary Ann | 1848 |
McCarry | Walton | |
McCart alias Walker | William L. | |
McCart alias Walker | William L. | |
McCarten | Francis | 1853 |
McCarteny | John | 1853 |
McCarteny | John | |
McCarter | Lyman | 1864 |
McCarthy | Alexander | 1867 |
McCarthy | Andrew | 1878 |
McCarthy | Anne Jane | 1820s-30s |
McCarthy | Annie | 1867 |
McCarthy | Anthony | 1827 |
McCarthy | Archibald | |
McCarthy | Barney | 1879 |
McCarthy | Bernard | 1845 |
McCarthy | Catharine | 1851 |
McCarthy | Catharine | 1865 |
McCarthy | Charles | 1897 |
McCarthy | Charles | 1900 |
McCarthy | Charles | |
McCarthy | Charles F. | 1856 |
McCarthy | Charles F. | |
McCarthy | Christopher | 1864 |
McCarthy | Cornelius | 1849 |
McCarthy | Cornelius | |
McCarthy | Daniel | 1862 |
McCarthy | Daniel | 1870 |
McCarthy | Daniel | 1887 |
McCarthy | Daniel | 1856 |
McCarthy | Daniel alias Dennis | 1868 |
McCarthy | Daniel or David | 1851 |
McCarthy | Dennis | 1852 |
McCarthy | Dennis | 1848 |
McCarthy | Dennis | |
McCarthy | Edward | 1852 |
McCarthy | Edward | 1911 |
McCarthy | Edward | |
McCarthy | Ellen | 1837 |
McCarthy | Ellen | 1854 |
McCarthy | Ellen | 1857 |
McCarthy | Ellen | 1860s |
McCarthy | Florence | 1890 |
McCarthy | Francis | 1851 |
McCarthy | Frank | 1903 |
McCarthy | Frank | 1867 |
McCarthy | George | 1908 |
McCarthy | George | 1897 |
McCarthy | Harry | 1899 |
McCarthy | Henry | 1851 |
McCarthy | Hugh | 1846 |
McCarthy | Hugh | 1860 |
McCarthy | James | 1829 |
McCarthy | James | 1848 |
McCarthy | James | 1843 |
McCarthy | James | 1845 |
McCarthy | James | 1854 |
McCarthy | James | 1859 |
McCarthy | James | 1865 |
McCarthy | James | 1861 |
McCarthy | James | 1868 |
McCarthy | James | 1875 |
McCarthy | James | 1878 |
McCarthy | James | 1883 |
McCarthy | Jane | 1819 |
McCarthy | Jeremiah | 1829 |
McCarthy | Jeremiah | 1855 |
McCarthy | Jeremiah | 1865 |
McCarthy | Jeremiah | 1873 |
McCarthy | Jeremiah | 1883 |
McCarthy | Johanna | 1852 |
McCarthy | John | 1850 |
McCarthy | John | 1840 |
McCarthy | John | 1834 |
McCarthy | John | 1842 |
McCarthy | John | 1844 |
McCarthy | John | 1852 |
McCarthy | John | 1850 |
McCarthy | John | 1849 |
McCarthy | John | 1853 |
McCarthy | John | 1851 |
McCarthy | John | 1862 |
McCarthy | John | 1864 |
McCarthy | John | 1867 |
McCarthy | John | 1872 |
McCarthy | John | 1880 |
McCarthy | John | 1883 |
McCarthy | John | 1895 |
McCarthy | John | 1897 |
McCarthy | John | 1914 |
McCarthy | John | 1913 |
McCarthy | John | |
McCarthy | John D. | |
McCarthy | John D. | |
McCarthy | John F. | |
McCarthy | Joseph | 1854 |
McCarthy | Joseph | 1843 |
McCarthy | Joseph | 1860 |
McCarthy | Joseph | 1898 |
McCarthy | Joseph | 1903 |
McCarthy | Joseph | |
McCarthy | Josephine | 1842 |
McCarthy | Kate | 1860s |
McCarthy | Kate | |
McCarthy | Lambert | 1868 |
McCarthy | Lawrence | 1849 |
McCarthy | Louisa | 1852 |
McCarthy | Mary | 1849 |
McCarthy | Mary | 1850 |
McCarthy | Mary | 1855 |
McCarthy | Mary | |
McCarthy | Mary A. | 1861 |
McCarthy | Mathew | 1854 |
McCarthy | Mathew | |
McCarthy | Matthew | 1855 |
McCarthy | Michael | 1833 |
McCarthy | Michael | 1834 |
McCarthy | Michael | 1847 |
McCarthy | Michael | 1847 |
McCarthy | Michael | 1850 |
McCarthy | Michael | 1853 |
McCarthy | Patrick | 1855 |
McCarthy | Patrick | 1869 |
McCarthy | Patrick | 1869 |
McCarthy | Peter | 1867 |
McCarthy | Randolph | |
McCarthy | Richard | |
McCarthy | Robert | |
McCarthy | Sarah | 1858 |
McCarthy | Terence | 1856 |
McCarthy | Thomas | 1837 |
McCarthy | Thomas | 1843 |
McCarthy | Thomas | 1853 |
McCarthy | Thomas | 1855 |
McCarthy | Thomas | 1862 |
McCarthy | Thomas | 1882 |
McCarthy | Thomas | |
McCarthy | Timothy | 1857 |
McCarthy | Timothy | 1863 |
McCarthy | Timothy | 1868 |
McCarthy | Walter | 1857 |
McCarthy | Walter | |
McCarthy | William | 1877 |
McCarthy | William | 1884 |
McCarthy | William | 1892 |
McCarthy | William | 1916 |
McCarthy | William | |
McCarthy | Willliam | |
McCarthy | Charles alias John | 1845 |
McCarthy aka Brown | Edward R. | 1928 |
McCarthy alias John Kenny | James | 1860 |
McCarthy alias Stephen Brennick | James | 1848 |
McCarthy alias West | James | 1896 |
McCarthy alias Young | Ann | 1856 |
McCartney | Andrew | 1840 |
McCartney | Annie | |
McCartney | Louisa | 1821 |
McCartney | Robert | 1839 |
McCarty | Bernard | 1851 |
McCarty | Bernard | |
McCarty | Catherine | |
McCarty | Charles | |
McCarty | Daniel | 1850 |
McCarty | Daniel | |
McCarty | Dennis | |
McCarty | Edward | 1856 |
McCarty | Edward | |
McCarty | Elizabeth | 1877 |
McCarty | Eugene | 1855 |
McCarty | Eugene | |
McCarty | James | 1828 |
McCarty | James | |
McCarty | James H. | |
McCarty | John | 1860 |
McCarty | John | 1854 |
McCarty | John | 1855 |
McCarty | John | 1849 |
McCarty | John | 1826 |
McCarty | John | 1831 |
McCarty | John | |
McCarty | Lizzie | 1856 |
McCarty | Margaret | 1827 |
McCarty | Mary | 1873 |
McCarty | Mary J. | |
McCarty | Mary Jane | |
McCarty | Maurice | 1828 |
McCarty | Michael | 1870 |
McCarty | Owen | 1851 |
McCarty | Patrick | 1856 |
McCarty | Samuel | 1853 |
McCarty | Samuel | |
McCarty | Susan | |
McCarty | Thomas | 1847 |
McCarty | Thomas | 1848 |
McCarty | Thomas | 1824 |
McCarty | Thomas | |
McCarty | Thomas A. | |
McCarty | William | 1825 |
McCarty | William | |
McCarty | William L. | |
McCarty aka Laura May Chapman | Daughter | 1875 |
McCarty alias Eugene Smith | Thomas | 1848 |
McCarty alias Eugene Smith | Thomas | |
McCarty alias Little | Alexander | |
McCarty or McCarthy | Thomas | |
McCarty or McCarthy | William | |
McCarty or McLarty | William H. | 1852 |
McCasker alias McClusky | James | 1844 |
McCaul | Thomas | 1879 |
McCaulay | Thomas | |
McCauley | Catharine | 1850 |
McCauley | Edgar | |
McCauley | James | 1820s-30s |
McCauley | James | 1867 |
McCauley | James | |
McCauley | John | 1833 |
McCauley | John | 1820s-30s |
McCauley | John | 1850 |
McCauley | Joseph | 1916 |
McCauley | Louis | 1901 |
McCauley | Marcus | 1854 |
McCauley | Marcus | 1855 |
McCauley | Marcus | |
McCauley | Mary | 1866 |
McCauley | Mary Elizabeth | 1844 |
McCauley | Robert | 1832 |
McCauley | William | 1853 |
McCauley | William | 1853 |
McCauley | William | 1900 |
McCauley | William | |
McCauley aka McCorly | James | 1862 |
McCauley alias McCarty | Peter | 1881 |
McCauliffe | William | |
McCaulley | Francis Edward | |
McCauly | John | 1871 |
McCauslan | Florence H. | 1885 |
McCauslan | Mabel Dimond | 1888 |
McCawley | Patrick | 1841 |
McCenan or McCeuan? | Henry | |
McCerran | Henry | |
McChesney | May E. | 1848 |
McChristie | William | 1866 |
McChristy | Anna | |
McChristy | Irene | |
McChristy | John | |
McClain | Daniel | 1828 |
McClain | William J. | |
McClamen or McClarnen? | Daniel J. | |
McClamon | David | 1845 |
McClane | Andrew | 1882 |
McClane | Francis A. | |
McClane | Frank | |
McClane | James | 1867 |
McClane | Mary | 1861 |
McClane | Patrick | |
McClane alias Anderson | Henderson | 1867 |
McClannahan | Samuel | 1844 |
McClaren | Alexander, Jr. | |
McClaren | Charles | |
McClaren | James | 1848 |
McClaren | Stephen | 1850 |
McClarnen | Daniel J. | |
McClarnon | Denis | 1872 |
McClatchie | James | |
McClatchie? | James | |
McClay | George | |
McClay or McLay | George | |
McClean | Andrew | |
McClean | Russell | 1917 |
McCleary | Frank | 1876 |
McCleave | Thomas | |
McClellan | David | 1863 |
McClellan | Frank | 1872 |
McClellan | Josephine | 1861 |
McClellan | Nancy L. | 1863 |
McClelland | Edward | 1842 |
McClelland | John | |
McClellen | James | 1858 |
McClellen | William | 1864 |
McClenacham | Charles H. | |
McClenacham or McClenacham? | Charles | |
McClenachams | Charles | |
McClenachan | Charles | |
McClenachan | Charles H. | |
McClenachan | Harrison | |
McClenachan? | Charles | |
McClennachan or McClennahan | Charles H. | |
McClennan | Catharine | 1857 |
McClennan | John | 1859 |
McClennan | Nicholas | |
McClennan | William | 1851 |
McClennan | William | |
McClennen | Jepharina | 1848 |
McClerken | Mary | |
McClinchy | James | |
McClinchy | Patrick | |
McClintock | Alexander | 1882 |
McClintock | Alexander | 1883 |
McClintock | Maggie May | 1881 |
McCloskey | George | 1878 |
McCloskey | John | 1865 |
McCloskey | Michael | 1869 |
McCloskey | Morris | 1851 |
McCloskey alias Machousky | Toney [or Foney?] aka Anton | 1862 |
McClosky | John | 1887 |
McClosky | Peter | 1868 |
McClure | Bella | 1866 |
McClure | Henry | 1851 |
McClure | Isabella | |
McClure | James | |
McClure | William | |
McClure aka Young | Theodore | 1917 |
McClurg | Florence R. | 1923 |
McClurg | Mona | 1925 |
McClurkin | Thomas | 1866 |
McCluskey | Esther | |
McCluskey | John | 1844 |
McCluskey alias Bridget Powers | Ellen | 1831 |
McClusky | Barney | 1832 |
McClusky | Eliza | 1817 |
McClusky | Ellen | 1843 |
McClusky | Esther | |
McClusky | Hugh | 1851 |
McClusky | John | 1849 |
McClusky | John | 1849 |
McClusky | John | |
McClusky | Louisa | 1839 |
McClusky | Margaret | 1848 |
McClusky | Mary A. | 1854 |
McClusky | Mary A. | |
McClusky | Paul | 1893 |
McClute | Mary | 1832 |
McClyman | William | 1813 |
McCodack | Joseph H. | 1838 |
McCoffrey | Catharine | 1850 |
McColen | Caleb | |
McColgen | John | 1844 |
McColl | Archibald | |
McColl | Archibald, Jr. | |
McColl | Hugh | |
McColl alias Coon | Hugh | |
McColl? | Hugh | |
McColleff | John | 1841 |
McColligan | Daniel | |
McCollin | Stanley | 1916 |
McCollister | Ann | 1812 |
McCollister | Jane | 1813 |
McCollister | Sarah Ann | 1811 |
McCollister | William | 1821 |
McCollough | Sarah E. | 1857 |
McCollough | Sarah E. | |
McCollough | Thomas | 1853 |
McCollough | William | 1853 |
McCollough | William | |
McCollough alias Loxons | John | 1850 |
McCollum | James | 1866 |
McCollum | James | |
McCollum | Sarah W. | 1852 |
McCollury | Sarah W. | |
McComb | Alan | 1927 |
McComb | George | |
McComb | George W. | |
McComb | James | 1822 |
McComb | John | |
McComb | Katherine B. | 1929 |
McComb | Thomas | 1820 |
McComb | William | |
McComb | William A. | |
McComber | Ernest | |
McCombs | Jane | 1847 |
McCombs | John | 1837 |
McCombs | Martha | |
McCombs | Rachel | 1845 |
McCombs | Samuel | 1843 |
McCombs | Samuel | |
McCombs | William B. | 1881 |
McComick | James | |
McComt? | Mary | |
McConley | James | |
McConnaughy alias Jacks Gilmour alias Roy Griffin | Roy | 1901 |
McConnell | Alexander | |
McConnell | Annie | |
McConnell | Emily | 1855 |
McConnell | Emily | |
McConnell | Emily H. | |
McConnell | Florance | |
McConnell | Frank | 1852 |
McConnell | Frank | |
McConnell | George | 1842 |
McConnell | George | |
McConnell | James | 1870 |
McConnell | James | 1880 |
McConnell | John | 1842 |
McConnell | John | 1856 |
McConnell | John | 1856 |
McConnell | John | 1861 |
McConnell | Joseph | 1902 |
McConnell | Joseph | |
McConnell | Patrick | 1849 |
McConnell | Patrick | |
McConnell | Susan | |
McConnell | Thomas | 1855 |
McConnell | Thomas | 1899 |
McConnell | Thomas | |
McConnell | William A. | 1858 |
McConnell | William A. | |
McConney (adopted name) | Norman | 1911 |
McConville | George | 1871 |
McConville aka Mulholland | David | 1875 |
McCooey alias McCorly | Francis | 1859 |
McCook | Robert | |
McCook | Robert R. | |
McCoombs | Margaret | |
McCoombs | Samuel | |
McCoomick | John | |
McCord | Benjamin | |
McCord | Elizabeth | 1859 |
McCord | George | |
McCord | Harold | 1938 |
McCord | James | 1853 |
McCord | James | |
McCord | John | 1854 |
McCord | Samuel James | 1861 |
McCord | Thomas | |
McCord | Thomas | 1853 |
McCormac | Peter | 1874 |
McCormack | Bernard | 1852 |
McCormack | Bernard | 1868 |
McCormack | Daniel | 1845 |
McCormack | David | |
McCormack | Edward | 1854 |
McCormack | Ellen Jane | 1856 |
McCormack | Eugene | 1887 |
McCormack | Frank | 1879 |
McCormack | George | 1883 |
McCormack | James | 1844 |
McCormack | James | 1878 |
McCormack | James | |
McCormack | James J. | 1869 |
McCormack | James T. | 1852 |
McCormack | John | 1849 |
McCormack | John | 1854 |
McCormack | John | 1858 |
McCormack | John | 1878 |
McCormack | Lawrence | 1856 |
McCormack | Lawrence | 1870 |
McCormack | Louis | 1868 |
McCormack | Margaret | 1847 |
McCormack | Martin | 1845 |
McCormack | Mary Ann | 1854 |
McCormack | Mary J. | 1861 |
McCormack | Patrick | 1871 |
McCormack | Sarah Ann | 1854 |
McCormack | Thomas | 1847 |
McCormack | Thomas | 1851 |
McCormack | Thomas | 1853 |
McCormack | Timothy | 1860 |
McCormack | William | 1851 |
McCormack | William | 1867 |
McCormack alias James Riley | Thomas | 1858 |
McCormack alias McCormick | James | |
McCormich | Joseph | |
McCormick | Amanda | |
McCormick | Andrew | 1864 |
McCormick | Ann | 1828 |
McCormick | Ann | 1834 |
McCormick | Anna | |
McCormick | Annie | |
McCormick | Bernard | 1833 |
McCormick | Charles | 1864 |
McCormick | Charles | 1899 |
McCormick | Charles | |
McCormick | Dennis | 1835 |
McCormick | Edward | 1867 |
McCormick | Eliza Ann | 1829 |
McCormick | Frank | |
McCormick | Frederick | |
McCormick | George | 1900 |
McCormick | Hugh | 1820s-30s |
McCormick | James | 1852 |
McCormick | James | 1851 |
McCormick | James | 1831 |
McCormick | James | 1878 |
McCormick | James | |
McCormick | Jane | 1875 |
McCormick | Jennie | |
McCormick | John | 1849 |
McCormick | John | 1828 |
McCormick | John | 1836 |
McCormick | John | 1820s-30s |
McCormick | John | 1852 |
McCormick | John | 1874 |
McCormick | John | 1883 |
McCormick | John | |
McCormick | John H. | |
McCormick | Joseph | 1877 |
McCormick | Joseph | |
McCormick | K. Condon | 1923 |
McCormick | Maggie | 1860s |
McCormick | Margaret | 1825 |
McCormick | Mary | 1825 |
McCormick | Mary | |
McCormick | Michael | 1848 |
McCormick | Michael | 1866 |
McCormick | Patrick | 1863 |
McCormick | Patrick J. | 1826 |
McCormick | Paul | 1897 |
McCormick | Peter | 1868 |
McCormick | Richard H. | |
McCormick | Roger | |
McCormick | Thomas | 1852 |
McCormick | Thomas | 1851 |
McCormick | Thomas | 1843 |
McCormick | Thomas | |
McCormick | Thomas F. | |
McCormick | William | |
McCormick alias Joseph McCauley | John | 1847 |
McCormick alias McCormack | James | |
McCormieck | Charles | |
McCornell | George | |
McCorry | Walter | |
McCorry | Walton | |
McCort | Henry | |
McCort | Sarah | |
McCosker | Catharine | 1828 |
McCosker | Joseph | 1845 |
McCotter | George J. | 1928 |
McCouley | John | 1839 |
McCourt | Ann | 1850 |
McCourt | Bridget | 1824 |
McCourt | George | 1901 |
McCourt | George Francis | 1872 |
McCourt | Henry | |
McCourt | John | 1833 |
McCourt | Mary | |
McCourt | William | 1898 |
McCourt | William | |
McCourt alias Smith | Thomas | 1852 |
McCoutry | Alfred B. | |
McCovey | James | 1843 |
McCowan | William J. | 1820 |
McCowey | John | 1842 |
McCoy | Alexander | 1842 |
McCoy | Amos | 1862 |
McCoy | Ann | 1864 |
McCoy | Clarence | 1914 |
McCoy | Desmond | |
McCoy | Elizabeth | |
McCoy | Henry | |
McCoy | James | 1816 |
McCoy | James | 1866 |
McCoy | James | 1898 |
McCoy | John | 1837 |
McCoy | John | 1845 |
McCoy | John | 1860 |
McCoy | John | |
McCoy | Joseph | 1854 |
McCoy | Lizzie | 1858 |
McCoy | Lyman | |
McCoy | Mary | |
McCoy | Michael | 1839 |
McCoy | Patrick | 1848 |
McCoy | Patrick | 1848 |
McCoy | Patrick | |
McCoy | Peter | 1857 |
McCoy | Peter | |
McCoy | Richard | 1826 |
McCoy | Robert | 1825 |
McCoy | Thomas | |
McCoy | Thomas F. | |
McCoy | William | 1841 |
McCoy | William | 1909 |
McCrab | Ella | |
McCrab | Emma | |
McCrabe | Ella | 1852 |
McCrabe | Ellen | |
McCrabe | Emma | 1850 |
McCrabe | Emma | |
McCrackan | Elizabeth | 1821 |
McCracken | Daniel | 1898 |
McCracken | Henry L. | |
McCracken | Robert | |
McCracken | William | 1821 |
McCracken | William | |
McCracker | Samuel | |
McCracker | Samuel H. | 1851 |
McCracker | Samuel H. | |
McCrae | Edward | 1917 |
McCravy | Lawson | 1913 |
McCraw | William | 1843 |
McCray | Floyd | |
McCrea | Edward | 1860 |
McCrea | Lewis | 1832 |
McCready | Anthony | 1825 |
McCready | James | 1819 |
McCready | James | 1833 |
McCready | James | 1873 |
McCready | John | 1822 |
McCready | John | 1856 |
McCready | Patrick | 1835 |
McCrimlask | Andrew | |
McCrorey | Charles | |
McCrory | Catherine Rose Anna | 1888 |
McCrory | Jane Matilda White | 1890 |
McCrossan | William | 1824 |
McCrosson | James | 1842 |
McCrum | James | |
McCrumb | John S. | |
McCue | Alexander | 1880 |
McCue | Annie | 1859 |
McCue | Arthur | 1859 |
McCue | Bernard | 1851 |
McCue | Catharine | 1844 |
McCue | Daniel | 1866 |
McCue | David | 1901 |
McCue | Elizabeth | 1842 |
McCue | Francis | 1870 |
McCue | Frank | 1883 |
McCue | Frank | 1909 |
McCue | Frank | |
McCue | George | 1817 |
McCue | James | 1853 |
McCue | James | |
McCue | John | 1851 |
McCue | John | 1866 |
McCue | John | 1860s |
McCue | John | 1871 |
McCue | John | 1865 |
McCue | John | 1879 |
McCue | John | |
McCue | John H. | 1848 |
McCue | John H. | |
McCue | Joseph | 1871 |
McCue | Mary | 1867 |
McCue | Michael | 1867 |
McCue | Miles H. | 1864 |
McCue | Owen | 1857 |
McCue | Patrick | 1884 |
McCue | Thomas | 1850 |
McCue | Thomas | |
McCue | William J. | |
McCue alias Daniel | William alias Daniel | 1868 |
McCue alias Gray | Mary J. | 1854 |
McCue alias McHugh | James | 1856 |
McCuen | Edward | 1850 |
McCuen | Edward | |
McCuen | George | 1834 |
McCuen | James | 1852 |
McCuen | James | |
McCuen | John | |
McCuen | John | 1852 |
McCuillan | Edward | |
McCuley | Mary | 1846 |
McCulkin | Thomas | 1827 |
McCullagh or McCullough | James | |
McCullen | John | 1846 |
McCullen | John | 1867 |
McCullen | John | |
McCulloch | Fred | |
McCulloch | Frederick | |
McCulloch | George | |
McCulloch | John | |
McCullogh | James | |
McCullong | John | 1851 |
McCullouch | Charles | 1908 |
McCullough | Anthony | 1835 |
McCullough | Charles | 1854 |
McCullough | Daniel | 1820s-30s |
McCullough | David | 1836 |
McCullough | Henry | 1820s-30s |
McCullough | James | 1878 |
McCullough | James | |
McCullough | John | 1861 |
McCullough | John | 1861 |
McCullough | John | 1870 |
McCullough | John | 1915 |
McCullough | Maggie | 1873 |
McCullough | Mary | 1870 |
McCullough | Peter | |
McCullough | Sarah | |
McCullough | William | 1823 |
McCullough | William | |
McCullum | Catharine | |
McCullum | Edward | 1812 |
McCullum | John | 1846 |
McCullum | John | 1845 |
McCullum | John | |
McCullum | Margaret | 1847 |
McCullum alias Harris | Mary | 1813 |
McCully | John | 1835 |
McCummiskey | Peter | 1900 |
McCune | Annie | |
McCune | Eugene | 1864 |
McCune | Eugene | |
McCune | Eugene T. | |
McCune | Isabella | |
McCune | James | 1852 |
McCune | James | 1855 |
McCune | John | 1832 |
McCune | Lawrence | 1857 |
McCune | Margaret | |
McCune | Sarah | |
McCune alias McKeon | James | 1861 |
McCurdy | Frank | 1872 |
McCurdy | John James | 1820 |
McCurdy | Leslie | |
McCurdy | Louisa | |
McCurdy | Louise | |
McCurdy alias John Dodd | James | 1896 |
McCusker | John | 1825 |
McCuskey | Matthew | 1893 |
McCutchem | William | |
McCutcheon | Florence | |
McCutcheon | Harry | |
McCutcheon | Hugh | |
McCutcheon | Jessie | |
McCutcheon | John | |
McCutcheon | Joseph | |
McCutcheon | Robert | |
McCutcheon | William | 1851 |
McCutcheon | William | 1850 |
McCutcheon | William | 1850 |
McCutcheon | William | 1850 |
McCutcheon | William | |
McCutcheon aka Anderson | Otis | 1898 |
McDade | John | |
McDade | John | 1849 |
McDaniel | Anna | |
McDaniel | Annie | |
McDaniels | Annie | |
McDaniels | Edward H. | 1850 |
McDaniels | Edward H. | |
McDaniels | George | |
McDaniels | James | |
McDeery alias Mulderry | John | 1861 |
McDerit | Charles | 1852 |
McDermada | Catharine | 1814 |
McDermada | James | 1817 |
McDermot | Ann | 1821 |
McDermot | Francis | 1850 |
McDermot | Francis | |
McDermot | John | |
McDermot | Patrick | 1829 |
McDermot | Rosann | |
McDermott | Andrew | 1848 |
McDermott | Ann | 1831 |
McDermott | Augustus | 1884 |
McDermott | Barnard | 1834 |
McDermott | Bernard | 1856 |
McDermott | Bernard alias John | 1899 |
McDermott | Bridget | 1850 |
McDermott | Catharine | 1832 |
McDermott | Catharine | 1850 |
McDermott | Catharine | |
McDermott | Catherine | 1846 |
McDermott | Charles | 1860 |
McDermott | Charles | 1884 |
McDermott | Charles | |
McDermott | Charles E. | |
McDermott | Charlotte | |
McDermott | Christopher | 1849 |
McDermott | Daniel | 1892 |
McDermott | Dennis | 1892 |
McDermott | Edward | 1824 |
McDermott | Edward | 1887 |
McDermott | Edward J. | 1870 |
McDermott | Eliza S. | |
McDermott | Elizabeth S. | |
McDermott | Frank | 1898 |
McDermott | Frederick | |
McDermott | Hugh | 1876 |
McDermott | James | 1845 |
McDermott | James | 1866 |
McDermott | James | 1882 |
McDermott | James | |
McDermott | James (J. or Jr.?) | |
McDermott | James A. | |
McDermott | James Andrew | |
McDermott | James H. | |
McDermott | James J. | |
McDermott | John | 1832 |
McDermott | John | 1840 |
McDermott | John | 1849 |
McDermott | John | 1847 |
McDermott | John | 1852 |
McDermott | John | 1853 |
McDermott | John | 1865 |
McDermott | John | 1866 |
McDermott | John | 1866 |
McDermott | John | 1868 |
McDermott | John | 1885 |
McDermott | John | 1899 |
McDermott | John | |
McDermott | John | 1860 |
McDermott | Joseph | 1862 |
McDermott | Joseph | 1884 |
McDermott | Julia | |
McDermott | Kate | 1874 |
McDermott | Luke | 1849 |
McDermott | Luke | |
McDermott | Maria | 1857 |
McDermott | Mary | 1834 |
McDermott | Mary | |
McDermott | Mary A. | |
McDermott | Mary Ann | |
McDermott | Mathew F. | 1837 |
McDermott | Matthew | |
McDermott | Michael | 1849 |
McDermott | Owen | 1874 |
McDermott | Patrick | 1842 |
McDermott | Patrick | 1869 |
McDermott | Patrick | 1871 |
McDermott | Patrick | |
McDermott | Peter | 1891 |
McDermott | Philip | 1903 |
McDermott | Richard | 1853 |
McDermott | Rosa | |
McDermott | Rosanna | |
McDermott | Terence | 1851 |
McDermott | Terence | |
McDermott | Terrence | 1850 |
McDermott | Thomas | 1853 |
McDermott | Thomas | 1831 |
McDermott | Thomas | |
McDermott | William | 1837 |
McDermott | William | 1841 |
McDermott | William | 1883 |
McDermott | William | 1900 |
McDermott | William | |
McDermott | William W. | |
McDermott | Patrick | 1879 |
McDermott alias Dunn | James | 1863 |
McDermott alias Edward Burns | Daniel | 1905 |
McDermott alias Marrine | Thomas | 1832 |
McDermott alias McGery | Thomas | 1853 |
McDermott alias Patrick Reilly | James | 1880 |
McDevitt | Edward | |
McDevitt | James | 1863 |
McDevitt aka “Mac” | William | 1918 |
McDoe alias Smith | Margaret | 1824 |
McDonahue alias McDonal | Thomas | 1842 |
McDonala | Patrick | |
McDonala or McDonald | Patrick | 1852 |
McDonald | Abraham | 1837 |
McDonald | Alanson | 1809 |
McDonald | Alexander | 1850 |
McDonald | Alexander | 1883 |
McDonald | Alice | 1917 |
McDonald | Anna | 1852 |
McDonald | Anna | |
McDonald | Anthony | |
McDonald | Arthur | 1845 |
McDonald | Arthur | |
McDonald | Bartholomew | |
McDonald | Bernard | |
McDonald | Bridget | 1853 |
McDonald | Bridget | 1840 |
McDonald | Bridget | 1871 |
McDonald | Bridget | |
McDonald | Caroline | |
McDonald | Catharine | 1849 |
McDonald | Catherine | |
McDonald | Catherine J. | |
McDonald | Charles | 1852 |
McDonald | Charles | 1860s |
McDonald | Charles | 1866 |
McDonald | Charles | 1871 |
McDonald | Charles | |
McDonald | Christopher | 1864 |
McDonald | Clifton | 1912 |
McDonald | Colin Andrew alias Coter | |
McDonald | Daniel | 1853 |
McDonald | Daniel | |
McDonald | Dennis | |
McDonald | Ebenezer W. | 1852 |
McDonald | Ebenezer W. | |
McDonald | Edith Mabel | 1887 |
McDonald | Edward | 1855 |
McDonald | Edward | 1874 |
McDonald | Edward J. | 1883 |
McDonald | Eliza | 1852 |
McDonald | Eliza | |
McDonald | Elizabeth | 1848 |
McDonald | Elizabeth | 1860 |
McDonald | Ellen | 1881 |
McDonald | Eric | |
McDonald | Ethel | 1920 |
McDonald | Eugene | 1847 |
McDonald | Eugene | 1899 |
McDonald | Felix | 1866 |
McDonald | Florence | |
McDonald | Francis | 1854 |
McDonald | Francis | 1863 |
McDonald | Francis | 1899 |
McDonald | Francis | |
McDonald | George | 1855 |
McDonald | George | |
McDonald | Harry | 1883 |
McDonald | Henrietta | |
McDonald | Henry | 1851 |
McDonald | Henry | 1889 |
McDonald | Henry | |
McDonald | Isabella | |
McDonald | James | 1851 |
McDonald | James | 1851 |
McDonald | James | 1846 |
McDonald | James | 1839 |
McDonald | James | 1820s-30s |
McDonald | James | 1849 |
McDonald | James | 1852 |
McDonald | James | 1854 |
McDonald | James | 1856 |
McDonald | James | 1851 |
McDonald | James | 1897 |
McDonald | James | 1916 |
McDonald | James | |
McDonald | Johanna | 1881 |
McDonald | John | 1815 |
McDonald | John | 1827 |
McDonald | John | 1851 |
McDonald | John | 1850 |
McDonald | John | 1859 |
McDonald | John | 1863 |
McDonald | John | 1860 |
McDonald | John | 1867 |
McDonald | John | 1871 |
McDonald | John | 1868 |
McDonald | John | 1896 |
McDonald | John | |
McDonald | John C. | 1937 |
McDonald | John E. | 1853 |
McDonald | John E. | 1853 |
McDonald | John E. | 1853 |
McDonald | John E. | |
McDonald | John Edward | 1853 |
McDonald | John Edward | |
McDonald | John J. | |
McDonald | Joseph | 1899 |
McDonald | Laura | |
McDonald | Laura | |
McDonald | Lloyd | |
McDonald | Louis | 1858 |
McDonald | Margaret | 1852 |
McDonald | Margaret | 1853 |
McDonald | Martha | 1852 |
McDonald | Martin | 1842 |
McDonald | Marvin | 1827 |
McDonald | Mary | 1814 |
McDonald | Mary | 1851 |
McDonald | Mary | 1872 |
McDonald | Michael | 1832 |
McDonald | Michael | 1844 |
McDonald | Michael | 1852 |
McDonald | Michael | 1858 |
McDonald | Nellie | 1862 |
McDonald | Patrick | 1834 |
McDonald | Patrick | 1841 |
McDonald | Patrick | 1841 |
McDonald | Patrick | 1855 |
McDonald | Patrick | 1867 |
McDonald | Peter | |
McDonald | Peter M. | |
McDonald | Peter Mortimer | 1849 |
McDonald | Philip | 1898 |
McDonald | Richard | 1879 |
McDonald | Robert | 1858 |
McDonald | Samuel | 1834 |
McDonald | Sarah | 1827 |
McDonald | Sarah | 1867 |
McDonald | Susan | |
McDonald | Thomas | 1851 |
McDonald | Thomas | 1850 |
McDonald | Thomas | 1815 |
McDonald | Thomas | 1843 |
McDonald | Thomas | 1838 |
McDonald | Thomas | 1844 |
McDonald | Thomas | Late 1840s-early 50s |
McDonald | Thomas | 1855 |
McDonald | Thomas | 1853 |
McDonald | Thomas | 1856 |
McDonald | Thomas | 1885 |
McDonald | Thomas | 1905 |
McDonald | Thomas | |
McDonald | Thomas A. | 1914 |
McDonald | Thomas O., Jr. | |
McDonald | Walter | |
McDonald | William | 1849 |
McDonald | William | 1850 |
McDonald | William | 1837 |
McDonald | William | 1848 |
McDonald | William | 1862 |
McDonald | William | 1861 |
McDonald | William | 1868 |
McDonald | William | 1870 |
McDonald | William | 1875 |
McDonald | William | |
McDonald | William | |
McDonald | William H. | |
McDonald | William J. | |
McDonald | Joseph | 1837 |
McDonald alias Britton | Laura | |
McDonald alias Henry Bock | Patrick | |
McDonald alias Lewis | Charles | 1868 |
McDonald alias McGonnell | Edward | 1857 |
McDonald alias Patrick Kerwin | Samuel | 1837 |
McDonald alias Theodore Pfeifer | Edward | 1877 |
McDonald or McDonnell | Charles | 1874 |
McDonell | Clarence | |
McDonnell | Frank | 1888 |
McDonnell | James | 1889 |
McDonnell | John | 1852 |
McDonnell | John | 1854 |
McDonnell | John | 1860 |
McDonnell | Mary | 1851 |
McDonnell | Peter | 1867 |
McDonnell | Philip S. | 1864 |
McDonnell | Thomas | 1870 |
McDonnell | Thomas | |
McDonnell | Thomas | 1852 |
McDonnell alas Mack | Thomas | |
McDonnell alias Ellen McDunner | Mary | 1822 |
McDonnell alias Mack | Thomas | 1855 |
McDonnough | Catherine | 1851 |
McDonnough | Thomas | |
McDonnough | Thomas | 1855 |
McDonnough | Thomas | |
McDonough | Edward | 1856 |
McDonough | Eliza | 1829 |
McDonough | Frank | 1894 |
McDonough | James | 1847 |
McDonough | James | 1811 |
McDonough | James | 1887 |
McDonough | James | |
McDonough | John | 1848 |
McDonough | John | 1823 |
McDonough | John | 1849 |
McDonough | John | 1860 |
McDonough | John | 1860 |
McDonough | John | |
McDonough | Martin | 1853 |
McDonough | Patrick | 1847 |
McDonough | Percy | 1897 |
McDonough | Percy | |
McDonough | Peter | 1852 |
McDonough | Thomas | |
McDonough | William | 1868 |
McDonough or McDonnell | Thomas | |
McDooley aka McGrovry | Thomas | 1867 |
McDougal | Mary | 1853 |
McDougal | Robert | 1915 |
McDougal | Thomas | 1912 |
McDougal | William | 1815 |
McDougall | Catharine | 1865 |
McDougall | Christian | 1820 |
McDougall | John E. | |
McDoughnal | John | 1825 |
McDougil | John | |
McDougil | Robert | |
McDowall | William | 1833 |
McDowell | Charles | 1860 |
McDowell | Charles | 1861 |
McDowell | Henry | 1878 |
McDowell | John | 1898 |
McDowell | Melvin | 1916 |
McDowell | Rosanna | 1852 |
McDowell | Samuel | 1840 |
McDowell | Sarah | 1814 |
McDowell | Thomas | 1851 |
McDowell | Thomas | 1850 |
McDowell | Thomas | |
McDowell | Thomas | 1849 |
McDowell | Thomas | 1867 |
McDowell | Thomas | |
McDowell | William | 1859 |
McDowell | William F. | |
McDowell alias McDonald | John | 1841 |
McEldry or Mceldy | George Washington | 1855 |
McElevel | William | |
McElligott | Mortimer | 1869 |
McElrott | Ann | 1835 |
McElroy | George | |
McElroy | James | 1859 |
McElroy | James | 1859 |
McElroy | Lizzie | 1866 |
McElroy | Margaret | 1852 |
McElroy | Margaret | 1857 |
McElroy | Margaret | |
McElroy | Mary | 1869 |
McElroy | Patrick | 1818 |
McElroy | Robert | 1839 |
McElroy | William | 1860 |
McElroy | William | 1865 |
McElroy | William | |
McEmber | Charles | 1834 |
McEneany | James | |
McEnheimer | Andrew | 1850 |
McEnheimer | Andrew | 1850 |
McEnheimer | Andrew | 1849 |
McEnheimer | Andrew | |
McEnheimer | Herman | |
McEnheimer | Hermance | |
McEnroe | Charles | |
McEnry | Mary | |
McEnry | Mary | 1849 |
McEntee | Charles A. | 1851 |
McEntee | Edward | |
McEntee | Ellen | 1836 |
McEntee | Ethel Ann | 1922 |
McEntee | Mortimer | 1820s-30s |
McEntee | Peter | 1878 |
McEntee | William | 1846 |
McEntee | William | |
McEnter | Charles | |
McEnter | William | |
McEnter | Michael | 1847 |
McEnter or McEnttee? | Charles A. | |
McEntire | James | 1847 |
McEntre | Edward | |
McEntre | William | |
McEntu or McEnter? | William | |
McEntyre | James | 1841 |
McEvers | Mary | 1830 |
McEvoy | Daniel | 1850 |
McEvoy | Frank aka Robert | 1869 |
McEvoy | George E. | |
McEvoy | James | 1871 |
McEvoy | James | 1905 |
McEvoy | John J. | |
McEvoy | Joseph | 1846 |
McEvoy | Nellie | 1876 |
McEvoy | Patrick | 1866 |
McEvoy | Peter | 1821 |
McEvoy | Walter R. | |
McEvoy alias Delaney | Edward | |
McEvoy or McAvoy alias Delaney | Edward | 1854 |
McEvry | George W. | |
McEwan | John | |
McEwen | Andrew | 1838 |
McEwen | Annie | |
McEwen | Edward | 1850 |
McEwen | Edward | |
McEwen | Israel | |
McEwen | John | |
McEwen | Peter | |
McEwen | William | |
McFadden | Alexander | 1885 |
McFadden | Cormack | 1904 |
McFadden | Daniel | |
McFadden | Daniel J. | |
McFadden | Emma | |
McFadden | Ernest | |
McFadden | Ernest W. | |
McFadden | James | 1853 |
McFadden | James | |
McFadden | Jennie | 1885 |
McFadden | John | 1856 |
McFadden | Joseph | |
McFadden | Thomas | 1872 |
McFadden | William | 1839 |
McFadden | William J. | |
McFadyen | Archibald | 1845 |
McFagne | Francis | 1859 |
McFall | Edward | 1853 |
McFall | William | |
McFarland | Horatio | 1819 |
McFarland | James | 1823 |
McFarland | James | |
McFarland | Peter | 1817 |
McFarland | Robert | |
McFarland | Sarah | 1815 |
McFarland | Thomas | 1856 |
McFarland | William | 1851 |
McFarland | William | 1881 |
McFarland | William | 1876 |
McFarland alias Bennett | Henry C. | 1854 |
McFarland alias Timothy Sullivan | James | 1829 |
McFarlane | Edward | |
McFarlane aka Ritchie | James | 1886 |
McFee | James | 1877 |
McFeeley | Elizabeth | 1846 |
McFeeters | John | 1865 |
McFlynn | Hugh | 1855 |
McFlynn | Hugh | |
McGaffry | Rosanna | |
McGahey | William | 1860s |
McGailey | James | 1840 |
McGain aka McGrail | Daniel | 1870 |
McGall | Stephen | 1863 |
McGall alias McGearr | Mary | 1826 |
McGalrick | Ann | 1820s-30s |
McGann | James | 1848 |
McGann | James | 1862 |
McGann | James | |
McGann | Maggie | 1855 |
McGann | Robert | 1851 |
McGann | Thomas | 1820s-30s |
McGann | William | |
McGantlin | James | 1898 |
McGarey | Edward | |
McGarity | Peter | 1875 |
McGarr | James | 1850 |
McGarr | James | |
McGarrett | John | 1855 |
McGarrett | John | |
McGarrett | Rachel | 1849 |
McGarrett | Rachel | |
McGarrett | Robert | |
McGarrett | William | 1851 |
McGarrett | William | |
McGarrey | Richard D. | |
McGarrick | Frank | |
McGarrigan | Richard | 1852 |
McGarrity | Francis | 1861 |
McGarrity | Lester | 1900 |
McGarry | Bernard | 1899 |
McGarry | Edward | 1851 |
McGarry | Edward | 1851 |
McGarry | Edward | 1849 |
McGarry | Edward | |
McGarry | Frank | 1868 |
McGarry | Henry or Harry | 1867 |
McGarry | John | |
McGarry | Martin | 1862 |
McGarry | Michael | 1856 |
McGarry | Richard | 1851 |
McGarry | Richard | |
McGarven | David | |
McGarvey | James | 1872 |
McGarvey | John | 1879 |
McGarvey | Laura | |
McGarvey | Mary | |
McGarvin | David | 1851 |
McGarvin | David | |
McGarvin | Richard | 1852 |
McGary | Henry | |
McGary | Marcus | |
McGary or McGasy | Henry | |
McGathron | Louisa | 1833 |
McGavin | Campbell | |
McGavisk | James | 1860 |
McGeague | John | |
McGear | George A. | 1843 |
McGeary | Henry | |
McGeary | John | 1857 |
McGeary | Richard | |
McGeary | Thomas | |
McGee | Abby | |
McGee | Barney | 1824 |
McGee | Christian | 1857 |
McGee | Dorothea Jane | 1917 |
McGee | Edna Jane | 1882 |
McGee | Elmer Garfield | 1884 |
McGee | Frank | 1916 |
McGee | George | 1846 |
McGee | George | |
McGee | Helen Celeste | 1920 |
McGee | Henry | |
McGee | James | 1895 |
McGee | James | |
McGee | John | 1845 |
McGee | John | 1847 |
Mcgee | John | 1875 |
McGee | Joseph | 1866 |
McGee | Kenneth | 1916 |
McGee | Lawrence | 1899 |
McGee | Luke | 1855 |
McGee | Mabel Sarah | 1916 |
McGee | Margaret | 1840 |
McGee | Mary | 1858 |
McGee | Mary Louise | 1906 |
McGee | Patrick | 1854 |
McGee | Patrick | 1858 |
McGee | Patrick | 1862 |
McGee | Peter | |
McGee | Robert | 1842 |
McGee | Robert | 1911 |
McGee | Terence | |
McGee | Terrence | 1855 |
McGee | Terrence | |
McGee | Thomas | 1863 |
McGee | Thomas William | 1880 |
McGee | William | 1856 |
McGee alias John Sweeney | Bernard | |
McGenty | William | 1859 |
McGeough | James | 1880 |
McGere | Lizzie | |
McGerkin | Nancy | 1844 |
McGeroux | Neil | 1847 |
McGeroux | Neil | |
McGerrity | John | 1876 |
McGetney? | Henry | |
McGeu | Lizzie | |
McGhee | Joseph | |
McGhee | Samuel | |
McGhel | Joseph | |
McGibbon | John | 1849 |
McGibbon | John | 1850 |
McGibbon | John | |
McGibbon | William | 1850 |
McGibbon | William | 1848 |
McGibbon | William | 1850 |
McGibbon | William | |
McGibbons | James | 1843 |
McGibney | Alexander Wiltoneh | 1842 |
McGibney | Henry | |
McGibney | Isaac Tate | |
McGibney | John | 1844 |
McGibney | John | 1845 |
McGibney | Lizzie | 1878 |
McGibney | Mary A. | |
McGibney | Michael | |
McGibney | Nicholas | 1853 |
McGibney | Samuel | 1843 |
McGibney | Thomas | 1846 |
McGidney | Isaac T. | |
McGiff | Rosanna | 1846 |
McGiff | Thomas | 1847 |
McGill | Agnes S. | |
McGill | Charles | 1868 |
McGill | Charles | 1897 |
McGill | Ellen J. | 1859 |
McGill | Georgia J. | 1934 |
McGill | James | 1856 |
McGill | James | 1857 |
McGill | James | 1910 |
McGill | James | |
McGill | John | 1829 |
McGill | John E. | 1867 |
McGill | Joseph | 1880 |
McGill | Robert C. | |
McGill | Samuel | |
McGill | Terrence | |
McGill | Thomas | 1848 |
McGill | Thomas | |
McGill | William | |
McGill aka Magill | George R. | 1868 |
McGillicuddy | Eugene | 1863 |
McGiness | Thomas | 1865 |
McGinley | Hugh | 1874 |
McGinley | John | 1881 |
McGinley | Mary | 1833 |
McGinley | Peter | 1880 |
McGinley | Thomas | 1882 |
McGinn | Edward | 1812 |
McGinn | James | 1840 |
McGinn | James | |
McGinn | John | 1849 |
McGinn | John | 1852 |
McGinn | John | |
McGinn | Mary | |
McGinn | Mary A. | |
McGinn | Michael | 1851 |
McGinn | Michael | 1852 |
McGinn | Michael | |
McGinn | Richard | 1836 |
McGinn | Thomas | 1852 |
McGinn | William | |
McGinn | Michael | 1852 |
McGinn | John | 1851 |
McGinn or McGuinn? | Michael | |
McGinnes | Nancy | 1821 |
McGinnes | William | |
McGinness | Ann J. | |
McGinness | James | 1862 |
McGinness | John | 1859 |
McGinness | John | |
McGinness | Mary | 1852 |
McGinness | Mary | 1870 |
McGinness | Peter | |
McGinness | Peter | |
McGinness | Robert | |
McGinness | Robert, Jr. | |
McGinness alias Smith | William | 1862 |
McGinnis | Ann J. | 1855 |
McGinnis | Ann J. | |
McGinnis | Auranda aka Amanda | 1838 |
McGinnis | Charles | 1835 |
McGinnis | Charles | 1864 |
McGinnis | Daniel | 1818 |
McGinnis | Ellen | 1856 |
McGinnis | Ellen | |
McGinnis | George | 1852 |
McGinnis | George | 1835 |
McGinnis | George | |
McGinnis | James | 1851 |
McGinnis | James | 1851 |
McGinnis | James | 1849 |
McGinnis | James | |
McGinnis | Jane | 1841 |
McGinnis | John | 1852 |
McGinnis | John | 1855 |
McGinnis | John | 1851 |
McGinnis | John | 1861 |
McGinnis | John | |
McGinnis | John J. | |
McGinnis | Letitia J. | |
McGinnis | Mary A. | 1851 |
McGinnis | Mary A. | |
McGinnis | Mary Ann | 1825 |
McGinnis | Michael | 1882 |
McGinnis | Patrick | 1862 |
McGinnis | Robert | 1854 |
McGinnis | Thomas | 1822 |
McGinnis | William | 1820 |
McGinnis alias William O’Brien | William | 1878 |
McGinniss | John J. | |
McGinniss | Peter | 1843 |
McGinniss | Peter | |
McGinnus | Margaret | 1824 |
McGinty | Francis | 1846 |
McGinty | John | 1857 |
McGinty | John | 1865 |
McGinty | Stephen | 1895 |
McGirk | Hugh | |
McGirk | James | |
McGirk | Sarah | |
McGirk | Sarah J. | |
McGirr | Andrew | 1865 |
McGirty | Hugh | |
McGiven | William | |
McGiveney | Stephen | 1838 |
McGiveney | Thomas | 1839 |
McGiveny | John | 1859 |
McGiveny | Julia | 1865 |
McGivern | John | 1836 |
McGivern | John | 1873 |
McGivney | Henry | 1862 |
McGivney | Henry | |
McGivney | James | 1820s-30s |
McGivney | John | 1844 |
McGivney | Mary | 1839 |
McGivney | Mary A. | |
McGivney | Nicholas | 1852 |
McGivney | Nicholas | 1853 |
McGivney | Nicholas | |
McGivney | Patrick | 1897 |
McGivney | Peter | 1849 |
McGivney alias John Brinkwood | Alexander | 1845 |
McGivon or McGivern | Daniel | 1841 |
McGlashan | George | 1837 |
McGlenn | Morris | 1813 |
McGlinchey | Andrew | |
McGlinchy | William | 1829 |
McGlinckey | Andrew | |
McGloin | Catharine | 1852 |
McGloin | Hugh | 1890 |
McGloin | James | 1898 |
McGloin | John | |
McGloin | Patrick | 1899 |
McGloin | Peter | 1889 |
McGloin | Willard | 1900 |
McGloin | William | 1899 |
McGlone | O’Neil | 1825 |
McGlone | Farrel | 1813 |
McGlone or McLeod | Catharine | 1830 |
McGluichey | Andrew | |
McGlune or McGlure? | Thoma | |
McGlyn | John | |
McGlynn | Edward | 1862 |
McGlynn | James | 1861 |
McGlynn | James | 1863 |
McGlynn | James | |
McGlynn | John | 1849 |
McGlynn | John | 1850 |
McGlynn | John | 1907 |
McGlynn | John | |
McGlynn | Mary | 1860s |
McGlynn | Stephen | 1865 |
McGlynn (Adoptive surname) | James | 1867 |
McGoldrick | George | 1867 |
McGoldrick | Patrick | 1823 |
McGoldrick | Patrick | 1878 |
McGolgan alias Colligan | John | 1885 |
McGonegal | James | 1813 |
McGonnell | John | 1898 |
McGookin | George | 1864 |
McGoombs | John | |
McGough | Frank | 1881 |
McGough | John | 1841 |
McGoveren | Margaret | 1818 |
McGoverin | Lawrence | 1856 |
McGovern | Ann | 1836 |
McGovern | Bernard | |
McGovern | Bridget | 1830 |
McGovern | Charles | 1878 |
McGovern | Charles | 1879 |
McGovern | David | 1853 |
McGovern | David | |
McGovern | Francis | 1864 |
McGovern | Frank | 1860 |
McGovern | Franklin | 1842 |
McGovern | George | 1820s-30s |
McGovern | George | 1850 |
McGovern | James | 1849 |
McGovern | James | 1830 |
McGovern | James | |
McGovern | John | 1840 |
McGovern | John | 1842 |
McGovern | John | 1849 |
McGovern | John | 1864 |
McGovern | John | 1873 |
McGovern | John | |
McGovern | Joseph | 1861 |
McGovern | Martin | |
McGovern | Mary | 1852 |
McGovern | Mary | 1870 |
McGovern | Mary A. | |
McGovern | Mary E. “Nellie” | 1881 |
McGovern | Patrick | 1885 |
McGovern | Patrick | |
McGovern | Peter | 1847 |
McGovern | Peter | 1863 |
McGovern | Peter | 1901 |
McGovern | Richard | 1824 |
McGovern | Rosanna | |
McGovern | Terrance | 1903 |
McGovern | Terrence | 1842 |
McGovern | Thomas | 1857 |
McGovern | Thomas | |
McGovern alias Garvey | Francis | 1872 |
McGovern alias Joseph Gunn | Barney | 2830 |
McGovern alias William Smith | Charles | 1897 |
McGovern or McGowan | Martin | 1851 |
McGovorn | Daniel | 1839 |
McGowan | Bartley | 1826 |
McGowan | Bridget | 1813 |
McGowan | Bridget | 1852 |
McGowan | Charles | 1814 |
McGowan | Charles | 1846 |
McGowan | Edward | |
McGowan | Eleanor Clarissa | 1849 |
McGowan | Eliza Matilda | 1851 |
McGowan | Harry | |
McGowan | Henry | 1856 |
McGowan | James | 1822 |
McGowan | James | 1848 |
McGowan | James | 1868 |
McGowan | James | 1872 |
McGowan | James | 1877 |
McGowan | James | 1881 |
McGowan | James | |
McGowan | John | 1849 |
McGowan | John | 1849 |
McGowan | John | 1821 |
McGowan | John | 1827 |
McGowan | John | 1843 |
McGowan | John | 1873 |
McGowan | John | 1880 |
McGowan | John | 1904 |
McGowan | John | |
McGowan | Joseph J. | 1911 |
McGowan | Lucy | |
McGowan | Malcolm | 1880 |
McGowan | Martin | |
McGowan | Mary | 1859 |
McGowan | Mary | 1864 |
McGowan | Mary Ann | 1849 |
McGowan | Michael | |
McGowan | Minnie | |
McGowan | Patrick | 1844 |
McGowan | Patrick | 1857 |
McGowan | Patrick | 1854 |
McGowan | Patrick | |
McGowan | Peter | 1817 |
McGowan | Richard | 1861 |
McGowan | Robert | 1855 |
McGowan | Robert | 1868 |
McGowan | Rosanna | 1844 |
McGowan | Thomas | 1817 |
McGowan | Thomas | 1867 |
McGowan | Thomas | |
McGowan | William | 1852 |
McGowan | William | |
McGowan alias James McCann | John | 1831 |
McGowan alias Storms | Patrick | 1822 |
McGowen | Bartlett | 1815 |
McGowen | Ellen | 1841 |
McGowen | Matthew | 1843 |
McGowen | Michael | 1893 |
McGowey | Mary | |
McGown | Bridget | 1848 |
McGown | Bridget | |
McGown | John | 1850 |
McGown | John | |
McGrain | John | 1848 |
McGrain | John | |
McGrame | John | 1896 |
McGran | Thomas | |
McGrand | James | 1852 |
McGrand | James | |
McGrane | Thomas | 1866 |
McGrath | Annie | 1876 |
McGrath | Arthur | 1931 |
McGrath | Arthur | 1897 |
McGrath | Bernard | 1855 |
McGrath | Charles | 1870 |
McGrath | Daniel | 1837 |
McGrath | Daniel | |
McGrath | David | 1869 |
McGrath | Edward | 1853 |
McGrath | Edward | 1832 |
McGrath | Edward | 1853 |
McGrath | Edward | 1850 |
McGrath | Edward | |
McGrath | Elizabeth | 1878 |
McGrath | Frances | |
McGrath | Francis | 1938 |
McGrath | Francis | 1854 |
McGrath | Francis | 1834 |
McGrath | Francis | |
McGrath | Frank | 1869 |
McGrath | George | 1935 |
McGrath | George | 1859 |
McGrath | George | |
McGrath | James | 1835 |
McGrath | James | 1840 |
McGrath | James | 1841 |
McGrath | James | 1856 |
McGrath | James, Jr. | 1875 |
McGrath | Jeremiah | 1878 |
McGrath | John | 1855 |
McGrath | John | 1855 |
McGrath | John | 1854 |
McGrath | John | 1870 |
McGrath | John | 1872 |
McGrath | John | 1888 |
McGrath | John | |
McGrath | John alias Thomas | 1878 |
McGrath | Julia | |
McGrath | Leonard | 1896 |
McGrath | Margaret | 1855 |
McGrath | Margaret | |
McGrath | Mary | 1866 |
McGrath | Mathew James | |
McGrath | Maurice | 1887 |
McGrath | Michael | 1827 |
McGrath | Michael | 1843 |
McGrath | Michael | 1871 |
McGrath | Michael | |
McGrath | Patrick | 1847 |
McGrath | Patrick | 1870 |
McGrath | Patrick | 1872 |
McGrath | Patrick | 1874 |
McGrath | Patrick | |
McGrath | Robert | 1945 |
McGrath | Robert | 1876 |
McGrath | Samuel | |
McGrath | Thomas | 1858 |
McGrath | Thomas | 1848 |
McGrath | Thomas | 1853 |
McGrath | Thomas | 1851 |
McGrath | Thomas | 1855 |
McGrath | Thomas | 1864 |
McGrath | Thomas | 1865 |
McGrath | Thomas | 1897 |
McGrath | Thomas | |
McGrath | Walter | 1844 |
McGrath | William | 1839 |
McGrath | William | 1836 |
McGrath | William | 1847 |
McGrath | William | 1870 |
McGrath aka MacDonald | Eugene J. | 1929 |
McGrath alias George Ruman | John | 1869 |
McGrath alias Hazzard | Mary | |
McGrath alias Hazzard | Mary | |
McGrath alias Hazzard | Mary | 1849 |
McGraw | Catherine | 1875 |
McGraw | Fannie | |
McGraw | Henry | 1839 |
McGraw | Ida J. | 1868 |
McGraw | James | 1877 |
McGraw | James | 1827 |
McGraw | James | 1840 |
McGraw | James | 1864 |
McGraw | John | 1820s-30s |
McGraw | John | |
McGraw | Mary | |
McGraw | Maurice | 1853 |
McGraw | Michael | 1850 |
McGraw | Neil | 1848 |
McGraw | Owen | 1850 |
McGraw | Peter | 1851 |
McGraw | Sarah | 1821 |
McGraw | William | 1873 |
McGrayne | Clarence | 1882 |
McGready | John alias James | 1832 |
McGreegen | John J. | 1852 |
McGreer | James | |
McGreevey | Dominick | 1875 |
McGreevy | Thomas | 1865 |
McGreger | George, Jr. | |
McGregor | Archibald | 1865 |
McGregor | Emmett | 1851 |
McGregor | George, Jr. | |
McGregor | James | |
McGregor | John | 1877 |
McGregor | Lewis | 1855 |
McGregor | Samuel | |
McGregor | William | 1854 |
McGrew | Jane | |
McGrew | Mary | |
McGrew | Mary Ann | |
McGrew | Neil | |
McGrew | Stewart | 1838 |
McGrey | John | |
McGrey | John | |
McGroerty | Cornelius | |
McGrogan | John | |
McGrory | William H. | 1850 |
McGrosey? | Charles | |
McGrotty | Edwin | |
McGrotty | Elwin | |
McGroty | Neil | 1857 |
McGrury | James | 1859 |
McGuckin | James | 1849 |
McGuckin | John | 1831 |
McGue | Michael | 1849 |
McGuen | Edward | |
McGuey | Mary | |
McGuick | Francis W. | |
McGuigan | James | 1883 |
McGuin [or McGuire?] | Daniel | 1834 |
McGuiness | Edward | |
McGuiness | Mary A. | |
McGuinness | Richard | 1884 |
McGuinness | Robert, Jr. | |
McGuinniss | Annie | 1867 |
McGuire | Arthur | 1833 |
McGuire | Barney | 1824 |
McGuire | Bernard | 1820s-30s |
McGuire | Bernard | 1849 |
McGuire | Catharine | 1833 |
McGuire | Charles | 1851 |
McGuire | Charles | 1889 |
McGuire | De Witt | |
McGuire | Dueth? | |
McGuire | Ellen | 1823 |
McGuire | Eugene | 1875 |
McGuire | Francis | 1835 |
McGuire | Francis | 1882 |
McGuire | Frank | 1863 |
McGuire | Frank | 1860s |
McGuire | Frank | 1900 |
McGuire | George | 1880 |
McGuire | Henry | 1822 |
McGuire | Howard | 1897 |
McGuire | Hugh | 1820 |
McGuire | James | 1822 |
McGuire | James | 1846 |
McGuire | James | 1850 |
McGuire | James | 1861 |
McGuire | James | 1856 |
McGuire | James | 1865 |
McGuire | James | 1877 |
McGuire | James | 1876 |
McGuire | James | |
McGuire | Jennie | 1865 |
McGuire | John | 1831 |
McGuire | John | 1837 |
McGuire | John | 1838 |
McGuire | John | 1820s-30s |
McGuire | John | 1848 |
McGuire | John | 1847 |
McGuire | John | 1854 |
McGuire | John | 1858 |
McGuire | John | 1865 |
McGuire | John | 1863 |
McGuire | John | |
McGuire | John | 1895 |
McGuire | John F. | 1876 |
McGuire | John J., Jr. | 1899 |
McGuire | John T. | 1862 |
McGuire | John T. | |
McGuire | Joseph | 1874 |
McGuire | Joseph | 1873 |
McGuire | Joseph | |
McGuire | Julia | |
McGuire | Kearn | 1848 |
McGuire | Lawrence | 1825 |
McGuire | Margaret | |
McGuire | Mark | 1815 |
McGuire | Mary | 1830 |
McGuire | Mary Ann | 1820s-30s |
McGuire | Mary Ann | |
McGuire | Michael | 1860s |
McGuire | Patrick | 1850 |
McGuire | Patrick | 1850 |
McGuire | Patrick | 1853 |
McGuire | Patrick | |
McGuire | Peter R. | 1853 |
McGuire | Richard | 1854 |
McGuire | Richard | |
McGuire | Rosa | |
McGuire | Rosetta | |
McGuire | Thomas | 1842 |
McGuire | Thomas | 1843 |
McGuire | Thomas | 1849 |
McGuire | Thomas | 1853 |
McGuire | Thomas | 1853 |
McGuire | Thomas | |
McGuire | William | 1848 |
McGuire | William | 1815 |
McGuire | William | 1828 |
McGuire | William | 1845 |
McGuire | William | 1848 |
McGuire | William | 1854 |
McGuire | William | |
McGuire | William H. | 1852 |
McGuire | William H. | |
McGuire | Dewitt | 1859 |
McGuire aka Barnes | Kate | 1865 |
McGuire alias Kate O’Brien | Nora | 1864 |
McGuire or McGuyre | Joseph | |
McGuire or McGuyre alias Anna Putnam | Mary Ann alias Anna | |
McGuirey | Thomas | 1839 |
McGuirk | Margaret | 1849 |
McGulpin | John | 1834 |
McGurk | Robert | 1835 |
McGurk aka Magurk | Frederick | 1869 |
McGurn | Joseph | 1893 |
McGurty | Catharine | 1859 |
McGuyer | Kearns | 1848 |
McGuyer | Patrick | 1850 |
McGuyre | Charles | 1850 |
McGuyre | Charles | |
McGuyre | Elizabeth | |
McGuyre | Frank | |
McGuyre | Henry | |
McGuyre | James | 1855 |
McGuyre | John | 1848 |
McGuyre | John | 1848 |
McGuyre | John | 1854 |
McGuyre | John | |
McGuyre | Julia | 1851 |
McGuyre | Julia | |
McGuyre | Kearns | |
McGuyre | Margaret | |
McGuyre | Margaret | 1851 |
McGuyre | Mary A. | |
McGuyre | Mary Ann | |
McGuyre | Patrick | |
McGuyre | Patrick | |
McGuyre | Richard | |
McGuyre | Rosa | |
McGuyre | Thomas | 1848 |
McGuyre | Thomas | 1853 |
McGuyre | Thomas | |
McGuyre | William | |
McGuyre | William H. | |
McGuyre alias George Dincley | Henry | 1847 |
McGuyre alias George Dincley | Henry | |
McGuyre alias Magar | Jane | |
McGuyre or McGuyer | Mary Ann | 1854 |
McGwin | Patrick | 1836 |
McGwire alias McGlone | John | 1834 |
McHale | Anthony | 1850 |
McHale | James | 1852 |
McHardy | Duncan | |
McHenry | Ashley | |
McHenry | Thomas | 1897 |
McHolland alias Barry | Thomas | 1859 |
McHugh | Annie | |
McHugh | James | |
McHugh | Lillian | 1888 |
McHugh | Lillian | |
McHugh | Mary | |
McHugh | Thomas | 1883 |
McHugh alias Hannah Ryan | Annie | 1882 |
McHugh alias McCue | John | 1858 |
McIlgrew | James | 1814 |
McIlhaney | James | 1840 |
McIllhenny | James D. | 1808 |
McIlvany | James | 1836 |
McIlvavy | Andrew | 1867 |
McIlveen | Sarah | 1819 |
McIlwain | Michael | 1838 |
McInerney | Matthew | 1900 |
McIntire | Edward | 1846 |
McIntire | Thomas | 1845 |
McIntosh | Alexander | 1888 |
McIntosh | Catharine | 1829 |
McIntosh | David | |
McIntosh | Herbert | |
McIntosh | James | 1869 |
McIntosh | John | 1828 |
McIntosh | John | 1851 |
McIntosh | Robert | |
McIntyre | Alexander | 1854 |
McIntyre | Alexander | |
McIntyre | Andrew | 1880 |
McIntyre | Ann | 1851 |
McIntyre | Anna | |
McIntyre | Catharine | |
McIntyre | Charles | 1864 |
McIntyre | Clifford | 1889 |
McIntyre | Edward | |
McIntyre | George | 1877 |
McIntyre | George | |
McIntyre | George H. | |
McIntyre | James | 1847 |
McIntyre | James | 1855 |
McIntyre | James | 1865 |
McIntyre | James | |
McIntyre | John | 1854 |
McIntyre | John | 1853 |
McIntyre | John | 1820s-30s |
McIntyre | John | 1854 |
McIntyre | John | 1863 |
McIntyre | John | |
McIntyre | John F. | 1865 |
McIntyre | Joseph | |
McIntyre | Kate | |
McIntyre | Maggie | 1868 |
McIntyre | Margaret | |
McIntyre | Mary J. | |
McIntyre | Maud | |
McIntyre | Michael | 1861 |
McIntyre | Neil | 1850 |
McIntyre | Neil | |
McIntyre | Neil, Jr. | 1850 |
McIntyre | Patrick | 1852 |
McIntyre | Patrick | |
McIntyre | Robert | 1876 |
McIntyre | Robert | |
McIntyre | Thomas | 1854 |
McIntyre | Thomas | |
McIntyre | Walter | 2960 |
McIntyre | William | 1874 |
McIntyre | William | |
McIntyre alias Charley Bluff | Charles | Abt 1804 |
McIveny | Bernard | 1849 |
McIvers | Francis | 1855 |
McKalvery | Annie | |
McKalvey | Annie | |
McKalvey or McKalvary | Annie | |
McKan | James | |
McKane | Leo | 1901 |
McKann or McCann | Bernard | 1843 |
McKann or McCann | Mary Jane | 1842 |
McKann or McCann | Rasanna or Rosalie | 1845 |
McKay | Andrew | 1888 |
McKay | Andrew | |
McKay | Annie | |
McKay | Charles | |
McKay | David | |
McKay | Edward | 1856 |
McKay | Eliza | 1824 |
McKay | Everest | 1848 |
McKay | Everest | |
McKay | George | 1845 |
McKay | George | 1885 |
McKay | George | |
McKay | Harriet | 1864 |
McKay | Henry | |
McKay | Hugh | 1868 |
McKay | John | 1866 |
McKay | John | 1867 |
McKay | John | |
McKay | John H. | 1854 |
McKay | John J. | |
McKay | Katie | |
McKay | Mary | |
McKay | Matthew | |
McKay | Richard | |
McKay | Robert F. | 1869 |
McKay | Stephen | |
McKay | Thomas | 1860 |
McKay | Walter | |
McKay | William | 1823 |
McKay | William | 1877 |
McKay | William | |
McKay alias Johnson | Herbert | |
McKay alias Mackey | Andrew | 1832 |
McKay or McHail | Mary | 168 |
McKeag | Charles | 1866 |
McKeague | John | |
McKeaman | Peter | 1808 |
McKean | Ann | 1847 |
McKean | John | |
McKean | William I. | |
McKean | William J. | |
McKeane | Thomas | 1881 |
McKear | Catharine | 1845 |
McKear | Catharine | |
McKearney | John | 1905 |
McKearney | Philip | 1836 |
McKeaure | John | |
McKeaver | William | 1854 |
McKeayue | John | 1854 |
McKeayue | John | |
McKee | Florence Jessie | 1878 |
McKee | Frank | |
McKee | Frank B. | |
McKee | Frederick | |
McKee | George | 1825 |
McKee | George | |
McKee | Henry | 1821 |
McKee | Jacob | 1868 |
McKee | James | 1857 |
McKee | James | 1864 |
McKee | John | 1847 |
McKee | John | 1848 |
McKee | John | 1849 |
McKee | John | |
McKee | Joseph | |
McKee | Julia | |
McKee | Mary | 1816 |
McKee | Matthew | 1870 |
McKee | Robert | 1856 |
McKee | Robert | |
McKee | Walter | 1882 |
McKee | William | 1868 |
McKee | William | |
McKee | William J. | 1850 |
McKee | William | 1850 |
McKee aka McGee | James | 1868 |
McKee Brown | William | |
McKeefry | John Edward | 1899 |
McKeever | Edward | 1876 |
McKeever | Henry | |
McKeever | James | 1853 |
McKeever | James | 1865 |
McKeever | James | 1870 |
McKeever | James | |
McKeever | Patrick | 1865 |
McKeever | Samuel | |
McKeever | Thomas | 1851 |
McKeever | Thomas | |
McKeever | William | 1869 |
McKeever | William J. | |
McKegney | Edward | 1868 |
McKegney | John | 1864 |
McKeirnan | John | 1863 |
McKellop | R. Duncan | 1854 |
McKellop | Robert D. | |
McKellopp | Duncan | |
McKelvey | Frank | |
McKelvey | John | |
McKelvey | Joseph | 1883 |
McKendry | James | 1867 |
McKendry | James | |
McKenna | Angus | 1860 |
McKenna | Ann | 1840 |
McKenna | Archibald | |
McKenna | Catharine | 1866 |
McKenna | Charles | 1855 |
McKenna | Charles | 1852 |
McKenna | Charles | 1867 |
McKenna | Cornelius | 1851 |
McKenna | Daniel | 1853 |
McKenna | Edward | 1869 |
McKenna | Edward | 1869 |
McKenna | Edward | |
McKenna | Edward M. | |
McKenna | Eugene | 1878 |
McKenna | Francis | 1874 |
McKenna | Frank | 1896 |
McKenna | Frederick | 1850 |
McKenna | Frederick | |
McKenna | James | 1837 |
McKenna | James | 1839 |
McKenna | James | 1850 |
McKenna | James | 1863 |
McKenna | James | 1896 |
McKenna | James | |
McKenna | John | 1838 |
McKenna | John | 1838 |
McKenna | John | 1851 |
McKenna | John | 1864 |
McKenna | John | 1861 |
McKenna | John | 1866 |
McKenna | John | 1885 |
McKenna | John | 1887 |
McKenna | John J. | |
McKenna | Joseph | 1855 |
McKenna | Joseph | 1899 |
McKenna | Lester | 1873 |
McKenna | Lyida | |
McKenna | Margaret | 1832 |
McKenna | Margaret | 1843 |
McKenna | Martin | 1840 |
McKenna | Mary Ann | 1859 |
McKenna | Mary Ann | 1868 |
McKenna | Mary Ann | |
McKenna | Michael | 1820s-30s |
McKenna | Patrick | |
McKenna | Peter | 1820s-30s |
McKenna | Peter | 1846 |
McKenna | Philip | 1849 |
McKenna | Philip | 1878 |
McKenna | Richard | 1836 |
McKenna | Thomas | 1853 |
McKenna | Thomas | 1859 |
McKenna | Thomas | 1882 |
McKenna | Thomas | 1883 |
McKenna | Thomas F. | |
McKenna | Vincent | 1896 |
McKenna | William | 1859 |
McKenna | William | 1865 |
McKenna | William | 1870 |
McKenna | William | |
McKenna | Richard | 1851 |
McKenna alias [Kimy?] | Mary | 1849 |
McKenna alias Fay | James | 1862 |
McKenna alias Joseph Johnson | Michael | 1834 |
McKenna alias McKenzie alias Kenzie | Catherine | 1828 |
McKenna or McKennon | Archibald | 1849 |
McKenney | Charles | 1835 |
McKenney | George | 1822 |
McKenney | James | |
McKenney | John J. | |
McKenney | William | |
McKenney alias Kelley | Michael | 1853 |
McKenney alias Kenney | William | |
McKennon | Hugh | |
McKenny | John J. | |
McKenon | Hugh | |
McKenzie | Annie | 1869 |
McKenzie | Annie | |
McKenzie | Arthur L. | |
McKenzie | Eliza | 1826 |
McKenzie | Elizabeth | |
McKenzie | Frederick | |
McKenzie | George | 1853 |
McKenzie | George | |
McKenzie | George W. | 1851 |
McKenzie | George W. | 1851 |
McKenzie | George W. | |
McKenzie | George Washington | 1853 |
McKenzie | Harold | 1900 |
McKenzie | Henry | 1866 |
McKenzie | James | |
McKenzie | Jane E. | 1850 |
McKenzie | John | 1859 |
McKenzie | John | 1878 |
McKenzie | John | |
McKenzie | John G. M. | |
McKenzie | John G. W. | |
McKenzie | Joseph Oatwell | |
McKenzie | Mary | 1829 |
McKenzie | Thomas | 1882 |
McKenzie | Walter | 1879 |
McKenzie alias Frank Smith and Frank Tully | James | 1867 |
McKenzie alias Stuart | William, Jr. | 1880 |
McKeon | Ellen | 1852 |
McKeon | George, Jr. | |
McKeon | Henry | 1869 |
McKeon | Henry | 1902 |
McKeon | James | 1817 |
McKeon | James | 1833 |
McKeon | James | 1861 |
McKeon | James | 1862 |
McKeon | James | 1911 |
McKeon | John | 1857 |
McKeon | John | 1868 |
McKeon | John | 1884 |
McKeon | Mary A. | 1863 |
McKeon | Owen | 1837 |
McKeon | Robert | 1863 |
McKeon | Thomas | 1849 |
McKeon | Thomas | |
McKeown | Edward | 1866 |
McKeown | John | 1863 |
McKeown | William | 1825 |
McKeown aka McEwen | James | 1854 |
McKerma | Philip | |
McKern | Sarah | 1830 |
McKern | William J. | |
McKernan | John | 1863 |
McKernan | Patrick | 1888 |
McKernan or McKirnan | Thomas | 1818 |
McKerren | Andrew | 1821 |
McKerver | Samuel | |
McKerver? | Henry | |
McKerver? | Samuel | |
McKeuen | Edward | 1851 |
McKever | John | 1847 |
McKever | Mary Ann | 1808 |
McKewen | Peter | 1849 |
McKewen | Peter | |
McKewen | William | 1849 |
McKewen | William | |
McKibben | Alfred | 1860 |
McKibben | Roger | 1868 |
McKibbins | Mary Jane | 1846 |
McKibby | Edward | 1834 |
McKie | Nelson L. | |
McKiernan | James | 1846 |
McKigney | Ellen | 1848 |
McKigney | Ellen | |
McKillop | Robert D. | 1853 |
McKillop | Robert D. | |
McKilvey | John | |
McKim | Alice | |
McKim | James W. | |
McKim? | James W. | |
McKimm | Elizabeth | 1854 |
McKimm | James W. | |
McKimm | Michael | 1815 |
McKinley | Andrew | |
McKinley | Annie | |
McKinley | George | 1879 |
McKinley | James | 1816 |
McKinley | James | 1841 |
McKinley | Jennie | |
McKinley | Joseph | |
McKinley | Robert | 1886 |
McKinley | Robert | |
McKinley | Robert J. | |
McKinley | Robert T. | |
McKinley | Samuel | |
McKinley | William | |
McKinly | Edward | |
McKinney | Alden | |
McKinney | Bridget | 1835 |
McKinney | Clarence | |
McKinney | Edward | 1859 |
McKinney | James | 1853 |
McKinney | James | |
McKinney | John | 1881 |
McKinney | Margaret | 1841 |
McKinney | Michael | 1840 |
McKinney | Michael | 1850 |
McKinney | Peter | |
McKinney | William | |
McKinnon | Archibald | 1874 |
McKinnon | George | 1875 |
McKinnon | Hugh | |
McKinnon | Hugh, Jr. | |
McKinnon | Lydia | 1853 |
McKinnon | Lydia | 1854 |
McKinnon | Lydia | |
McKinnon | William | 1855 |
McKinnon | William | 1857 |
McKinnon | William | 1856 |
McKinnon | William | |
McKinnow alias McKenna | William | |
McKinnow alias Walker | Lydia | |
McKinny | William | |
McKinter alias McIntyre | Laurena | 1850 |
McKinzey | John | 1849 |
McKinzey | John | 1849 |
McKinzie | James | 1850 |
McKnight | Catharine | |
McKnight | James | 1889 |
McKnight | John | 1883 |
McKnight | Mary | |
McKnight | Mary M. | 1839 |
McKnight | Thomas | 1887 |
McKnight | William | 1845 |
McKnight | William | |
McKoen | Mary | |
McKohen | James | 1854 |
McKohen | James | |
McKohen | Joseph | |
McKohen | Sarah | 1855 |
McKohen | Sarah | |
McKoll aka McCaul alias Terrance Boyle | Dennis | 1860 |
McKown | Charles | 1852 |
McKown | Elizabeth | 1869 |
McKown | John | 1862 |
McKown | Rebecca | 1866 |
McKown | William | 1864 |
McKuen | Joseph | 1850 |
McKuen | Joseph | |
McKuliffe | Timothy | 1852 |
McKune | Elizabeth | |
McKune | Margaret | |
McKune | Minnie | 1867 |
McKune | Stephen H. | 1843 |
McKune alias McKeon | Patrick | 1877 |
McLachlan | Isabella | |
McLain | Joseph | |
McLane | Frank | 1858 |
McLane | Henry | 1824 |
McLane | John | 1842 |
McLane | John | 1847 |
McLane | Joseph | 1820s-30s |
McLane | Mary Ann | 1816 |
McLane | Thomas | 1820s-30s |
McLane | William | 1851 |
McLane | William | 1852 |
McLane | William | |
McLaren | James | |
McLaren | Jennette | 1834 |
McLaren | John | |
McLaren | Margaret | |
McLaren | Robert A. | |
McLarney | Francis | 1853 |
McLarney | Francis | |
McLarney | John | |
McLarney | Joseph | |
McLarty | Nathaniel | |
McLarty | Sarah | |
McLarty | William | |
McLarty | William H. | |
McLau | Margaret | |
McLau | Martha | |
McLau | William | |
McLaughlen | James | |
McLaughlen | John | |
McLaughlen | Peter | |
McLaughlen or McLaughlin | Robert | |
McLaughlin | Alexander | 1866 |
McLaughlin | Andrew | 1864 |
McLaughlin | Anna | |
McLaughlin | Benjamin | 1876 |
McLaughlin | Catherine | 1821 |
McLaughlin | Cornelius | 1809 |
McLaughlin | Daniel | 1829 |
McLaughlin | Edward | 1811 |
McLaughlin | Eliza | |
McLaughlin | Eliza | 1855 |
McLaughlin | Ella | 1872 |
McLaughlin | Ellen | |
McLaughlin | George | 1860s-early 1870s |
McLaughlin | Howard | 1904 |
McLaughlin | James | 1853 |
McLaughlin | James | 1846 |
McLaughlin | James | 1863 |
McLaughlin | James | 1867 |
McLaughlin | James | 1868 |
McLaughlin | James | |
McLaughlin | John | 1833 |
McLaughlin | John | 1846 |
McLaughlin | John | 1855 |
McLaughlin | John | 1861 |
McLaughlin | John | 1868 |
McLaughlin | John | |
McLaughlin | Joseph | 1860s |
McLaughlin | Joseph | |
McLaughlin | Kate | 1851 |
McLaughlin | Kate | |
McLaughlin | Luke | 1884 |
McLaughlin | Martin | 1862 |
McLaughlin | Mary | 1929 |
McLaughlin | Mary | |
McLaughlin | Mary Ann | |
McLaughlin | Michael | 1915 |
McLaughlin | Patrick | 1829 |
McLaughlin | Patrick | 1862 |
McLaughlin | Percy | |
McLaughlin | Phillip | 1813 |
McLaughlin | Phillip | 1861 |
McLaughlin | Raymond | 1905 |
McLaughlin | Robert | 1894 |
McLaughlin | Rose | 1849 |
McLaughlin | Russell | |
McLaughlin | Thomas | 1847 |
McLaughlin | Thomas | 1853 |
McLaughlin | Thomas | 1862 |
McLaughlin | Thomas | 1882 |
McLaughlin | Thomas | |
McLaughlin | William | 1866 |
McLaughlin | William | |
McLaughlin | John | 1815 |
McLaughlin or McCloughlin | Louise | 1880 |
McLaughlin or McCloughlin | Maud or Maude | 1877 |
McLaughlin or McLoughlin | Maggie | 1866 |
McLawrie | William H. | 1851 |
McLawrie | William H. | |
McLean | Alexander | 1865 |
McLean | Daniel | 1873 |
McLean | James | 1859 |
McLean | Jeffrey D. | |
McLean | John | 1880 |
McLean | John Joseph | 1900 |
McLean | Margaret | |
McLean | Martha | |
McLean | William | 1835 |
McLean | William | 1860s |
McLean | William | |
McLean (Lane) | William | |
McLean [or McAlear?] | Henry | 1861 |
McLean alias Dennis Shine | John | 1835 |
McLearney | Michael | 1820s-30s |
McLeary | Peter | |
McLellan alias McClaughan | James | 1826 |
McLelland | William | 1820 |
McLenachan | Harrison S. | |
McLeod | Duncan | 1890 |
McLeod | Edward | |
McLeod | Jessie | |
McLeod | John | 1874 |
McLeod | John | |
McLeod | John E. | |
McLeod | Norman | |
McLeod | Samuel W. | |
Mclerken | Mary | |
McLevy | Peter | |
McLoud | Norman | |
McLoud | Samuel W. | |
McLoughan | Honore | |
McLoughlin | Anna | |
McLoughlin | Anna | 1850 |
McLoughlin | Anne | 1837 |
McLoughlin | Arthur | 1908 |
McLoughlin | Catharine | 1827 |
McLoughlin | Charles | |
McLoughlin | Cornelius | 1836 |
McLoughlin | Cornelius | |
McLoughlin | Ellen | 1849 |
McLoughlin | Ellen | 1840 |
McLoughlin | Ellen | |
McLoughlin | Francis | 1853 |
McLoughlin | Henora | |
McLoughlin | Honora | |
McLoughlin | Hugh | 1840 |
McLoughlin | Hugh | 1838 |
McLoughlin | James | 1850 |
McLoughlin | James | 1851 |
McLoughlin | James | 1852 |
McLoughlin | James | 1854 |
McLoughlin | James | 1873 |
McLoughlin | James | 1891 |
McLoughlin | James | |
McLoughlin | James H. | 1855 |
McLoughlin | James H. | |
McLoughlin | Jeremiah | |
McLoughlin | John | 1843 |
McLoughlin | John | 1851 |
McLoughlin | John | 1859 |
McLoughlin | John | 1871 |
McLoughlin | John | 1869 |
McLoughlin | John | |
McLoughlin | John | |
McLoughlin | John S. | |
McLoughlin | Martin | 1850 |
McLoughlin | Martin | 1848 |
McLoughlin | Martin | |
McLoughlin | Mary | 1850 |
McLoughlin | Mathew | |
McLoughlin | Michael | 1847 |
McLoughlin | Patrick | 1855 |
McLoughlin | Patrick | |
McLoughlin | Peter | 1855 |
McLoughlin | Robert | 1851 |
McLoughlin | Robert | |
McLoughlin | Sarah A. | 1835 |
McLoughlin | Thomas | 1852 |
McLoughlin | Thomas | 1844 |
McLoughlin | Thomas | 1854 |
McLoughlin | Thomas | |
McLoughlin | Timothy | 1842 |
McLoughlin | William | 1850 |
McLoughlin | William | 1853 |
McLoughlin | William | |
McLoughlin | William T. | 1854 |
McLoughlin | William T. | |
McLoughlin or McLaughlin | Charles | 1840 |
McLoughlin or McLaughlin | James | |
McLoughlin or McLaughlin | Jeremiah | |
McLouglin | John | 1867 |
McLure | Alfred | |
McLuskey | Esther | |
McLuty | Ervin | 1927 |
McLuty | Kenneth W. | 1928 |
McMacken | John | 1855 |
McMackin | John | |
McMadden | Michael | |
McMahan | Catharine | 1835 |
McMahan | Charles | |
McMahan | John | 1833 |
McMahan | John, Jr. | |
McMahan | Mary | 1863 |
McMahan | Patrick | 1832 |
McMahan | Patrick | 1849 |
McMahan | William | |
McMahen | John | 1858 |
McMahen | Michael | 1859 |
McMaher or McMahon | John | 1824 |
McMahon | Anna | 1848 |
McMahon | Anna | |
McMahon | Annie | |
McMahon | Bernard | 1912 |
McMahon | Charles | 1831 |
McMahon | Charles | |
McMahon | Edmund | 1869 |
McMahon | Edmund | |
McMahon | Edward | 2767 |
McMahon | Edward alias Andrew | 1866 |
McMahon | Edwin | 1927 |
McMahon | Ellen | 1845 |
McMahon | Ellen | 1846 |
McMahon | Frank | 1872 |
McMahon | Frank | 1886 |
McMahon | Frank | |
McMahon | Frederick | |
McMahon | George | |
McMahon | Harriet | 1838 |
McMahon | Hugh | |
McMahon | Isabella | |
McMahon | Isabella aka Bella | |
McMahon | James | 1842 |
McMahon | James | 1869 |
McMahon | Jane | |
McMahon | Jennie | 1881 |
McMahon | John | 1833 |
McMahon | John | 1852 |
McMahon | John | 1859 |
McMahon | John | 1869 |
McMahon | John | 1868 |
McMahon | John | 1913 |
McMahon | John | |
McMahon | John, Jr. | |
McMahon | Joseph | |
McMahon | Maggie | 1867 |
McMahon | Martin | 1882 |
McMahon | Mary | 1845 |
McMahon | Mary | 1860 |
McMahon | Mary | |
McMahon | Mary Ann | 1851 |
McMahon | Mary Ann | |
McMahon | Mathew | 1863 |
McMahon | Michael | 1827 |
McMahon | Michael | 1865 |
McMahon | Michael | 1870 |
McMahon | Michael | 1919 |
McMahon | Owen | 1849 |
McMahon | Owen | 1849 |
McMahon | Owen | |
McMahon | Patrick | 1874 |
McMahon | Robert G. | |
McMahon | Susan | 1849 |
McMahon | Susan | |
McMahon | Thomas | 1852 |
McMahon | Thomas | 1881 |
McMahon | Thomas | |
McMahon | Thomas alias John | 1867 |
McMahon | Thomas H. | |
McMahon | William | 1871 |
McMahon | William | 1875 |
McMahon | William | |
McMahon | William J. | |
McMahon alias Kelly | Thomas | 1900 |
McMaken or McMaker? | John | |
McMakin | John | |
McMalley | Annie | |
McManamee | Ann | 1842 |
McManey | James | 1831 |
McMann | Frank | 1862 |
McMann | Isabella | 1867 |
McMann | John | 1850 |
McMann | John | |
McMann | Mary | 1854 |
McMann | Mary | |
McMann | Mary A. | |
McMann | Michael | 1831 |
McMann | Michael | |
McMann | Michele | |
McMann | Patrick | 1849 |
McMann alias McCann | James | 1861 |
McManney | Francis | |
McMannis or McMannus | Felix | |
McMannus | Catharine | 1837 |
McMannus | Catharine | 1847 |
McMannus | Catharine | |
McMannus | Charles | 1847 |
McMannus | Ellen | 1850 |
McMannus | Ellen | |
McMannus | Francis | 1852 |
McMannus | Francis | 1852 |
McMannus | Francis | |
McMannus | James | 1848 |
McMannus | James | 1843 |
McMannus | James | |
McMannus | John | 1834 |
McMannus | Nicholas | 1820 |
McMannus | William | 1845 |
McManomy | William | |
McManoney | William | |
McManony? | William | |
McManscle | Arthur | |
McManus | Andrew | 1875 |
McManus | Annie | |
McManus | Barney | 1875 |
McManus | Catharine | 1829 |
McManus | Catherine | 1850 |
McManus | Catherine | |
McManus | Charles | |
McManus | Charles E. | |
McManus | Ellen | |
McManus | Felix | |
McManus | Francis | 1852 |
McManus | Francis | 1852 |
McManus | Francis | |
McManus | Howard | |
McManus | Hugh | 1863 |
McManus | James | 1863 |
McManus | James | 1867 |
McManus | James | 1874 |
McManus | James | |
McManus | James H. | 1852 |
McManus | James H. | |
McManus | John | 1837 |
McManus | John | 1854 |
McManus | John | 1860 |
McManus | John | 1861 |
McManus | John | |
McManus | John C. | |
McManus | Joseph | |
McManus | Otto | 1896 |
McManus | Phillip | 1850 |
McManus | Thomas | 1846 |
McManus | Thomas | 1852 |
McManus | William | 1881 |
McManus | William | |
McManus | William Patrick | 1820s-30s |
McManus | Felix | 1857 |
McManus | Francis | 1851 |
McManus | John | 1855 |
McManus alias Smith | James | 1865 |
McMaster | John | 1848 |
McMasters | David | 1848 |
McMasters | David | |
McMasters | John | 1848 |
McMasters | John | |
McMasters | Samuel J. | 1851 |
McMasters | Samuel J. | |
McMaus | William | |
McMehan | Mary | 1840 |
McMellen | James L. | |
McMemony or McMenomy | John | |
McMenamen [?] | Michael | 1866 |
McMenomy | Daniel | 1817 |
McMenomy | John | |
McMenomy | William | |
McMichaels | Alexander | 1846 |
McMillam | William | |
McMillam or McWilliam? | William | |
McMillan | Alexander | |
McMillan | Harry | |
McMillan | James | |
McMillan | Walter | 1852 |
McMillan | Walter | 1869 |
McMillan | Walter | |
McMillan | William | |
McMillan | William W. | |
McMillan alias Hoyt | Alexander | |
McMillen | John | |
McMillin | Henry | 1833 |
McMillin | Thomas | 1830 |
McMillon | William | |
McMulkin | Patrick | 1857 |
McMullen | Bartholomew | |
McMullen | Edward | |
McMullen | Ellen | 1857 |
McMullen | Hugh | |
McMullen | Isabella | 1828 |
McMullen | James | 1846 |
McMullen | James | 1860 |
McMullen | James | 1901 |
McMullen | John | 1820s-30s |
McMullen | John | 1846 |
McMullen | John F. | |
McMullen | Joseph | 1857 |
McMullen | Joseph | |
McMullen | Joseph H. | |
McMullen | Julia | 1847 |
McMullen | Julia | |
McMullen | Michael | |
McMullen | Robert | 1915 |
McMullen | Robert | |
McMullen | Rosie | |
McMullen | William | 1901 |
McMullen | William | |
McMullen | William H. | 1867 |
McMullen | William J. | |
McMullen alias McKenney | Alexander | 1822 |
McMurray | Albert | |
McMurray | Amanda | |
McMurray | David | |
McMurray | George | 1813 |
McMurray | Lillian | |
McMurray | Nettie | |
McNab | Frederick A. | |
McNab | James | 1851 |
McNab | Thomas | 1870 |
McNabb | David | 1880 |
McNabb | Thomas | 1825 |
McNair | George | 1898 |
McNair | John | |
McNair | William | |
McNalley | Catherine | |
McNalley | Joseph | 1852 |
McNallie | Annie | |
McNally | Catherine | |
McNally | Edward | 1902 |
McNally | Elizabeth | 1848 |
McNally | Elizabeth | |
McNally | Frank | 1874 |
McNally | James | 1812 |
McNally | James | 1821 |
McNally | James | 1895 |
McNally | James | 1904 |
McNally | John | 1820s-30s |
McNally | John | 1846 |
McNally | Margaret | 1848 |
McNally | Mary | |
McNally | Mary Ann | |
McNally | Matthew J. | 1888 |
McNally | Michael | 1848 |
McNally | Michael | 1858 |
McNally | Owen | 1852 |
McNally | Stephen | |
McNally | Thomas | |
McNally | Walter | 1905 |
McNally | William | 1860 |
McNally | William | 1880 |
McNally | William | |
McNally alias Francis J. Kelly | Edmond | 1907 |
McNamara | Andrew | 1878 |
McNamara | Anna | 1861 |
McNamara | Daniel | |
McNamara | Daniel | 1851 |
McNamara | Daniel | |
McNamara | Francis | |
McNamara | Garrett | 1856 |
McNamara | George | 1868 |
McNamara | George | 1869 |
McNamara | Godfrey | 1871 |
McNamara | Henry | 1885 |
McNamara | James | 1870 |
McNamara | James | 1896 |
McNamara | James | |
McNamara | James (1) | 1849 |
McNamara | James (1) | |
McNamara | James (2) | 1851 |
McNamara | James (2) | |
McNamara | James Edward | 1899 |
McNamara | James Matthew, III | 1925 |
McNamara | Jeremiah | 1851 |
McNamara | Jeremiah | 1852 |
McNamara | Jeremiah | |
McNamara | John | 1823 |
McNamara | John | 1891 |
McNamara | Joseph | 1851 |
McNamara | Joseph | 1851 |
McNamara | Joseph | 1848 |
McNamara | Joseph | 1857 |
McNamara | Joseph | |
McNamara | Loren | |
McNamara | Mabel Dimond | 1896 |
McNamara | Mary | 1845 |
McNamara | Mary | 1858 |
McNamara | Michael | 1855 |
McNamara | Michael | 1880 |
McNamara | Patrick | 1870 |
McNamara | Thomas | 1898 |
McNamara | Thomas | 1900 |
McNamara | Vincent P. | 1901 |
McNamara | William | 1850 |
McNamara | William | 1854 |
McNamara | William | 1820s-30s |
McNamara | William | 1858 |
McNamara | William | 1891 |
McNamara | William | |
McNamara | William J. | 1849 |
McNamara | William J. | |
McNamara | William | 1875 |
McNamara aka Hollaran | Thomas | 1866 |
McNamay | James | 1857 |
McNaMay | James | |
McNaMay | John | |
McNaMay | Margaret | |
McNamay | Margaret J. | 1849 |
McNamay | Margaret J. | |
McNamay | Mary | 1856 |
McNaMay | Mary | |
McNamay | Robert | 1851 |
McNamay | Robert | |
McNamee | Bridget | 1838 |
McNamee | Charles | 1841 |
McNamee | Ellen | 1847 |
McNamee | Francis | 1839 |
McNamee | Hugh | 1844 |
McNamee | James | 1836 |
McNamee | James | 1850 |
McNamee | James | |
McNamee | John | 1844 |
McNamee | John | 1847 |
McNamee | Margaret alias Maggie | |
McNamee | Mary | |
McNamee | Mary Ann | 1842 |
McNamee | Robert | |
McNary | Michael | |
McNaughton | David A. | |
McNaughton | Francis | 1861 |
McNaughton | Joseph R. | |
McNaughton | Margaret | |
McNaughton | Margaret J. | |
McNaughton | William G. | |
McNeal | Elizabeth | 1851 |
McNeal | Joseph W. | 1876 |
McNeal | Peter | 1855 |
McNeal | Randall | 1879 |
McNeary | Michael | 1848 |
McNeelan | John | 1867 |
McNeeny | Gerard F. | 1855 |
McNeff | Rosanna | |
McNeil | David | 1866 |
McNeil | George | 1865 |
McNeil | James | 1866 |
McNeil | John | 1869 |
McNeil | Joseph | 1850 |
McNeil | Joseph | |
McNeil | Walter | |
McNeil | Walter | 1861 |
McNeill | George | |
McNeill | Godfrey | |
McNeill | John | 1841 |
McNeill | William | |
McNeish | Patrick | 1885 |
McNelius | William | 1874 |
McNenny | William | 1843 |
McNeone [or McNeive or McNeove?] | Francis | 1853 |
McNermy | Patrick | 1852 |
McNerney | Joseph | |
McNerney | William | |
McNerny | Joseph | |
McNerny | William | |
McNesh aka McNish | David | 1806 |
McNey | Alfred | |
McNey | William | |
McNichol | Andrew | 1861 |
McNichol | Daniel Lincoln | 1905 |
McNichol | Walter | 1916 |
McNicholl | Alexander | 1826 |
McNichols | Patrick | 1860 |
McNiece | John | |
McNiese | John | |
McNiff | David | 1882 |
McNiff | James alias James Joseph | 1899 |
McNiff alias James Gallagher | Thomas | 1849 |
McNight | John | Late 1840s-early 50s |
McNinney | Catharine | |
McNinney | Catherine | |
McNinney | James | |
McNinney | Mary E. | |
McNinney or McVinney? | Mary E. | |
McNish | Robert | |
McNorton | Robert | 1846 |
McNullty | James | 1849 |
McNully | James | |
McNulty | Annie | 1878 |
McNulty | Annie | |
McNulty | Barney | |
McNulty | Edward | 1819 |
McNulty | Frank | 1880 |
McNulty | James | 1850 |
McNulty | James | 1847 |
McNulty | James | 1862 |
McNulty | James | |
McNulty | James F. | 1879 |
McNulty | Jerome | |
McNulty | John | 1852 |
McNulty | John | 1863 |
McNulty | John | |
McNulty | Louisa | |
McNulty | Peter | 1865 |
McNulty | Roger | 1837 |
McNulty | Thomas | |
McNulty | William | 1853 |
McNulty | William | 1855 |
McNulty | William | 1851 |
McNulty | William | 1852 |
McNulty | William | |
McNulty | John | 1863 |
McNulty aka Corminurch [Marona?] | Thomas | 1876 |
McNulty aka Mack | William | 1855 |
McNulty aka McNally | Francis | 1860 |
McOrliffe | Owen | 1845 |
McOrn | Martha | 1849 |
McOrn | Mary | 1849 |
McParthen alias Lavelle | James | 1848 |
McPartland | James | 1884 |
McPartland | James | 1886 |
McPartland | John | 1882 |
McPartland | Joseph | 1887 |
McPartland | Margaret | 1884 |
McPeck | James | 1865 |
McPeck | John | 1863 |
McPeck | Joseph | 1867 |
McPhail | James | 1882 |
McPhelan | Elizabeth | 1846 |
McPhelan | Elizabeth | |
McPherson | Carrie | |
McPherson | Donald | 1860 |
McPherson | Duncan | |
McPherson | Duncan T. | |
McPherson | Frances | |
McPherson | Hugh | 1822 |
McPherson | James A. | 1822 |
McPherson | John | 1877 |
McPherson | Robert | |
McPherson | Robert N. | |
McPherson | Thomas | 1871 |
McPherson | William | 1852 |
McPherson | William | 1818 |
McPherson | William | |
McPherson | William K. | |
McPherson | William K. | |
McPhie aka McPhee | Ruby | 1922 |
McPhillips | Edward | 1852 |
McPhillips | Edward | 1852 |
McPhillips | Edward | |
McPhillips | James | 1867 |
McPhillips | Joseph | 1911 |
McPhirson or McPherson? | Duncan | |
McPolan | Richard | 1853 |
McQuabe | Patrick | |
McQuabe or McQuade? | Patrick | |
McQuade | Annie or Hannah? | |
McQuade | Augustus | |
McQuade | Edward | 1893 |
McQuade | Edward | 1901 |
McQuade | Hannah or Annie? | |
McQuade | Hugh | |
McQuade | James | 1828 |
McQuade | James | 1850 |
McQuade | James | 1853 |
McQuade | James | 1851 |
McQuade | James | 1867 |
McQuade | James | 1896 |
McQuade | James | |
McQuade | John | 1851 |
McQuade | John | 1851 |
McQuade | John | |
McQuade | Maria | 1857 |
McQuade | Maria | |
McQuade | Mary | 1824 |
McQuade | Mary | 1824 |
McQuade | Patrick | |
McQuade | Peter | 1814 |
McQuade | Terrence | 1850 |
McQuade | Thomas | 1851 |
McQuade | Thomas | |
McQuade | Watson | 1862 |
McQuay | James | 1848 |
McQueen | Archibald | |
McQueen | Thomas | |
McQueen or Quiner | Catharine | 1826 |
McQueeny | Anna | 1853 |
McQuillan | James | 1851 |
McQuillan | James | |
McQuillan | Josephine | |
McQuillan | Thomas | 1868 |
McQuillan | William | |
McQuillan | William A. | |
McQuillen | James | |
McQuillen | Josephine | |
McQuillen | William A. | |
McQuillian or McQuinlan | William H. | 1864 |
McQuillon | William | 1878 |
McQuinn | John | 1851 |
McQuinn | John | |
McQuinn | Thomas | |
McQuinney | William | 1841 |
McQuire | John | 1865 |
McQuirk | Franklin | 1850 |
McRae | Edward | 1918 |
McRean | Susan | 1848 |
McRuliffe | Timothy | |
McRuliffe | Timothy | |
McSarley | Patrick | 1845 |
McSauley | James Robert | 1851 |
McSauley | James Robert | |
McSawley | James | |
McSawley | James R. | |
McSawley | Owen | 1845 |
McSawley | Owen | |
McSerley | Ann | 1835 |
McShane | Arthur | 1896 |
McShane | Hugh | 1850 |
McShane | Hugh | |
McShane | John | 1870 |
McShane | John | 1872 |
McShane | Joseph | 1846 |
McShane | Joseph | |
McShane | Lawrence | 1848 |
McShane | Lawrence | |
McSharry | Neil | 1847 |
McSharry | Neil | |
McSharry | Niel | |
McShary | Neil | |
McSherry | Daniel | |
McSherry | Edward | 1868 |
McSherry | James | |
McSherry | Joseph | |
McSherry | Katie | |
McSmith | Charles C. | |
McSorely | Michael | 1860s |
McSorley | Charles | 1850 |
McSorley | Charles | 1855 |
McSorley | James | 1865 |
McSorley | John | 1833 |
McSorley | Mary A. | 1858 |
McSorley | Mary S. | 1839 |
McSorley alias John McManus | James | 1850 |
McSorley alias McCerran | Henry | 1867 |
McStay | William | 1884 |
McSweeney | Tinena | 1863 |
McSweeny | John | 1860 |
McSweeny | Mary Ann | 1830 |
McTaffy | Delia | 1858 |
McTaggart | Michael | 1837 |
McTaggart | Patrick | |
McTague | Francis | |
McTate | Elizabeth | 1854 |
McTavey | Lawrence | 1869 |
McTernan | Thomas | 1897 |
McTiernan | James | 1862 |
McTiernan | Rose | 1863 |
McVay | John | 1849 |
McVay | John | 1826 |
McVay | John | |
McVay | William | 1853 |
McVay | William | |
McVeagh | Francis | |
McVeagh | George | |
McVeatty | Justice | 1868 |
McVeigh | August | |
McVeigh | Bernard | |
McVeigh | Patrick | 1901 |
McVey | John | |
McVey | John | 1849 |
McVey | John | 1859 |
McVey | John | |
McVey | William | 1854 |
McVicker | Peter | 1880 |
McVittie | Warren H. | 1869 |
McVitty | Alexander | |
McVitty | William | 1882 |
McWade | Roger | 1822 |
McWhorter | John | 1817 |
McWilliams | Robert | 2897 |
McWilliams | Thomas | 1850 |
McWilliams Schneider or Snyder | John | 1867 |
Mead | Abraham M. F. | 1854 |
Mead | Abraham M. F. | |
Mead | Charles | 1834 |
Mead | Edward | |
Mead | Emma | 1880 |
Mead | F. W. | |
Mead | Frank | 1852 |
Mead | Frank | |
Mead | Franklin A. | 1851 |
Mead | Franklin A. | |
Mead | Freaderick | |
Mead | Frederick | |
Mead | Frederick A. | |
Mead | Gilbert | 1836 |
Mead | Harry | 1884 |
Mead | James | 1842 |
Mead | John | 1851 |
Mead | John | |
Mead | John A. | 1812 |
Mead | John J. | |
Mead | John James | |
Mead | Julia F. | 1839 |
Mead | Michael | |
Mead | Patrick | |
Mead | Peter | 1878 |
Mead | Richard | 1846 |
Mead | Thomas | |
Mead | William | 1838 |
Mead | William | |
Mead | William H. | 1819 |
Meade | Abram | |
Meade | Anna Marie | 1938 |
Meade | Aram F. | |
Meade | Dorothy | 1917 |
Meade | Fred | |
Meade | Frederick W. | |
Meade | Harold | 1914 |
Meade | Helen | 1918 |
Meade | John | 1869 |
Meade | John | 1870 |
Meade | Patrick | |
Meade | William | 1914 |
Meade | William Charles | 1913 |
Meade (mother’s maiden surname) | Mary Ann | 1935 |
Meade or Mead | Fred A. | |
Meader | Charles | |
Meadon | Alice | |
Meadow | Alice | |
Meadows | William | |
Meadowsky alias Meadow | Reuben | 1909 |
Meagan | Charles | 1852 |
Meagher | James | 1820s-30s |
Meagher | James | |
Meagher | Jane | |
Meahan or Meehan? | James | |
Mealer | Edward | 1856 |
Mealing | Albert | |
Mealing | Albert M. | |
Mealins | William | |
Mealio | Frederick | |
Mealio | Luke | |
Mealy | James | 1860s-early 1870s |
Mearer | George | 1866 |
Meares | George R. | |
Meares | William N. | |
Mearns | Franklin | 1854 |
Mearns | James Colwell | 1858 |
Mearns | John | 1848 |
Mearns | Thomas | 1852 |
Mearns | William | 1850 |
Mears | Eliza | 1814 |
Mears | Ernest | |
Mears | William N. | |
Mearshamer | Louis | |
Mearsheimer | Louis | |
Meartinez | Alfred | |
Mecca | Joseph | 1899 |
Mecca | Joseph | 1898 |
Mecca | Joseph | |
Mecca | Leo | 1899 |
Mecca | Nicholas | 1898 |
Mecca alias Costa | Joseph | 1901 |
Mechanic | Nathan | 1898 |
Mechie | Mike | 1887 |
Mechla | Frederick | |
Medanick | James | 1856 |
Medeuil | Edward | 1893 |
Medina | Daniel | 1941 |
Medina | Victor M. | 1935 |
Medis? | John | |
Medlar | James | 1815 |
Medlar | John | 1821 |
Medlar | William | 1807 |
Medler | James | 1903 |
Medler | William | 1897 |
Medley or Madley | Walter | 1867 |
Medofsky | Isaac | |
Mee | John Dykes | 1907 |
Mee | Lawrence O. | 1911 |
Mee | Lawrence Otis | 1911 |
Meedle | Herman | 1848 |
Meehan | Bridget | 1847 |
Meehan | Bryan | 1820s-30s |
Meehan | Charles | 1829 |
Meehan | Charles | 1866 |
Meehan | Daniel | 1856 |
Meehan | Edward | 1860 |
Meehan | Frances | |
Meehan | Francis | 1850 |
Meehan | Francis | 1850 |
Meehan | Francis | 1850 |
Meehan | Francis | |
Meehan | George | 1820s-30s |
Meehan | George | 1869 |
Meehan | Hugh | 1852 |
Meehan | James | 1831 |
Meehan | James | 1827 |
Meehan | James | 1853 |
Meehan | James | 1858 |
Meehan | James | 1863 |
Meehan | James | 1893 |
Meehan | James | |
Meehan | John | 1839 |
Meehan | John | 1854 |
Meehan | John | 1870 |
Meehan | John | 1876 |
Meehan | John | 1886 |
Meehan | John | |
Meehan | Linda Louise | 1942 |
Meehan | Mary Ann | 1853 |
Meehan | Mary Ann | 1867 |
Meehan | Michael | 1855 |
Meehan | Michael | 1849 |
Meehan | Michael | |
Meehan | Owen | |
Meehan | Patrick | 1854 |
Meehan | Patrick | 1874 |
Meehan | Patrick | |
Meehan | Peter | 1852 |
Meehan | Terrence | 1865 |
Meehan | Thomas | 1856 |
Meehan | Thomas | 1882 |
Meehan | Thomas | 1910 |
Meehan | Thomas | |
Meehan | William | |
Meehan | William D. | 1860s |
Meehan | John | 1851 |
Meehan alias Conroy | Joseph | 1872 |
Meehan alias O’Meeley | Patrick | 1851 |
Meehan alias Walsh alias John Smith | Patrick | 1888 |
Meeher | William | 1861 |
Meehla | Frederick | |
Meehler | Frederick | |
Meek | Seth | 1866 |
Meekel | Amelia | |
Meeker | James | |
Meeker | Susan | |
Meeker | Susan E. | 1849 |
Meeker | Susan E. | |
Meeks | Charles | |
Meeks | Charles F. | |
Meeks | John | 1818 |
Meeks | Thomas | 1820 |
Meeks | William | 1316 |
Meenan | Charles | 1898 |
Meenen | William | 1868 |
Meers | James | |
Mees | Adam | |
Megan | William | 1832 |
Megerlin | Emil | |
Megerlin? | Emil | |
Megge or Mregge? | George | |
Meggins? | Emma | |
Meggs | Catherine M. | 1853 |
Meggs | Frederick | |
Megguier | Charles F. | |
Megill | Edward | 1867 |
Mehan | James | 1870 |
Mehan | John | |
Mehan | Louisa | |
Mehan | Mary Ann | 1837 |
Mehan | Owen | |
Mehan | Thomas N. | |
Mehan | William | 1861 |
Mehan | William | |
Mehde | Charles | |
Mehegan | Daniel | |
Mehegan | Ellen | 1833 |
Mehegen alias Hennesey | Mary | 1829 |
Mehitarian | Souren | |
Mehl | Amelia | |
Mehl | Elizabeth | |
Mehl | Lewis | 1849 |
Mehl | Michael, Jr. | |
Mehlin | Eliza | |
Mehlin | Elizabeth | |
Mehrbach | Harris | |
Mehrback | Harris | |
Mehrman | William | 1882 |
Mehte | Christian | |
Mehte | Herman | |
Mehte | John | |
Mehte | William | 1871 |
Mehte | William, Jr. | |
Meiceda alias Seely alias McCuler | Joseph | 1853 |
Meier | Caroline | |
Meier | Fridt, Jr. | 1879 |
Meier | George | |
Meier | Henry | |
Meier | John H. | |
Meier | Louis | |
Meier | William | |
Meierdiercks | Miriam Edna | 1937 |
Meierhofer | Ignatius | |
Meigan | Michael | 1837 |
Meighan | John | 1886 |
Meighan | Thaddeus | |
Meigles | Samuel | 1895 |
Meigs | Louis | |
Meill | Otto | |
Meill | William | |
Meinecke | Otto | |
Meinecke | Waldemar | |
Meinhold | Jesse | |
Meinweiser | Charles | 1897 |
Meinz | Sigmund | |
Meio | Charles | 1892 |
Meise | Annie | 1868 |
Meise | Mary | 1865 |
Meisel | Harry | |
Meisel | Hyman | 1890 |
Meisel | Samuel | 1889 |
Meiselman | Harry | |
Meisensall | Frederick | |
Meisenthal | Frank | |
Meisenzahl | Frank | |
Meiser | Abraham | 1882 |
Meiser | Harry | 1892 |
Meiser | William J. | 1867 |
Meiser aka Meise | William [J.?] | 1870 |
Meisinger | Louis | 1884 |
Meisner | Frederick | |
Meissinger | Adam | 1850 |
Meissmer | Julius | 1833 |
Meissmer | Pauline | 1835 |
Meissner | Frederick | |
Meissner | George | 1902 |
Meister | Anton | |
Meister | Joseph | 1852 |
Meister | Max | 1885 |
Meixruer? | Frank, Jr. | |
Mekre | Henry | |
Melahn | Charles | |
Melahn | Charles, Jr. | |
Melany | John | |
Melay | Jack | 1913 |
Melcer alias William Davis | David | 1862 |
Melconian | Aaron | |
Melconian | Azny | 1892 |
Melconian | John | |
Melconian | Louize | 1894 |
Meldram | Frederick | |
Meleck | Keumegande | 1860 |
Melesky | Otto | 1884 |
Melfi | Nicola | |
Melhus? | George | |
Melia | Harry | 1901 |
Melia | John | 1861 |
Melia | John aka Edward | 1865 |
Melia | Michael | 1860 |
Melichio | Oraz | 1899 |
Meling | Norman | 1929 |
Meling | Robert | 1932 |
Melinski aka Meyers | Davis | 1865 |
Melio | Luke | |
Melito | Frank | 1899 |
Melius | Cecilia C. | 1861 |
Melius | Edwin alias Edward | 1909 |
Melkonian | Hamayag | |
Melkov | Michael | 1897 |
Mell | Joseph | |
Mell | Kate | 1881 |
Mellaney alias Margaret [Lavin?] | Elizabeth | 1828 |
Melleg | Patrick | |
Mellegan | John | |
Mellen | Henry | 1846 |
Mellen | Susan | 1850 |
Mellen | Susan | |
Meller | Robert | |
Melleville | John | |
Mellile | Samuel | |
Mellman | Frances E. | 1852 |
Mellman | Frances E. | |
Mellody | Mary | 1848 |
Mellon | Hugh | |
Mellon | James | 1904 |
Mellow | George | |
Melloy | John | 1832 |
Mellville | Frank, Jr. | |
Melman | Frances E. | |
Melms | George | |
Melock | John | 1913 |
Melotti | Maria | |
Meltscher | Wolff | |
Last Name | First Name | Year of Birth (Approx.) |
Meltz | Albertina A. | |
Meltz | Ida P. | |
Meltz | Ida Pauline | |
Meltzer | Moses | |
Melvar | John | 1849 |
Melvar | John | |
Melvil | Richard | 1821 |
Melville | Charles | |
Melville | David | |
Melville | Harold | |
Melville | James | 1850 |
Melville | James | |
Melville | John | |
Melville | Lillian | |
Melville | Marion | |
Melville | Robert | |
Melvin | Charles | |
Melvin | Edward | 1860 |
Melvin | John | |
Melvin | Mary E. | 1855 |
Melvy | Thomas | |
Melzer | Israel | |
Melzer | Rachel | 1888 |
Memecek | John | |
Memoli | Adolph | 1886 |
Menachetti alias Minachetti | Anthony | 1909 |
Mendall | Albert | |
Mende | Henry | |
Mende | William | |
Mendel | Annie | |
Mendel | Benjamin | |
Mendel | Max | |
Mendel | Moses | |
Mendel | Samuel | |
Mendel | William | |
Mendel aka Miller | Philip | 1897 |
Mendell | Albert | 1876 |
Mendell | Albert | |
Mendelsohn | Eugene | 1882 |
Mendelson | Benjamin | 1892 |
Mendelson | Samuel | |
Mendes | David | |
Mendez | Alphonse A. | |
Mendez | George | |
Mendicino | Joseph | 1881 |
Mendicino | Joseph | |
Mending | John | |
Mendles | Daris or Davis? | |
Mendoza | Anna R. | |
Mendoza | Jane E. | |
Mendres alias John Brown | J. B. | 1885 |
Menelby? | Walter | |
Meng | Iriving A. | |
Mengeloz | Harris | |
Menger | Jacob | |
Menger | Otto | 1873 |
Menges | Adolph | |
Menges | Edward | |
Menges | Henry | 1874 |
Menges | Louis | |
Mengies? | John R. | |
Mengoloz | Harris | |
Menins | Dexter | |
Menius | Dexter | 1854 |
Menius | Dexter | |
Menius alias Mingus | Dexter | |
Menkes | Louis | |
Menks alias Harry Goldstein | Louis | |
Menlovitch | Oser | |
Mennel | Augusta | 1882 |
Menninger | Frederick | |
Mennona | Joseph | |
Mensch | Reuben | 1878 |
Mensch | Reuben | |
Menshon | William | 1873 |
Mensing | Walter | |
Mentle | Joseph | 1911 |
Mento | Rinaldo | 1850 |
Mento | Rinaldo | |
Mentola | Rosalino | |
Mentz | Abram | |
Mentz | William | |
Mentzell | Chloe Anne | 1844 |
Menuley or Menerley? | Walter | |
Meny | Edward | 1868 |
Menz | Adolph | |
Menza | Carlo | 1916 |
Menzer | Charles | |
Menzie | Michael | Late 1840s-mid 50s |
Menzies | James | |
Menzies | John J. | |
Menzies | John R. | |
Meola | Braggis | |
Meola | Harry | 1890 |
Meploh | Henry | |
Meploh? | Henry | |
Meppen | Joseph | |
Mercado | John | 1938 |
Mercaldo | Joseph | 1902 |
Mercantonio | Salvatore | 1890 |
Mercer | Allen | |
Mercer | George | 1850 |
Mercer | George | 1850 |
Mercer | George | |
Mercer | George | 1849 |
Mercer | James | 1854 |
Mercer | James | 1854 |
Mercer | James | |
Mercer | Mary | 1812 |
Mercer | Reginald | 1897 |
Merchant | James | 1842 |
Merchant | William | 1914 |
Mercier | Lewis | 1854 |
Merckle | Frank | |
Mercurio | Michele | |
Mercurrio | John | 1900 |
Merdith | Peter J. | 1856 |
Meredith | Gerard | |
Meredith | Girard | |
Meredy | Mary Elizabeth | 1852 |
Meredy | Mary Jane | 1850 |
Merenus | George | 1866 |
Merganlander | Nathan | |
Mergel | Emil | 1897 |
Mergel | Henry, Jr. | |
Mergel | John | 1907 |
Mergescik | John | |
Merhige | Joseph | |
Merhige | Lydia | |
Merhige | Nabiha | |
Merhla or Mechla? | Frederick | |
Merideth | Robert | 1837 |
Merin | David | 1885 |
Merina | Mary J. | |
Merina | Mary Julia | 1853 |
Merina | Mary Julia | |
Merinaccio | Albert | 1894 |
Meritt | John | |
Merke | Charles | |
Merkel | Amelia | |
Merkel | Emil | |
Merkel | George | 1880 |
Merkel | John, Jr. | 1882 |
Merkel or Merkle | Amelia | |
Merker | Alfred | |
Merker | Charles | |
Merkle | Alford | 1887 |
Merkle | Alfred | |
Merkle | Augustus | 1891 |
Merkle | Charles | |
Merkle | Fred | 1894 |
Merkle | Jane | |
Merkle | Jennie | |
Merkle | Jennie alias Jane | |
Merkle | Joseph | 1895 |
Merkle | Joseph | |
Merkle | Joseph, Jr. | |
Merkle | Robert | |
Merkle | William | |
Merkter [or Merkler?] | Frederick | 1865 |
Merli | Constant | |
Merlino | Tony | |
Mermillod | Joseph | 1862 |
Mermond | Francis | |
Mermond? | Francis | |
Mero | Roland | |
Merrele | Michele | |
Merrele | Rocco | |
Merrell | George | |
Merrell | William | |
Merriam | Edward B. | 1828 |
Merriam | Edward G. | |
Merrical or Marrical | Wilbur | 1900 |
Merrifield | Emma Loretta | 1852 |
Merrifield | Sarah Elizabeth | 1857 |
Merrifield | Walter | 1855 |
Merrifield | William | 1853 |
Merrifield | William | 1854 |
Merrigan alias John Murphy | Frank | |
Merrill | Charles | |
Merrill | Etta I. | 1856 |
Merrill | George | |
Merrill | John | 1916 |
Merrill | Lucy | |
Merriman | Michael | |
Merringer | Mary | 1851 |
Merrit | Melden | 1852 |
Merritt | Almira | 1856 |
Merritt | Christopher | |
Merritt | Clarence | 1910 |
Merritt | Edwin | 1868 |
Merritt | Fritz | |
Merritt | Harrison W. | |
Merritt | Herbert | 1908 |
Merritt | James | 1882 |
Merritt | James | |
Merritt | James B. | 1855 |
Merritt | James B. | |
Merritt | John | 1862 |
Merritt | John | 1886 |
Merritt | Joseph | |
Merritt | Lewis | 1826 |
Merritt | Lizzie | 1860s-early 1870s |
Merritt | Marquis | 1856 |
Merritt | Marquis | |
Merritt | Mary E. | |
Merritt | William | 1916 |
Merritt | William | 1884 |
Merritt | William H. | 1849 |
Merritt | William H. | |
Merritt | William J. | |
Merron | Michael | 1875 |
Merry | Cornelius | 1834 |
Merry | Harry | |
Merry | Isaac J. | |
Merry | James | 1904 |
Merry | John | |
Merry | Patrick | 1901 |
Merseire | Louis | 1848 |
Merserole | Henry S. | |
Merserole | Henry S. | |
Merserole | William M. | |
Mershim | Styman | |
Mertan | William | |
Merten | Harry | |
Merten | Henry | |
Merteus | Johanna | |
Merton | Anna A. | |
Merton aka Gardner (surnames of foster parents) | Bligh | 1884 |
Merttan | William | |
Mertz | Charles | 1897 |
Mertz | Peter | |
Mertz (alias Beck?) | Peter | |
Merwin | John | 1819 |
Merz | Adolph | |
Merz | Albert alias Alfred | |
Merz | Anton, Jr. | |
Merz | Christian | |
Merz | Katie | |
Merz | Paul | 1884 |
Merz | Rudolph | 1878 |
Merz | William | |
Meserole | William M. | 1845 |
Mesiano | Frank | 1916 |
Meslin | Guido | 1851 |
Meslin | Guido | |
Messager | Peter | 1860 |
Messano | Angelo | 1913 |
Messel | Otto | |
Messelhauser | August | |
Messelhouser | August | |
Messen | John | 1851 |
Messener or Missener | William | 1818 |
Messenger | Alice | |
Messenger | Evelyn | 1915 |
Messenger | Harry R. | |
Messenger | Peter | 1854 |
Messenzehl alias George Messenger | Edward | 1885 |
Messer | Arthur | 1888 |
Messer | George, Jr. | 1867 |
Messer | Lewis | 1892 |
Messer | Peter | 1865 |
Messer | Theodore | 1850 |
Messera | Dominic | 1914 |
Messerean | George F. | 1857 |
Messerle | Emilie | |
Messerole | Henry | |
Messerole | William M. | |
Messerschmit | George | |
Messerschmitt | George | |
Messersmith | George | 1854 |
Messersmith | Walter | |
Messersmith | Walter | |
Messersmith alias Smith | George | |
Messert | Frederick | |
Messier | Wilfred | 1901 |
Messil | Otto | |
Messina | Charles | |
Messina | Frank | |
Messina | George | |
Messina | George | 1852 |
Messina | Joseph | 1916 |
Messina | Louis | 1895 |
Messina | Maria | |
Messina | Rose | 1858 |
Messina | Rose | |
Messina | Vincent | 1904 |
Messina or Mepina | Amelia | 1860 |
Messino | Dominick | 1918 |
Messler | Jane | |
Messloh | Henry | |
Messner aka Mosner | Frederick | 1868 |
Messola | Maria | |
Mest | David | 1860 |
Mestler | Arthur | 1898 |
Mesuda | Joseph | 1900 |
Metaglia | Annie | |
Metalgia | Peter | 1883 |
Metallia | Domenico | |
Metcalf | Anthony | 1835 |
Metcalf | Edward | 1851 |
Metcalf | George | 1864 |
Metcalf | Nicholas | 1849 |
Metl | Frank | |
Metler | Augustus | 1848 |
Metoske | John | 1903 |
Mett | Frank | |
Metz | Carrie | |
Metz | Charles | 1853 |
Metz | Christina | 1862 |
Metz | Christina | |
Metz | Donald A. | 1914 |
Metz | Frank | |
Metz | John | |
Metz | Joseph | 1879 |
Metz | Julius | 1875 |
Metz | Julius | |
Metz | Philip | |
Metz | Robert | |
Metz | Roy | 1916 |
Metz | Tillie | |
Metz | Henry | 1856 |
Metz alias Henry Martin | Norman | 1908 |
Metzelaar | Peter | |
Metzer | Jacob | 1876 |
Metzer | Lena | 1849 |
Metzger | August | |
Metzger | Edmund | 1879 |
Metzger | George | |
Metzger | Henry | |
Metzger | Herman | |
Metzger | Jeremiah | |
Metzger | John | 1864 |
Metzger | John | |
Metzger | Lewis F. | 1836 |
Metzger | Peter | |
Metzger | Philip | |
Metzler | Harry | |
Metzlute | John | |
Metzner | Otto | 1858 |
Metzner | Otto | |
Metzner | Robert | |
Meurel alias Pepper | Joseph | 1862 |
Meurer | Edgar | 1886 |
Meyer | Abraham | |
Meyer | Albert E. | |
Meyer | Amelia | |
Meyer | Andrew | |
Meyer | Annie | 1882 |
Meyer | Annie | |
Meyer | Anton | |
Meyer | Armand | 1885 |
Meyer | Arthur | 1918 |
Meyer | Arthur | |
Meyer | Benjamin | 1867 |
Meyer | Bernhardina | 1878 |
Meyer | Charles | |
Meyer | Charles August | 1875 |
Meyer | Christian | |
Meyer | Christopher | |
Meyer | Clara | 1856 |
Meyer | Clara | |
Meyer | Conrad, Jr. | |
Meyer | David | |
Meyer | Dora | |
Meyer | Earl | 1910 |
Meyer | Edward | |
Meyer | Emil | 1881 |
Meyer | Emily | |
Meyer | Francis | |
Meyer | Francis alias Frank | |
Meyer | Frank | 1869 |
Meyer | Frank | 1888 |
Meyer | Frank | |
Meyer | Fred | |
Meyer | Frederick | 1878 |
Meyer | Frederick | 1889 |
Meyer | Frederick | |
Meyer | Frederick A. | |
Meyer | Frederick W. | |
Meyer | George | 1878 |
Meyer | George | |
Meyer | George N. | |
Meyer | George, Jr. | |
Meyer | Grover | |
Meyer | Gustave | |
Meyer | Henry | 1869 |
Meyer | Henry | |
Meyer | Herman | |
Meyer | Isaac | 1858 |
Meyer | Johanna | |
Meyer | John | 1841 |
Meyer | John | 1876 |
Meyer | John | |
Meyer | John A. | |
Meyer | John A., Jr. | |
Meyer | John Nicholas | 1871 |
Meyer | Joseph | |
Meyer | Joseph H. | 1855 |
Meyer | Joseph H. | |
Meyer | Josephine | |
Meyer | Julius | |
Meyer | Katie | |
Meyer | Leonora | |
Meyer | Leonora? | |
Meyer | Leroy | 1909 |
Meyer | Lillian | |
Meyer | Louis | |
Meyer | Louisa | |
Meyer | Manuel | |
Meyer | Mary E. | |
Meyer | Matilda | 1863 |
Meyer | May | |
Meyer | Mina | |
Meyer | Minnie | |
Meyer | Otto | |
Meyer | Pauline | |
Meyer | Robert | 1861 |
Meyer | Robert | |
Meyer | Robert, Jr. | |
Meyer | Samuel | |
Meyer | Sarah | |
Meyer | Theodore | 1883 |
Meyer | Walter | 1880 |
Meyer | Wiliam | |
Meyer | William | |
Meyer | William Frederick or Frederick William | 1873 |
Meyer | William H. | |
Meyer | Samuel | 1870 |
Meyer | John | 1884 |
Meyer aka Mackey | John | 1901 |
Meyer aka Mayer | Frederick | 1857 |
Meyer alias Sam Carter | Benjamin | 1883 |
Meyer alias Wunder | Otto | |
Meyer or Meyers | Annie | |
Meyer or Meyers | Anton | |
Meyerhoffer | Carrie | 1882 |
Meyers | Aaron | |
Meyers | Abraham | 1813 |
Meyers | Alfred | |
Meyers | Arthur | |
Meyers | Benjamin | |
Meyers | Bernard | 1902 |
Meyers | Charles | 1862 |
Meyers | Charles | |
Meyers | Daniel | 1871 |
Meyers | Edna | |
Meyers | Edward | 1857 |
Meyers | Edward | |
Meyers | Edwin | |
Meyers | Emanuel | |
Meyers | Emily | |
Meyers | Emma | |
Meyers | Frank | 1862 |
Meyers | Frank | |
Meyers | Frederick | 1881 |
Meyers | Frederick | |
Meyers | George | 1856 |
Meyers | George | |
Meyers | Gustave | 1864 |
Meyers | Gustave | |
Meyers | Harry | 1864 |
Meyers | Henry | |
Meyers | Herbert | 1883 |
Meyers | Howard | |
Meyers | Isaac | 1879 |
Meyers | Jacob H. | 1856 |
Meyers | Jennie | |
Meyers | John | 1882 |
Meyers | John | |
Meyers | John W. | |
Meyers | Joseph | 1865 |
Meyers | Lawrence | 1871 |
Meyers | Lawrence | |
Meyers | Lewis | 1849 |
Meyers | Lewis | |
Meyers | Louis | 1856 |
Meyers | Mamie | 1885 |
Meyers | Mark | |
Meyers | Mary | |
Meyers | Mena | |
Meyers | Mina | |
Meyers | Minnie | |
Meyers | Morris | |
Meyers | Moses | |
Meyers | Paulene | |
Meyers | Paulina | |
Meyers | Pauline | |
Meyers | Philip | |
Meyers | Raphael | |
Meyers | Robert | |
Meyers | Samuel | 1883 |
Meyers | Samuel | |
Meyers | Urban | 1909 |
Meyers | William | 1906 |
Meyers | William | 1858 |
Meyers | William | |
Meyers alias Mexger | Mary A. | |
Meyers alias Miles alias Poueper | Robert | 1875 |
Meyers or Myers? | Emma | |
Meyers or Myers? | George | |
Meyers or Myers? | Minnie alias Mary | |
Meyers? | Louis | |
Meynberg | Charles | 1863 |
Meyres | George | |
Meyres | Gustave | |
Meyrowitz | Charles | 1893 |
Meyrowitz | Samuel | 1892 |
Meyrs | John W. | |
Mezger | Annie | |
Mezger | Ernest | |
Mezguite | Peter | |
Mezzacapa | Annie | |
Mezzacapa | Frank | |
Mezzacapa | Joseph | |
Miano alias Miamo | Philip | 1903 |
Mibbins? | Shirrell? | |
Micca | John | 1904 |
Miccia | Vincent | 1895 |
Micele | Antonio | 1880 |
Micelli | Caspar | 1889 |
Micelli | Frank | 1894 |
Michael | Barney | |
Michael | Charles | |
Michael | Gustave | |
Michael | John | 1849 |
Michael | Louis | 1869 |
Michael | Nathan | 1853 |
Michael | Nathan | |
Michael | William | |
Michael alias James Tighe | Thomas | 1837 |
Michaelbeck | Anthony | |
Michaelfelder | August | |
Michaelfelder | Helena | |
Michaels | Charles | |
Michaels | Christian | 1859 |
Michaels | Christian | |
Michaels | Cora | |
Michaels | Frank | 1934 |
Michaels | Herman | 1850 |
Michaels | Herman | |
Michaels | Hermann | |
Michaels | John G. | 1850 |
Michaels | John G. | |
Michaels | Joseph | 1874 |
Michaels | Richard | 1856 |
Michaels | Robert | 1936 |
Michaels | Robert | 1936 |
Michaels | Rossanna | 1842 |
Michaels | William | 1849 |
Michaels | William | |
Michaels alias Prince | William | 1885 |
Michaelson | Charles | 1877 |
Michaelson | Graham | |
Michalski | Antone | 1893 |
Michalski | Walter | 1899 |
Michel | Charles | |
Michel | Frederick | |
Michel | George | |
Michel | Gustave | |
Michel | Joseph | 1909 |
Michel | Josephine | |
Michel | Rose | |
Michel | William | |
Michelbeck | Adam | |
Michelbeck | Anthony | |
Michele | Annie | |
Michele | Casper | |
Michelin | Louis F. | |
Michell | Catharine | 1840 |
Michell alias James Tighe | Thomas | 1839 |
Michels | Charles | |
Michels | Christian | |
Michelson | Morris | 1871 |
Michenfelder | Eric | |
Michert? | Joseph | |
Michet | Josephine | |
Michet? | Josephine | |
Michkofsy | Harry | |
Miciocia | Michael | 1897 |
Mickel | Casper | 1872 |
Mickey | Amelia | 1871 |
Mickle | Daniel | |
Mickle | Daniel | 1850 |
Mickle | Daniel | |
Mickle | Ephraim | 1874 |
Mickle | George | 1897 |
Mickler | Dean or Daniel | |
Middleberg | Harry | 1899 |
Middlebrook | Martha | |
Middlekamp | Adolph | |
Middlekamp | August | |
Middlekamp | August or Adolph? | |
Middlemore | Joseph | |
Middlesdorf | William | 1873 |
Middlestead | Ernest | 1852 |
Middlestead | Ernest | |
Middletom? | Caroline | |
Middleton | Caroline | |
Middleton | Edward | 1842 |
Middleton | Frances | |
Middleton | George | 2918 |
Middleton | Henry | |
Middleton | Louis | 1894 |
Middleton | Mary A. | 1860 |
Middleton | Robert | |
Middleton | Robert, Jr. | |
Middleton | Stephen | |
Middleton | Steven, Jr. | |
Middleton | Walter | 1897 |
Middleton | William | 1854 |
Middleton | William | |
Midget | George | 1878 |
Midmer | Sarah | 1827 |
Midmore | Peter | 1834 |
Midnik | Pasa | 1883 |
Midola | Pasquale | 1904 |
Miebel | William | |
Mieister | Anton | |
Mienikus? | Georgiana | |
Mierkins or Murkins? | Henry | |
Miersch | Adam | 1876 |
Mierzewski or Miezejewski | Adam | 1907 |
Mies | Charles | |
Miessel | Otto | 1880 |
Migdolovitz | Abraham | 1885 |
Migendly | James | |
Migendly alias Thomas Gray | James | |
Miggins | Emma | |
Miggins | Joseph | |
Miggins | Mary | |
Miggins | Thomas | 1851 |
Miggins | Thomas | |
Migindley | James | |
Migliorino | Peter | 1902 |
Miglori alias Migliore | Andrew | 1913 |
Mignone | Joseph | 1918 |
Mihalko | Mike | 1914 |
Mihoky | Charles | |
Mika (stepfather’s surname) | Adam | 1897 |
Mike | George | 1850 |
Mike | George | |
Mike | James | |
Mikens | William | |
Miklasz | Joseph | 1915 |
Mikolajko | Peter | 1915 |
Mikolojczak | Benedict | 1901 |
Milan | Charles | |
Milander | Julius | |
Milanese | Arthur | |
Milano | Anthony | |
Milano | Charles | |
Milano | Joseph | 1902 |
Milano | Joseph | |
Milano | Mary | |
Milard | Corydon | |
Milaski alias Miner | Richard | 1912 |
Milazzo | Frank | 1894 |
Milazzo | Marietta | |
Milazzo | Vincenza | |
Milburn | Caroline | 1838 |
Milcent | Emil | |
Milcent | Emile | |
Milde | Ernest | |
Miles | Alfred | 1846 |
Miles | Allsworth R. | |
Miles | Andrew | |
Miles | Anna | |
Miles | Charlotte A. | |
Miles | Edward | 1868 |
Miles | Emma | |
Miles | Moses | 1823 |
Miles | Ollie | 1904 |
Miles | Paul N. | 1936 |
Miles | Paul N. | 1936 |
Miles | Thomas | 1914 |
Miles | William | |
Miles | William E. | |
Miles alias French or Frenchy | Albert | 1915 |
Miles alias Mills | Francis | 1898 |
Milet | Patrick | 1836 |
Miley | Frank | 1909 |
Miley | Miles | 1850 |
Miley | Miles | |
Miley | Owen | 1863 |
Miley alias Malley | James alias Walter | 1865 |
Milgren | Meyer | 1889 |
Milhaver | Charles, Jr. | |
Milhaver | Michael | |
Miliante | Salvatore | 1910 |
Milicer | Sebastian | |
Miliri | Frank | |
Miliri | Joseph | |
Militello alias Milletillo | Joseph | 1900 |
Milki | Adla | |
Milki | Katie | |
Milkman | George W. | 1859 |
Milkonian | Hamayag | |
Millage | Joel | 1872 |
Millaner | Charles | 1867 |
Millantz | Albert | |
Millantz | Arpart | |
Millantz | Charles | |
Millantz | William | |
Millar (assumed surname) | Mary Ann | 1854 |
Millard | Corydon, Jr. | |
Millard | John G. | 1860 |
Millay | Robert | 1820s-30s |
Millberger alias Willberger | Charles | 1851 |
Millberger alias Willberger | Charles | |
Millburn | Walter | |
Mille or Miele | Anthony | 1916 |
Milleken | Mary A. | |
Milleken | Mathew | |
Milleken | Sarah J. | |
Miller | Adam | 1848 |
Miller | Adam | |
Miller | Adaue or Adane? | |
Miller | Adolph | |
Miller | Adolph, Jr. | |
Miller | Albert | 1896 |
Miller | Albert | |
Miller | Albert | 1819 |
Miller | Albert C. | |
Miller | Alexander | |
Miller | Almeda | 1841 |
Miller | Alois | |
Miller | Alva | 1848 |
Miller | Alva | |
Miller | Alvah | |
Miller | Amile | 1854 |
Miller | Amile | |
Miller | Andrew | 1874 |
Miller | Andrew | 1848 |
Miller | Andrew | |
Miller | Angus | 1840 |
Miller | Annie | |
Miller | Annie L. | 1864 |
Miller | Antoinetta | |
Miller | Antoinette | |
Miller | Arthur | 1914 |
Miller | Arthur | |
Miller | Arthur R. | |
Miller | August | 1850 |
Miller | August | 1874 |
Miller | August | 1900 |
Miller | August | |
Miller | Augustus | 1854 |
Miller | Barbara | |
Miller | Benjamin | 1892 |
Miller | Benjamin | 1898 |
Miller | Benjamin | |
Miller | Bertha | |
Miller | Carle | 1820s-30s |
Miller | Carrie or Caroline | 1877 |
Miller | Catharine | 1847 |
Miller | Catharine E. | 1851 |
Miller | Catharine E. | |
Miller | Catherine | 1879 |
Miller | Catherine Ann | 1819 |
Miller | Celestine | 1843 |
Miller | Charles | 1852 |
Miller | Charles | 1824 |
Miller | Charles | 1850 |
Miller | Charles | 1851 |
Miller | Charles | 1855 |
Miller | Charles | 1872 |
Miller | Charles | 1878 |
Miller | Charles | 1875 |
Miller | Charles | 1914 |
Miller | Charles | |
Miller | Charles E. | 1860s |
Miller | Charles Edward | 1886 |
Miller | Charles H. | |
Miller | Charles J. | 1867 |
Miller | Charles J. | 1867 |
Miller | Charles J. | |
Miller | Charles W. | |
Miller | Charles, Jr. | |
Miller | Chester | 1914 |
Miller | Christina | |
Miller | Christopher | 1872 |
Miller | Clara | |
Miller | Cornelius | 1915 |
Miller | David | 1851 |
Miller | David | 1870 |
Miller | David | 1881 |
Miller | David | 1916 |
Miller | David | |
Miller | David H. | |
Miller | David, Jr. | |
Miller | Davis | 1885 |
Miller | Delia | 1849 |
Miller | Delia | |
Miller | Delia | |
Miller | Dena | |
Miller | Diana | |
Miller | Dwight | 1849 |
Miller | Edith | 1893 |
Miller | Edward | 1851 |
Miller | Edward | 1886 |
Miller | Edward | 1908 |
Miller | Edward | |
Miller | Edward alias Christopher alias August | |
Miller | Edward Christopher alias August | 1849 |
Miller | Edwin | |
Miller | Eleanor M. | |
Miller | Eleanora | |
Miller | Eleanora M. | |
Miller | Ella | 1881 |
Miller | Ella | |
Miller | Emeline | |
Miller | Emma | 1867 |
Miller | Emma | |
Miller | Emma G. | |
Miller | Emma L. | 1866 |
Miller | Emmeline | |
Miller | Ernest | 1892 |
Miller | Ernest | |
Miller | Esau | 1873 |
Miller | Esther R. | |
Miller | Evelina | 1875 |
Miller | Fanny or Fannie | 1865 |
Miller | Forest | 1915 |
Miller | Francesca | |
Miller | Francis | 1882 |
Miller | Francis | |
Miller | Francisca | |
Miller | Frank | 1905 |
Miller | Frank | |
Miller | Frank B. | 1893 |
Miller | Frankie | 1912 |
Miller | Fred | 1904 |
Miller | Frederick | 1861 |
Miller | Frederick | 1883 |
Miller | Frederick | 1887 |
Miller | Frederick | |
Miller | Frederick C. | 1867 |
Miller | Frederick, Jr. | |
Miller | Frieda | |
Miller | George | 1854 |
Miller | George | 1856 |
Miller | George | 1840 |
Miller | George | 1839 |
Miller | George | 1843 |
Miller | George | 1865 |
Miller | George | 1881 |
Miller | George | 1885 |
Miller | George | 1889 |
Miller | George | 1913 |
Miller | George | |
Miller | George | 1843 |
Miller | George A. | 1842 |
Miller | George A. | |
Miller | George Charles alias Charles | |
Miller | George S. | |
Miller | George W. | |
Miller | Grace | 1890 |
Miller | Grace | 1869 |
Miller | Guido | |
Miller | Gustave | |
Miller | Gustavus | |
Miller | Harry | 1882 |
Miller | Harry | 1870 |
Miller | Harry | 1894 |
Miller | Harry | 1900 |
Miller | Harry | 1912 |
Miller | Harry | |
Miller | Henry | 1847 |
Miller | Henry | 1822 |
Miller | Henry | 1852 |
Miller | Henry | 1853 |
Miller | Henry | 1865 |
Miller | Henry | 1872 |
Miller | Henry | 1866 |
Miller | Henry | 1878 |
Miller | Henry | 1887 |
Miller | Henry | |
Miller | Henry A. | |
Miller | Herbert or Herbulo? | |
Miller | Heyman | |
Miller | Hugh | 1897 |
Miller | Ida | |
Miller | Irving | 1916 |
Miller | Isabella | 1876 |
Miller | Isadore | 1897 |
Miller | Isaiah | 1852 |
Miller | Isidor | |
Miller | Izzie | 2887 |
Miller | Jacob | 1853 |
Miller | Jacob | 1853 |
Miller | Jacob | 1841 |
Miller | Jacob | 1855 |
Miller | Jacob | 1851 |
Miller | Jacob | 1857 |
Miller | Jacob | 1880 |
Miller | Jacob | 1891 |
Miller | Jacob | |
Miller | James | 1840 |
Miller | James | 1867 |
Miller | James | 1914 |
Miller | James | |
Miller | James A. | 1855 |
Miller | James A. | |
Miller | James E. | |
Miller | James H. | 1848 |
Miller | Jeremiah | 1828 |
Miller | Jesse | 1866 |
Miller | John | 1874 |
Miller | John | 1856 |
Miller | John | 1813 |
Miller | John | 1816 |
Miller | John | 1815 |
Miller | John | 1832 |
Miller | John | 1832 |
Miller | John | 1834 |
Miller | John | 1842 |
Miller | John | 1844 |
Miller | John | 1848 |
Miller | John | 1847 |
Miller | John | 1851 |
Miller | John | 1856 |
Miller | John | 1856 |
Miller | John | 1859 |
Miller | John | 1871 |
Miller | John | 1886 |
Miller | John | 1886 |
Miller | John | 1906 |
Miller | John | |
Miller | John | |
Miller | John H. | 1848 |
Miller | John H. | |
Miller | John T. | |
Miller | John W. | |
Miller | John, III | 1819 |
Miller | Joseph | 1843 |
Miller | Joseph | 1850 |
Miller | Joseph | 1853 |
Miller | Joseph | 1860s |
Miller | Joseph | 1865 |
Miller | Joseph | 1868 |
Miller | Joseph | 1876 |
Miller | Joseph | 1891 |
Miller | Joseph | |
Miller | Joseph A. | |
Miller | Joseph F. | 1904 |
Miller | Joseph H. | |
Miller | Josephine | 1848 |
Miller | Josephine | 1872 |
Miller | Joshua | 1829 |
Miller | Julia | 1855 |
Miller | Julia Agnes | 1892 |
Miller | Julius M. | |
Miller | Kate | 1884 |
Miller | Kate | |
Miller | Katie | |
Miller | Lauretta C. | |
Miller | Lena | 1870 |
Miller | Lena | |
Miller | Leo E. | |
Miller | Leo. E. | |
Miller | Lewis | |
Miller | Lillie | 1864 |
Miller | Lizzie | 1872 |
Miller | Lizzie | |
Miller | Lizzie A. | |
Miller | Louis | 1882 |
Miller | Louis | 1889 |
Miller | Louis | 1905 |
Miller | Louis | |
Miller | Louisa | 1844 |
Miller | Louisa | 1886 |
Miller | Louisa | |
Miller | Louiza | |
Miller | Louiza | |
Miller | Luke | |
Miller | Mabel | |
Miller | Magdalena | |
Miller | Magnus | |
Miller | Margaret | |
Miller | Margaret alias Maggie | |
Miller | Martha | 1867 |
Miller | Martha | |
Miller | Martin | 1842 |
Miller | Martin | 1850 |
Miller | Martin | 1865 |
Miller | Martin | 1881 |
Miller | Mary | 1847 |
Miller | Mary | 1820s-30s |
Miller | Mary | 1846 |
Miller | Mary | 1853 |
Miller | Mary | 1857 |
Miller | Mary | |
Miller | Mary A. | 1850 |
Miller | Mary A. | |
Miller | Mary Jane | 1859 |
Miller | Matilda | |
Miller | Max | 1846 |
Miller | Max | 1898 |
Miller | Max | |
Miller | Michael | 1863 |
Miller | Michael | 1867 |
Miller | Michael | |
Miller | Minnie | |
Miller | Monte | 1893 |
Miller | Morris | 1894 |
Miller | Nicholas | 1820 |
Miller | Oliver | 1828 |
Miller | Otto | 1890 |
Miller | Otto | |
Miller | Otto, Jr. | |
Miller | Paul | |
Miller | Peter | 1857 |
Miller | Peter | |
Miller | Peter H. | 1840 |
Miller | Philip | 1860 |
Miller | Philip | |
Miller | Philip, Jr. | |
Miller | Phillip | 1854 |
Miller | Phillip | 1852 |
Miller | Phillip | |
Miller | Raymond | 1914 |
Miller | Rebecca | |
Miller | Robert | 1850 |
Miller | Robert | 1859 |
Miller | Robert | 1861 |
Miller | Robert | |
Miller | Rose | |
Miller | Rose aka Rosey | 1886 |
Miller | Rudolph | |
Miller | Rudolph alias Charles | |
Miller | Russell | 1899 |
Miller | Samuel | 1817 |
Miller | Samuel | 1839 |
Miller | Samuel | 1862 |
Miller | Samuel | |
Miller | Samuel W. | |
Miller | Sarah | 1861 |
Miller | Sarah | |
Miller | Smith | 1869 |
Miller | Smith, Jr. | |
Miller | Sophia | 1839 |
Miller | Sophie | 1869 |
Miller | Squire | 1823 |
Miller | Stanley | |
Miller | Stephen | 1882 |
Miller | Teresa | |
Miller | Theodore | 1896 |
Miller | Theodore | |
Miller | Theresa C. | 1852 |
Miller | Theresa C. | |
Miller | Thomas | 1844 |
Miller | Thomas | 1847 |
Miller | Thomas | 1863 |
Miller | Thomas | 1860s-early 1870s |
Miller | Thomas | 1883 |
Miller | Thomas | |
Miller | Thomas H. | |
Miller | Uretta Ann | 1849 |
Miller | Valentine | 1905 |
Miller | Virgil | 1856 |
Miller | Walter | |
Miller | Walter C. | |
Miller | Walter F. | 1886 |
Miller | Walter H. | 1856 |
Miller | Walter H. | |
Miller | Washington A. | |
Miller | West | 1916 |
Miller | William | 1847 |
Miller | William | 1828 |
Miller | William | 1853 |
Miller | William | 1850 |
Miller | William | 1861 |
Miller | William | 1862 |
Miller | William | 1870 |
Miller | William | 1869 |
Miller | William | 1874 |
Miller | William | 1878 |
Miller | William | 1885 |
Miller | William | |
Miller | William | 1887 |
Miller | William | 1900 |
Miller | William | 1902 |
Miller | William | 1906 |
Miller | William | 1911 |
Miller | William | |
Miller | William G. | 1875 |
Miller | William H. | 1851 |
Miller | William H. | |
Miller | William S. | |
Miller | Willis | 1910 |
Miller | Charles alias Herman | 1898 |
Miller | John Sharp | 1831 |
Miller | Joseph | 1897 |
Miller | Caroline | 1833 |
Miller [Muller] | Lucy | |
Miller aka Goetz | Max | 1871 |
Miller aka Maher | Augustus | 1877 |
Miller aka Mickel | John | 1862 |
Miller aka Miler | Walter | 1852 |
Miller aka Obermiller | Robert | 1881 |
Miller alias Alfred Robins | Hyman | 1917 |
Miller alias Hoffman | John | 1864 |
Miller alias King | John | 1833 |
Miller alias Longlots | William | |
Miller alias Longlots | William | |
Miller alias Lucy Lowe | Delia | 1850 |
Miller alias Mark Levy | John | 1864 |
Miller alias Meller | Steve | 1899 |
Miller alias Moritz Matzner | Alexander | 1854 |
Miller alias Paul (Belmetti?) | Powles | |
Miller alias Romanowski | Joseph | 1898 |
Miller alias Thomas Gray | Charles | |
Miller alias Wiegand | John | |
Miller or Millar | Richard Wallack | 1858 |
Millett | Kenneth | |
Millett | Samuel | 1841 |
Millett aka Mylett | Thomas | 1875 |
Millett alias Hughes | Mary | 1876 |
Millheaver | Michael | |
Milligan | John | |
Milligan | John C. | |
Milligan | John Charles | 1852 |
Milligan | Robert J. | |
Milligan | Thomas | 1913 |
Milligan | Thomas | |
Milligan | Thomas S. | |
Milligan alias Arnold | William | 1814 |
Milligan alias James McDonald | John | 1810 |
Milliken | Edward | |
Milliken | Mary A. | |
Milliken | Mary Ann | |
Milliken | Mathew | |
Milliken | Matthew | |
Milliken | Samuel | |
Milliken | Sarah J. | |
Milliken | Sarah Jane | |
Millikin | Edward | 1861 |
Milliman | William | 1877 |
Millimore | Michael | 1852 |
Milling | John | |
Millis | William J. | 1818 |
Millis or Millus | Robert | 1824 |
Millmore | John | 1859 |
Millmore | Joseph | |
Mills | Alanson H. | 1821 |
Mills | Alexander | 1848 |
Mills | Charles | 1853 |
Mills | Charles | 1853 |
Mills | Charles | 1867 |
Mills | Charles | |
Mills | Charles H. | |
Mills | Charles N. | |
Mills | Chester | 1893 |
Mills | Clara | |
Mills | Clarence | 1896 |
Mills | David | 1851 |
Mills | David | |
Mills | Eliza J. | |
Mills | Elkana [P.?] | 1820 |
Mills | Ellen | 1854 |
Mills | Emma | |
Mills | Florence E. | |
Mills | George | 1848 |
Mills | George | 1848 |
Mills | George | |
Mills | Georgiana | 1852 |
Mills | Halsey | 1856 |
Mills | Herbert | 1896 |
Mills | James | |
Mills | James E. | |
Mills | Jane | 1832 |
Mills | John, Jr. | 1828 |
Mills | Joseph | |
Mills | Margaret Anna | 1857 |
Mills | Margaret Anna | |
Mills | Michael | 1838 |
Mills | Nancy J. | 1850 |
Mills | Raleigh | |
Mills | Ralph | 1903 |
Mills | Ralph | |
Mills | Raymond | 1904 |
Mills | Reuben | |
Mills | Robert H. | |
Mills | Samuel | |
Mills | Samuel P. | 1832 |
Mills | Sarah | |
Mills | Theodore Bennett | 1875 |
Mills | Walter | 1911 |
Mills | Walter F. | |
Mills | William | 1815 |
Mills | William | 1876 |
Mills | William | |
Mills | William G. | |
Mills aka Frederick | Virginia Robinson | 1920 |
Mills or Miller? | James (T. or E.?) | |
Millspaugh | Seymour | 1870 |
Millward | Samuel | |
Milmore aka Millmore | Hannah | 1866 |
Milne | Agnes | |
Milne | Annie | |
Milne | Edward | |
Milne | Grace | |
Milne | Jacob | 1878 |
Milne | William | |
Milne | William, Jr. | |
Milo aka Godfroite Milot | Godfrey | 1870 |
Milor | Walter | 1852 |
Milor | Walter | 1853 |
Milor | Walter | |
Milot | Charles H. | |
Milot | Ellen | |
Milot | Harriet | |
Milot | William R. | |
Milott | Charles H. | |
Milott | Charles Henry | 1853 |
Milott | Charles Henry | |
Milott | Ellen Elizabeth | 1850 |
Milott | Ellen Elizabeth | |
Milott | Ellen R. | |
Milott | Harriet A. | |
Milott | Harriet Ann | 1856 |
Milott | Harriet Ann | |
Milott | William R. | |
Milott | William Robert | 1846 |
Milott | William Robert | |
Milree [or Miless?] | Joseph | 1865 |
Milree [or Miless?] | William | 1869 |
Milrose | John | 1823 |
Milter | Benjamin | |
Milton | Frank | 1866 |
Milton | Isaac | 1895 |
Milton | Joseph | 1860 |
Milton | Mitchell | |
Milton | Richard | 1839 |
Miluke | Peter | 1899 |
Milville | John | 1846 |
Milward | James | 1878 |
Milwood alias Munson | Nathan S. | 1837 |
Milz | Harry | 2728 |
Mims | Robert | 1913 |
Minadeo | Antonio | |
Minadeo | Nicholas | |
Minadier | Bertha | 1856 |
Minahon | Michael | |
Minasi | Joseph | 1904 |
Mincenberg | Henry | 1882 |
Mincer | Adolph | |
Mincus | Louis | 1888 |
Mineo | Frank | 1927 |
Miner | Charles | 1855 |
Miner | Charles | |
Miner | David | 1851 |
Miner | David | |
Miner | Herbet J. | 1872 |
Miner | John | |
Miner | Nathaniel | 1828 |
Miner | Oliver | 1868 |
Miner | Ruth Frances | 1897 |
Miner | William | |
Miner | William Henry | 1896 |
Miner Eato | David | 1878 |
Minerley | Theodore | |
Minerly | Edward | |
Minerly | George | |
Minerly | Jesse | 1852 |
Minerly | Ralph | |
Minerly | Theodore | |
Minerly? | Theodore | |
Mines | Mary A. | 1870 |
Mines alias William Nunes | John | 1857 |
Ming | Leonard | |
Mingal | John | |
Mingal | Tony | |
Mingelgreen | Nathan | |
Minges | Wesley John | 1921 |
Mingo | Charles | 1848 |
Mingum | Samuel | 1808 |
Minica | Caroline | |
Minich | Barbara | |
Minich | George | |
Minichello | Joseph | 1917 |
Minichino | Anthony | 1897 |
Minick | John | 1840 |
Minico | Adolph di | |
Minico | Caroline | |
Minico | di Elvira | |
Minico | Elvira di | |
Minicucci | Lena | |
Minicucci | Michele | |
Minicuccio | Lena | |
Minicuccio | Michele | |
Minisman | Jacob | 1875 |
Miniz | Thomas | |
Mink | James F. | 1851 |
Minken | Alfred | |
Minken | Jacob | |
Minkins | Alfred A. | |
Minkowsky | Samuel | |
Minkus | Herman | 2922 |
Minkus | Louis< |